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Educational possibilities of students with ADHD in the Children's Home and School
ŠTĚPKOVÁ, Miloslava
The work deals with the education of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, focusing on the education of pupils in a children's home and school. First we introduced disorder as such, are expressed her symptoms, etiology, diagnosis. It introduced a system of foster care for mandatory institutional and protective education. The practical part follows the students and work with them directly in the educational process.
Use of experiential education in institutional care
LOJDOVÁ, Veronika
The Bachelor thesis is focused on the use of experiential education in institutional care. The aim is to create experiential program for targeted group of children from children´s home with school. The children's homes with school are defined and characterized as a part of the system of institutional care in the first part. The target group is also characterized, experiential education introduced and the methodology for creating experiential program is processed. The output of the work is to create a draft of specific experiential program designed for a group of children from the children's home with focus on strengthening the relationship in the group, development of communication, cooperation and self-knowledge.
A view of children from children´s home with school in Měcholupy on life in this type of institute
The target of this bachelory work is to show and clear the function of children´s home with school and it tries to get the children´s point of view on life in this type of institute. The teoretical part describes kinds of institutes for institutional education duty, institutional education itself and a legislation conected with it. Also there are the reason for placing children in such institutes. It characterizes personality of a client and an employee of such type of institute, so as freetime activities of children, negative influence of institutional education and how goes the ending of a stay in chidren ´s home with school. Children´s home with school has got very bad reputation from the past. There are many diferent misinterpretations in our society. Not many of us imagine anything pleasant about it. In the practical part I try to discover the real children´s oppinion about institutional care. It is based on dialogs with children who live in children´s home with school in Měcholupy
The Importance of Free - time Activities ini Resocialization Work
RAČÁKOVÁ, Jaroslava
My Bachelor Thesis deals with the issues of free-time activity in relation to resocialization work. I focused namely on children?s facilities Children Home and School in Šindlovy Dvory and Diagnostic Institute in Homole. I performed diagnostic research applying questioning method there. I chose the technique of questionnaire for children and carers. The thesis is an insight into the problems of institutional upbringing, protective upbringing, a preventive measure, a children?s diagnostic institution and a children?s home with school. I characterize the individuals taken to these facilities namely according to age (younger school age, pubescence), and factors like family, possible CAN syndrome and possible behaviour disorders causing the necessity of resocialization care. Free-time activity is an important aspect of the issue as it develops motivation principles. I used the personality of a carer as the final theoretical source. The central question of the bachelor thesis is whether the children participated in free-time activities before being lodged. A presumption that children do not have experience with free-time activities before entering the facility is the basic hypothesis of the work. The research shows that approximately 45.5 per cent of questioned children took part in free-time activities before being lodged. These activities were sometimes unsuitable. However the questionnaires show that a regime and meaningful use of free time for example affect gaining new skills or selection of professional preparation etc. There was an important finding that 100 per cent of the questioned carers actively participate in free time activities of the children. They not only motivate the children, but form a relation with them, which is very important for resocialization.
Value orientation of children from children's home
The topic of this bachelor thesis is value orientation of children from the children´s care home. The theoretical part explain basic concepts, such as value, value orientation, family and its function, behavior disorders, institutional and protective in-patient treatment. The practical part focuses on defining objectives of the thesis, used methodology and characteristics of target data sets. The first objective of the work was to map the value orientation of children from Býchory children´s care home with school. The second objective was to find out opinions of workers of Býchory children´s care home with school on development of life values of children in the home. Data were acquired by means of qualitative research, method of questioning, as well as the technique of data collection through a semi ? structured group interview. Two target data sets were chosen for the research. The first target data set consisted of children from Býchory children´s care home with school, upon whom institutional, or protective youth and young offenders rehabilitation was imposed by the court due to grave behavior disorders, which could not be resolved by normal pedagogical procedures within the family environment of these children. The research was carried out in the framework of individual family groups of Býchory children´s care home with school in November and December 2010 and 26 children from this facility participated in this research. The second target data set were the workers of Býchory children´s care home with school. 3 schoolmistresses from this facility participated in research. The research results showed that children from Býchory children´s care home with school knew the concept of life value and understood it. Their major life values include family, followed by health, education, freedom and love. According to children, these values were influenced by their parents, but often also by their friends, or schoolmasters and schoolmistresses of Býchory children´s care home with school. This is closely associated with the children ´s assumption that their value orientation changed after their arrival to children´s care home with school. There was only a minimum amount of children, who considered important other life values than their family, health, education, freedom and love. It further followed from the research that children have an idea about values of their parents. They think that the biggest value for the parents are their children. This work can serve as an inspiration for deeper understanding of values of children with disorders from children´s care home with school, as well as problems of their development.
Comparison Of Possibilities Of Free Time Activities In Institutions For # Children With Ordered Institutional Care
The work deals with recreational activities of children in facilities for children in the institutional education. The theoretical part describes leisure, function and mission of special education. It also describes the principles and methods suitable for training and education in leisure time, explains term institutional care and identifies differences in educational work among children's home and children's home with school.The aim is to analyze offers of interest activities and leisure time activities for children aged 11 to 17 years in institutional care facilities and subsequent comparison of leisure-time activities of children between two selected devices.
Causes of taking children out of domestic surroundings and placing them into children s home Žíchovec in year 2007.
My baccalaureate work ``The Causes of Taking Children out from their Families and Placing them in the Žíchovec Children´s Home in 2007{\crqq} is focused on the monitoring of circumstances related to the placement of children in the Žíchovec Children´s Home in 1997, on the identification and description of factors resulting in the placement of children in the said home. The analysis was based on the quantitative method, predominantly the collection of data acquired from the personal documentation of children enrolled in the course of 2007, 26 in total, their age ranging between 5 and 17. The other method consisted in several case studies illustrating the broad range of causes of the placement of children in this institution. Theoretical section: alternative educational care, institutional care and its functioning in different kinds of institutions like diagnostic institute, children´s home, children´s home with its own school, corrective institution for children, family and its role, the significance of social and legal protection of children. The presentation of the Žíchovec Children´s Home (history, organization, human resources, clients). Practical section: The determination of the causes of the placement of children in Žíchovec in 2007 using the quantitative method of data collection, the acquisition of personal documentation of children enrolled in the institution in the course of 2007 (totaling 26), their age ranging between 5 and 17 years. The practical section was supplemented with several case studies illustrating the broad range of causes of the placement of children in this institution. The most frequent cause of taking children out from their families and placing them in the Žíchovec Children´s Home in 2007 have been behavior problems of children originating predominantly from incomplete or newly supplemented families with low income standards. This baccalaureate work should provide a more detailed information on the causes of taking children out of their families in order to be placed in a children´s home for the purposes of the staff of such types of institutions as well as of all those who are interested in this issue.
Chosen Charactreristics of Children from Children´s Homes
This final year thesis focuses on problems of children growing up in children´s homes. In the theoretical part it deals with definition of the term children´s home and children´s home with school, reasons for placing child in children´s home, purpose and function of family and children´s home. The thesis characterizes family background a child came from to children´s home, it describes deprivation syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A part of the thesis addresses Romany children growing up in children´s home and the relation between childhood spent in children´s home and crime committed in adulthood. The last chapter refers to some difficulties of young people leaving institutional upbringing. The practical part contains comparison of composition of children from three chosen institutions (two state and one non-state) Children´s Home with School Horní Planá, Children´s Home Aš and Private Children´s Home Koryto. They are compared especially in spheres described in the theoretical part. Concurrently I obtained basic information about particular children´s homes from senior executive. Also I monitored carers opinions of institutional upbringing and of children´s state of preparation for independent life after leaving children´s home and their attitudes to upbringing children.
Chosen Captures from Juvenile Delinquency Focused on Proceeding at Law, on Given Precaution and Other Institutional Help
The work puts mind to juvenile delinquency focused on proceeding at law about juvenile offenders and precautions that can be enjoined to children younger than 15 years if they commit a fort. It is also engaged in institutions who work with these offenders and describe their possibility of theirs care. The first part of the work deals with statistical data about situation of children´s criminality in 2007 and its development since 1989. It also characterizes some special features of criminal activity of children and basic factors that influences delinquent behavior of a child. It attends to a discussed topic of lowing the age limit of criminal liability. The most important part of the work contains some information about mentioned proceeding at law about juvenile offenders and enjoined precautions. It describes some institutions where the child can be send and describes other possibilities of institutions such as police, school, welfare centre headed by parole officer, educational-psychology service or mental home. It goes into a family, law precautions in it. It speaks about voluntary programs that attend to work with delinquent children. The end of the work describes some more ways from foreign countries of help of juvenile delinquents.
Legislation of Institutional Upbringing in Childrenś Homes
This work has focused on rights of children placed in childrenś homes. It deals with use of available legislation for protection of children who for various reasons cannot be brought up in primary family. Theoretical part of the work charakterizes available binding legal standards in the Czech Republic which ensure protection of childrenś rights and safety of minors and reenagers who are subject to institutional care. It further describes aforementioned types of institutions, it deals with options of children who pass through the process of decision about placement and entry to institutional upbringing. Practical part of this work presents the structure of the Childrenś home ine Lety.

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