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Monitoring of noise nuisance in the house for livestock breeding cows.
SVOBODA, Richard
This thesis with theme "Monitoring of noise nuisance in the house for livestock breeding cows'' is designed to evaluate the noise pollution of animals, noise pollution of service of milking equipment and noise pollution which acts on surroundings of barn and milking parlor. Results are compiled in tables and graphs and equivalent noise level is determined by a formula . Equivalent noise level is compared with the legislative and hygiene standards. In case of exceeding the standards are designed solutions
Analysis of selected effects on milk production and fertility in the Czech Pied cattle herd
HORA, Ondřej
The fertility and milk yield are many factors. Generally, these factors can be divided into external and internal. Regarding external factors, including, for example, nutrition, the level of breeding, breeding technology, mobility and the human factor. The most important internal factor is the individual's genetic makeup, heritability and breeding value of parents. The aim was to assess the level of milk production and reproduction of selected Czech Pied cattle herd. The data were evaluated in 3 of lactation in the period 2007-2010. Follow-up was a group of Czech Pied dairy cattle on 190 pieces. File cows were divided according to lactation, the cows at 1, 2 and 3.laktacions. The reference group of cows were subdivided according to the genetic contribution to C1 and C2. The C1 were still separated dairy herd subgroups C100. Furthermore, the observed group of dairy cows as a separate group of fathers. Chosen were 3 bulls whose daughters were in the study group, the highest proportion, the threshold was set at 15 daughters. In the monitored group did not demonstrate the influence of breeding value of the fathers of the fathers upon the subsequent performance of daughters. These results may be distorted by a small number of daughters in the sample. The highest milk production showed a C2 for all lactations. This group had the highest proportion of genetic dairy breeds. This group had the highest performance at the 3rd lactation (6793.13 kg). Has been shown to influence the genetic contribution to individual reproductive performance. The shortest SP was the first lactation group C100 (120.62 days) and the second interim Lactation is also a group C100 (379.58 days). In group C2 with a higher proportion of dairy breeds (A, R), these values were lower (141.29 days and 426.39 days). The observed results of performance tests show that a group of dairy cows of Czech Pied cattle (C100) has, for the period of below average values of milk yield (6188 kg), compared with average values of milk yield of the Czech Spotted breed in the Czech Republic. Also, reproductive performance observed in animals showed below-average performance in comparison with the average of the Czech Spotted breed in the country. The cows were monitored groups revealed a significant difference in fertility problems. It was found that the most common reason for exclusion breeding cows were fertility disorders (71.9%) and other medical reasons (22.1%). The observed density was the mean longevity. C100 group had an average calving 3.07, then 3.58 C2 calving
Analysis of the chosen effects affecting dairy cow´s reproduction
Cow{\crq}s dairy reproduction and it{\crq}s level of efficiency are main topics of interest of our breeders. Constant downward trend of important reproduction indicators, often reaching critical values, is becoming main problem of many agricultural plants aligned to beef-raising. The higher attention to beef-raising is needed especially in the foothill areas and in regions with harder conditions (LFA areas). Beef-raising is not aimed to fulfil only a production, it also stands for unsubstituable reproduction functions. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate reproduction indicators in three different breedings in the five year range 2002-2006 (such as insemination interval, intersemination interval, servis cycle, insemination index, parturition interval and pregnancy percentage after first insemination) on the chosen dairycows. According the level the individual breedings were compared (Rychnov nad Malsi, Vlci Jamy, Tesov) testing the CESTR runt. In Rychnov nad Malsi, where the runt CESTR and HOLSTYN are breeded, the differences between these runt{\crq}s reproduction indicators were evaluated. The level of milk efficiency, the methods of beef-raising, month of calving and order of lactation were taken into account. The length of SP is unsatisfactory in all breedings. The average SP in the whole period under observation were in Rychnov nad Malsi 125,2 days (CESTR), in Vlci Jamy 123,5 days and in Tesov 125,7 days. Average length of parturition interval in the whole period of observation were in Rychnov nad Malsi 402 days, in Vlci Jamy 418 days and in Tesov 415 days. Also the very low percentage of in-calfing after first insemination was discovered in Rychnov nad Malsi and in Tesov (under 40%). It wasn{\crq}t proved the significant influence of the month of the cow{\crq}s calving and the influence of pasture to the length of period. The HOLSTYN breed proved that it is able to produce more milk under the same conditions, despite the fact that its achieved efficinecy of the milk production is average in Czech Republic, more over it shows worse results in reproduction (except insemination interval) compared to czech{\crq}s spotted cattle. Based on the count of calving per lifetime of cow it was proved the positive influence of grazing catlle on the longevity of cows compared to Czech republic{\crq}s average. Observed indicators of milk efficiency and cow{\crq}s reproduction system are in observed breedings significantly affected by breed, the level of sustenance and dairycow{\crq}s management.
The Relationship between Motion Activity and Reproduction, Production and Health Parameters in Dairy Cattle.
CEPÁKOVÁ, Karolína
The aim of this thesis was to assess the relationship between motion activity of dairy cattle as measured using activity meters and reproduction, production and health parameters. For a one-year period the motion activity of 210 dairy cows was monitored. The results show that at the start of the rutting period there is a noticeable increase in motion activity (mainly during nighttime hours), specifying the exact start of rutting and the subsequent insemination. If the rutting period is detected accurately the percentage of dairy cows that are impregnated increases. Using activity meters improves reproduction indicators. Motion activity in sick cattle is generally reduced and after a warning the animals can be treated in time. The relationship between motion activity and production parameters is statistically inconclusive.
Assessment of fertility of Bohemian Spotted Cattle dams in different farming systems
Fertility is one of the most important performance of cattle on the economy of enterprises. The aim of this work was to evaluate the results of fertility plemenic English strakatého cattle reared in the breeding suckler cow fertility plemenic kept in the system to the production of milk.
Evaluation of the detection of milked cow's rut using pedometres
HORT, Lubomír
The aim of the thesis is focused on the verification of the detection of rut using pedometres devices fasten on the cattle's limb counting the amount of steps made. According the amount of steps it's decided if the animal is or is not in the estral phase and whether or not proper to insemination
Results of animal production and their economical evaluation
In operating conditions there was evaluated the animal production (dairycow breeding) by means of selected economic indicators. In Agrodružstvo Načeradec there were monitored the basic principles of dairycows nutrition and feeding and their milk production as well. The attention was paid to expense items and their modifications with respect to the production. I aimed at monitoring costs (feeding cost, labour cost, services cost etc.), yields, profit or loss in 2005 {--} 2006. During the monitoring period there was found that dairycows are profitable. The rate of milk production profitability was 12 % in 2005 (the ČR average is 3,8 %). In 2006 the rate of profitability dropped to 3,02 %. This drop was caused by the price policy of dairy industry by milk purchase. Simply we can say that milk production in Načeradec is profitable thanks to high efficiency of dairycows.
PÁLKA, Václav
The observation was performed in brick buildings for dairy cows breeding. The stabling was created as lose boxes with litter (made from separated slurry) and with grid dung-passage. The aim of the work was assessed evaluation the availability of separated slurry used as a plastic litter from the animal cleanness, welfare, efficiency and microclimatic parameters of stabling. During experiment was ascertained, that not founded negative impact at the animals.
KOZLOVÁ, Pavlína
The observation was performed in brick buildings for dairy cows breeding. The stabling was created as lose boxes with litter (made from separated slurry) and with grid dung-passage.The aim of the work was assessed evaluation the availability of separated slurry used as a plastic litter from the animal hygiene points of view health, reproduction and milk quality in cosws, and microclimatic parameters of stabling. During experiment was ascertained, that not founded negative impact at the animals health.
Nutrition and feeding influence for chosen working economic parameters of milk production
The ifluence on the chosen economicaly operational indicators of the milk production will be examined in the specific agricultural company.

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