National Repository of Grey Literature 52 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Switches for FTTx - deployment in networks with IPTV
Horváth, Tomáš ; Reichert, Pavel (referee) ; Münster, Petr (advisor)
The aim of this paper was to acknowledge ourselves with the switches which can be used in the networks based on FTTx. The first chapter deals with the IPTV service, its advantages, disadvantages and provided services. In the following chapter, optical fibres and the possibilities of their termination are discussed - FTTH, FTTC, FTTB, FTTO, FTTP and FTTN. The next part involves the methods of broadcasting and more detailed analysis of multicast addresses including defined range and multicast distributional trees. The conclusion of the theoretical analysis of this paper is formed by the explanation of all 3 versions of the IGMP record and the division of switchers through the signals transmitted. In the practical part, the suggestion of testing these switchers is carried out. The first method represents testing through one video file in various resolutions. Another possibility of testing is based on the first method, nevertheless, with the difference that the testing is done in two streams and each one of them has a different data flow. The purpose of the last testing is to demonstrate the fact that the video flow is transmitted through multicast, not every single flow from a server to a client separately. The connection between switchers was reduced to 10 Mb/s and the chosen video file runs at these average transmission data.
Quality of Services in Optical Access Networks
Šifta, Radim ; Křepelka, Václav (referee) ; Vlček, Čestmír (referee) ; Filka, Miloslav (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the optical access networks and deals with the issue of transmission parameters of the physical layer, their negative impact on the quality of the services parameters and the possibilities of reducing their effect using the polarization multiplexing. The first and second chapter describe the theoretical background necessary for understanding the subsequent parts. The third chapter contains the practical part of the thesis. At first the optical routes in the Czech Republic in terms of polarization mode dispersion, which is together with insertion loss the main limiting parameter of high-speed optical networks, are evaluated. In the following part the measuring of the temperature changes effects on the polarization mode dispersion of the passive components and the effect of temperature changes to the polarization multiplexed signal are evaluated. To double the bandwidth and reduce the influence of polarization mode dispersion on the quality of services, the two simulation models of optical access networks using polarization multiplexing were carried out. These theoretical outputs were verified by the practical measurements in the laboratory and subsequently on the real optical route. Finally, a draft of the broadband optical access network based on wavelength and polarization multiplexing was designed based on obtained knowledge.
Parameters of FTTx Networks
Münster, Petr ; Křepelka, Václav (referee) ; Vlček, Čestmír (referee) ; Filka, Miloslav (advisor)
This thesis examines parameters of FTTx networks and possibilities for increases in limit values of some selected parameters. The first and second chapters describe the necessary theory for understanding the outcomes presented in the rest part of the work. In the practical part of this thesis, analysis of the condition of the optical fibers in the Czech Republic is provided. Based on the results, the impact of the polarization mode dispersion on optical access networks was assessed. The next part of this thesis is focused on the active optical networks design, depending on the cost of implementation and operating costs. The main limiting parameters of the current passive optical networks are bandwidth and insertion loss of the optical distribution network. To increase the bandwidth a system based on optical time-division multiplexing with a bandwidth of 1.28 Tbit/s has been designed and created. By using polarization division multiplexing technique the system is also more tolerant to dispersions. In the last part of this thesis, a remote amplification system was verified by measurement and simulation. Based on the obtained results, a NG-PON2 network with a functional remote amplification system with a gain of more than 10 dB has been designed in the OptiSystem software.
The Project Proposal for Building an ISP Network
Kovács, Benjamín ; Holík, Milan (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The subject of the „The project proposal for building an ISP network“ thesis is the analysis of a current state of internet connectivity in a city of Komarno as well as a project proposal of a new network infrastructure for an internet service provider. The analysis consists of the current state of infrastructure and a possibilities of building new ISP network infrastructure. This thesis also contains brief summary of a required technologies and a description of project management, including project risk analysis, time schedule and cost calculation.
Designing of a Fiber Optic Network for Connecting Blocks of Flats in Kojetín
Rumplík, Martin ; Vojáček, Dušan (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The subject of this diploma's thesis is to create a design of a fiber optic network, which will allow an access to broadband internet connection for households living in blocks of flats in Kojetín. For this purpose the best technologies will be compared by analysis and the new network topology will be designed. The investor is a civic association that provides a wireless internet at this area. The best solution will be selected on the basis of financial and technical analysis and the investment will be calculated including its return. This innovation not only give people a really fast internet connection, but also the possibility of other services such as IPTV or VoIP.
Trends in Access Networks
Štěpán, Petr ; Křepelka, Václav (referee) ; Filka, Miloslav (advisor)
This work deals with the modern trends in FTTX, but mainly focuses on FTTH, who represents the connecting of fiber to the homes of the participants. Sum up the basic problems of communication on the optical fibre, followed by comparison with other types of access networks. Another part is the analysis of the problems of construction and a description of the optical network topologies and technologies used in FTTH. In following chapter are characterized active and passive elements forming AON and PON networks. Next part deals with the study of the most common services that can be on the optical access network to operate. They are mainly associated with the TriplePlay services. An integral part of the project is the study of management and supervision optical networks. In the main part is created real model situation where is the requirement for the creation of optical access networks with broadband of TriplePlay, followed by selection of appropriate options and detailed project with a selection of active and passive elements with economic balance.
Simulation and measurement of triple play services in FTTx networks
Horváth, Tomáš ; Münster, Petr (referee) ; Šifta, Radim (advisor)
The aim of this thesis was to ascertain with the measurement methods of passive optical networks and the creation of a simulation model that corresponds to the measured network and comparison of results. The first chapter deals with Triple Play services, which are focused on different services (transmission of television signals, voice and data transmission). Each service consists of a subchapter and presents a detailed description of the parameters associated with the transmission. The second chapter of the theoretical part consists of an analysis of passive optical networks according to termination method of FTTx optical fiber. Partial part of this chapter consists of description of standard passive optical networks APON, BPON, GPON and EPON. The EPON standard is explained in detail. The theoretical part of the thesis is concluded with a description of active elements that will form the laboratory measured network. Testing of designed passive optical network is performed in the practical part of the thesis. The measurement is divided into two chapters. The first chapter consist of measuring of the „inanimate network“, as there are missing active elements in the nominated net. Network measurements were done by a direct measuring method and reflectometric method. The second chapter of the practical part consists of measuring the parameters of quality of service (QoS). This chapter is divided into subchapters, such as: the measurement using RFC 2544 standard, the measurement using ITU-T standard Y.156 (EtherSam) and bit error rate testing (BERT). The practical part ends with a designed simulation network model, which was proposed in OptSim 5.2. The aim of the simulation model was to maximally resemble a real network, due to result comparison.
Media Converters and Optical Switches
Branč, Martin ; Reichert, Pavel (referee) ; Münster, Petr (advisor)
This Master´s thesis provides an overview of wired networks, its parameters, used standards and the deployment possibilities. Moreover, it includes the overall overview about optical networks, its parameters, maximum bandwidth, reachable distances as well as the advantages and disadvantages in comparition with wired networks. The project describes network elements which are used in the optical access network such as media convertors, optical switches etc. The practical part includes results of testing of the network devices in various scenarios. To get a comparable result, the real throughput, the power of each device and compatibility of devices from different producers were measured. At the end I have suggested few scenarios with the usage of optical switches and media convertors for extension of the current optical network. The calculation of costs for building and operation of the network is also included.
Design of passive optical network
Žák, Ondřej ; Münster, Petr (referee) ; Reichert, Pavel (advisor)
Diploma thesis is dealing with access networks, especially with the passive optical network. The theoretical part is a list of different types of passive optical access networks, including theirs basic description, which then goes on to feature connectivity options for optical units, customers, including topology of distribution network. Analysis of different types of networks and the possibility of physical and logical design is the basis for successful design and prepa-ration of future optical access networks. Practical part is devoting to data analysis of measurement existing metropolitan network to be used for construction of optical access network in Brno, Ţlutý kopec – Preslova location. Data evaluation showed possibility of connecting with already installed network hence is created proposal of optical access network mentioned before. Selected location is analysed in detail and illustrated on situational scheme of location and customers, whose will be passive split-ters to central office. Consequently is developed project of optical access network based on data analysed date from measurements. Project is study and description of planned solution of optical access network in order to bring Triple Play services to customers. Within the interpretation of the feasibility of the project and verification physical layer pa-rameters of network was made a simulation in OptiSystem. The possibility of successful op-eration of the optical access network with the attributes entered in its design is approved in accordance with the evaluation results. The proposed network is passive in character of GPON standard, and the text describes in detail physical layer, proposed transmission speed, wave and attenuation plan of optical net-work. The work implies a specific line of HDPE ducts and microducts in them, including drawing the maps and identification in-depth. The work contains a description of the elements that are installed on the route – the number, type and eventually its length. Diploma thesis is introducing the technology and construction sequence of access network leading to its opera-tional state.
Design of Passive Optical Network
Asensi Pla, Juan Salvador ; Reichert, Pavel (advisor)
El constante incremento en la demanda de servicios de banda ancha y el consecuente aumento del volumen de tráfico que se genera en nuestras redes de comunicaciones, han motivado la necesidad de implementar redes de nueva generación en nuestros territorios. El presente proyecto final de carrera tiene como objetivo explicar el diseno y la planificación de una red pasiva de fibra óptica (PON). La idea principal de este proyecto es construir un entorno ficticio que nos permitirá profundizar en detalle en las redes FTTx y decidir cuál es la opción más optima para este entorno. Para hacer esto posible, en primer lugar se va a hablar sobre el elemento principal de estas redes, la fibra óptica, para conocer con detalle sus principios de funcionamiento y sus características más importantes. La parte teórica seguirá con la definición de las redes FTTx y las configuraciones punto a punto y punto a multipunto, para pasar a hablar detenidamente sobre las redes PON y concluir cual de sus tecnologías será la más optima hoy en día. Por último, entraremos en la parte práctica en la que se elegirá un software de simulación que se ajuste a los requisitos de diseno, se realizará el diseno de la red óptica pasiva y se obtendrán los resultados de simulación que justifiquen que la red es viable y puede ser implementada en un caso real.

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