National Repository of Grey Literature 21,358 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.38 seconds. 

Network-wide Security Analysis
de Silva, Hidda Marakkala Gayan Ruchika ; Šafařík,, Jiří (referee) ; Šlapal, Josef (referee) ; Švéda, Miroslav (advisor)
Práce představuje model a metody analýzy vlasností komunikace v počítačových sítích. Model dosažitelnosti koncových prvků v IP sítích je vytvořen na základě konfigurace a síťové topologie a umožňuje ukázat, že vabraný koncový uzel je dosažitelný v dané síťové konfiguraci a stavu.   Prezentovaná práce se skládá ze dvou částí. První část se věnuje modelování sítí, chování směrovaích protokolů a síťové konfiguraci. V rámci modelu sítě byla vytvořena modifikovaná topologická tabulka (MTT), která slouží pro agregaci síťových stavů určených pro následnou analýzu. Pro analýzu byl použit přístup založený na logickém programování, kdy model sítě je převeden do Datalog popisu a vlastnosti jsou ověřovány kladením dotazů nad logickou databází. Přínosy práce spočívají v definici grafu síťových filtrů, modifikované topologické tabulce, redukce stavového prostoru agrgací síťových stavů, modelů aktivního síťového prvku jako filter-transformace komponenty a metoda pro analýzu dosažitelnosti založena na logickém programování a databázích.   

Navigation of mobile robots
Rozman, Jaroslav ; Matoušek,, Václav (referee) ; Šolc, František (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
Mobile robotics has been very discussed and wide spread topic recently.   This due to the development in the computer technology that allows us to create   better and more sophisticated robots. The goal of this effort is to create robots   that will be able to autonomously move in the chosen environment. To achieve this goal,   it is necessary for the robot to create the map of its environment, where   the motion planning will occur. Nowadays, the probabilistic algorithms based   on the SLAM algorithm are considered standard in the mapping in these times.   This Phd. thesis deals with the proposal of the motion planning of the robot with   stereocamera placed on the pan-and-tilt unit. The motion planning is designed with   regard to the use of algorithms, which will look for the significant features   in the pair of the images. With the use of the triangulation the map, or a model will be created.     The benefits of this work can be divided into three parts. In the first one the way   of marking the free area, where the robot will plan its motion, is described. The second part   describes the motion planning of the robot in this free area. It takes into account   the properties of the SLAM algorithm and it tries to plan the exploration in order to create   the most precise map. The motion of the pan-and-tilt unit is described in the third part.   It takes advantage of the fact that the robot can observe places that are in the different   directions than the robot moves. This allows us to observe much bigger space without   losing the information about the precision of the movements.

Network Architecture and Interconnection of Embedded Systems
Trchalík, Roman ; Drábek, Vladimír (referee) ; Srovnal, Vilém (referee) ; Švéda, Miroslav (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the architecture of embedded systems. It summarizes the current state of accepted standards from IEEE 1451 family, which deals with creating an environment for the sensors and their involvement in various networks. These standards describe the open, network-independent communication architecture for a sensor-based system. One of the main outcomes of this work is the architectures presented as case studies, which can be used as design patters for embedded applications. They are demonstrated on ZigBee technology suitable mainly for small devices with very low power consumption. Based on these studies the new design of universal gateway was proposed. Its major advantage is that it allows interconnection of the endpoints based on different sensor network technologies. Additionally, the thesis deals with modifying the routing protocol of ZigBee network in order to reduce power consumption required to transmit one data packet.

Effective using of potential of bilingual environment
The dissertation thesis "How to use the potential of bilingual environment efficiently" endeavors to highlight bad as well as good practices in bilingual upbringing. Bilingualism represents at present a very topical issue. In connection with increasing globalization, the issue of learning of foreign languages is more and more emphasised. People living in mixed marriages have often no idea how to bring their children up. In many cases they take steps that lead to irreversible consequences. The theoretical part of the thesis gives a survey of bilingualism, the division and kinds of bilingualism and ways of its acquisiton. The theory is practically illustrated in the empirical part through various examples. 42 case studies have been carried out, which include characteristic and uncharacteristic respondents. The findings of the research are compared with the facts mentioned in the reference works. The aim of the dissertation thesis is to find out which educational methods should parents follow in bilingual education and which methods they should better avoid.

Identification opportunities for the selected company
FEIKLOVÁ, Michaela
The main aim of this Diploma thesis called "Identification opportunities for the selected company" is to identify the opportunities on market and to provide possible solutions how to use these opportunities. The Diploma thesis is divided into two main parts. First part is a literature overview that should give the reader the basic knowledge and understanding of the topic. Where the information was gained by studying different sources related to the main aim of the thesis. Second part is the analytical part of the thesis. Different analysis has been chosen to support the work. The marketing situation analysis was used and included the analysis of the macroenvironment (the STEP analysis), the microenvironment, market and sales. This analysis was followed by the analysis of part of the external environment (Porter's model of five competitive forces). The last part of the analytical part is focused on the internal analysis. The human resources, finance, sales and products were analysed. The findings from the analytical chapter were used for the final SWOT analysis.

Controlling System and the Competitiveness of a Small Service Company
The bachelor thesis deals with evaluating the current system of controlling and analysing of the competitiveness of a selected small company in the South Bohemian region. The business subject of this company is to provide services in the real estate industry, whose aim is to satisfy its customers. The practical part contains more detailed description of the company, including its history with the present and depicts its management system. The methods used are Porter's five forces model, PEST and SWOT analysis and competition analysis. Porter's five forces model analyses the surrounding environment and examints competitiveness. PEST analysis is a simple and widely used tool that helps you analyse the Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Technological changes in business environment. SWOT analysis deals with the external and internal environment. This theory describes the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen company, and its opportunities and threats. Competition analysis deals with the main competitors of company. The theoretical part applies these method. Finally, I made the proposals which help to increase competitiveness of company.

Business Plan of a Small Enterprise Providing Services
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to develop a business plan for the establishment and the development of small enterprise providing services in the fashion industry. The thesis is divided into two parts the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part involves the basic terminology about business. It defines structure, contents and the principles of building development a business plan too. The practical part is completely prepared business plan for enterprise start-up. It is focused on the market analysis dealing with internal and external environment of the company, such as Porter five forces analysis and analysis of strenghts and weaknesses. Then a financial plan with initial costs, anticipated revenues and from the default operating result follows. The practical part includes opening balance sheet of corporate assets and liabilities. This business plan can eventually serve as a basic for real setting up a business.

The Role of Nurse in the Prevention of Disease of Civilisation
PAVLOVÁ, Martina
The current state Prevention is a complex care of a patient when we are trying to prevent from the occurrence or development of a disease, or when we want to prevent from its consequences and mitigate them. Recommendations for prevention set by a doctor must be on a scientific basis, and they must be a part of all branches of medicine. Their effectiveness depends on the cooperation between patients and medical staff. The basic and most efficient method of prevention is the health promotion and health education, which is closely associated with it. The term health promotion involves a set of activities and precautions for the purpose of making health better and sustaining it. Diseases of civilisation (hereinafter "DoC") are groups of diseases which are distinguished by their association to our lifestyles. Human body is more and more threatened from unfavourable influences of external environment, such as the quality of atmosphere, work environment and environment itself, the lack of physical movement, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The list of diseases of civilisation varies and changes together with our society and the development of our lifestyles. Among the most common or frequent diseases of current time are cardiovascular diseases, which involve atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and obesity. Furthermore, between civilization diseases include diabetes mellitus type 2 or cancer, etc. The goal of the thesis There are two goals set for this paper. The first goal was to find out what the role of a nurse in the prevention of diseases of civilisation was. The second goal was to find out what the above mentioned role of a nurse was from the point of view of patients. Methodology For the purpose of the research part of this thesis, qualitative research using semistructured interviews was carried out. Respondents were divided into two groups; the first one consisted of eight nurses working at internal medicine and neurological department of the hospital in České Budějovice and a nurse working in a private office of a general practitioner for adult patients. The second group consisted of eight patients of the above mentioned health facilities. Results According to our findings, nurses and patients have different oppinions on the role of a nurse. Nurses in disease prevention see themselves as an equivalent to a doctor when undertaking this practice and giving guidance. The patient speaks only to the nurse who emphasized what they were told by the doctor and reiterated the main points. They make available to them leaflets and brochures or Internet resources. In contrast, most patients see a nurse as a more important source of information than the doctor. Patients have the feeling that the doctor does not have enough time or does not want to be botherd with questions. Rather the patient turns to his nurse, which they sees as more appropriate and someone to whom they can confide in without bothering. Summary The goal of the thesis was to focus on prevention, DoC, and the role of a nurse in the prevention of such diseases, as well as to study this issue, look at it from the point of view of patients and nurses via the interviews carried out in this paper, and to analyse such information. Based on this analysis are published recommendations for nurses and patients.

Work in social integration process of adults with intellectual disability.
In my bachelor thesis, I dealt with the use of work activities in the process of social integration of adults with mental disabilities, the aim was to create, implement and evaluate regular work activities intended to a specific group of adults with mental disability and focused primarily on the development of social integration. The thesis is structured into six chapters. The first of them is focused on the definition of mental disability, characteristic of adulthood as an important developmental period in human life, and on adulthood of individuals with mental disabilities with a goal to find and identify the specifics that were needed to be taken into account when working with this target group of people. The following section is devoted to the social integration, its determinants and the environment in which it operates. I continued with the outputs in the third chapter, where I focused on key competencies, which them are the necessary basis for social integration, especially social and personal skills and communication skills, necessary basis. Targeted professional development can be realized through educational activities, but has to respect the specificities of the participants and voluntary participation. Both of these assumptions can be fulfilled within the leisure education using adequate pedagogical methods. For this reason, I decided to focus my attention on these areas at the end of the chapter. The fourth chapter is devoted to work and work activities, namely the definition of concepts, their characteristics and importance and role of work activities in human life, or a person with mental disability. Based on all acquired theoretical knowledge and using previous experience with the target group in the fifth chapter, I designed a specific training program based on the work and activities focused on the development of selected key competences. The educational program volunteered four participants, but I have decided to follow the development of competencies of three participants because one participant attended the program very irregularly. The program has been implemented three times a week, two and a half hours for seven months (from October 2015 to May 2016) in the premises of the training centre Mo-zai-ka. At the beginning of the realisation of the created educational program, the participants agreed that we will adhere and develop good habits necessary for good relations within the group and the results of the work. On a basis of the individual characteristics of the participants, I prepared the work, which should also contribute to the development of social and personal and interpersonal skills. I have continuously monitored and recorded them. During the implementation of the program, I put emphasis on repetition, patient negotiations with participants and creating a friendly atmosphere. After completing the training program, I evaluated the development of competencies in three selected participants. On that basis, I concluded that the biggest change was in the communicative competence. I also experienced a change in social and personal competencies, however, results varied widely among individual participants. Yet, I believe that the goal of the thesis was achieved. These results show that education in leisure time, based on work activities may lead to the development of social and personal and interpersonal skills that are for adults with mental disabilities necessary in the process of social integration. This thesis can be an interesting source of inspiration for the realisation of similar programs aimed at social integration of persons with mental disabilities.

The reflection of František Bakule's work in a relation to a current special educational practice
František Bakule was a significant Czech teacher during the first half of the 20th century. He was known as the first director of the "Jedlicka Institute in Prague" as well as the founder of so-called "Bakule´s Institute" as well as one of the few representatives of the "Czech alternative approach towards education" which is very well recognized all around the world. His legacy and teachings, however, are currently not being developed on the systematic level and neither they are being put into practise by Czech professional mainstream educational community. We also need to mention that is not used by even the stream of special education, in contrast to many foreign alternative pedagogical trends, which are gaining popularity and are generally applied with success. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyse the work of Frantisek Bakule through the prism of contemporary school educational environment with emphasis on the education of students with disabilities. The first chapter is devoted to outlining the life journey of Frantisek Bakule, particularly focusing on the major milestones that influenced the formation of his personality, his ideas, inspiration and motivation which was reflected in his teachings and then in his very own coherent concept of education. To be specific, we are introduced to his family background and a significant part is then devoted to description of Frantisek´s experience as a teacher, including stages of operating in Jedlicka´s Institute and in his own "Bakule´s institute". The second part is then focused solely on Bakule´s specific educational concept. First, the core principles of the concept are defined. Later parts then talk about Bakule´s original curriculum and a his proposal of an ideal classroom environment. The text also contains a detailed description of how Bakule approached several subjects, which were at the core of his teaching concept, namely "Work activities", "Music education" and "Arts". Original teaching practices are analysed by using current teaching methodology and terminology. Due to the identified aim and goals of the thesis, the third chapter analyses the current concept of education of the above, according to Bakule´s core areas and principles. The text is designed specifically to be subsequently reflecting the work of Frantisek Bakule from the perspective of today's teaching methods, namely the methods of special education. The idea is to define common points and possible differences and uncover hidden inspirational potential, which is then the main content of the fourth and final chapter. Based on the analysis and all its subsequent reflections, the final chapter tells us that although Bakule´s educational goals don´t differ too significantly from the current concept embedded in the relevant framework of educational programs, to achieve such goals we are currently using very different techniques and methods in comparison to Bakule´s ways. Even though Bakule himself tested and verified all of his concepts in practice, which can be very simply described as "do not teach students about life and work, but through life and work", and these concepts also have been proven correct by various subsequent results of psychological researches, the current system still doesn´t draw from them too much. From all the above it is quite obvious that the legacy of life´s work of Frantisek Bakule is currently not utilized nor it is being appreciated by our professional pedagogical community. On the other hand, we need to note that it may also be due to the level of fragmentation in which his concept and materials were preserved to the present days.