National Repository of Grey Literature 24,554 records found  beginprevious24545 - 24554  jump to record: Search took 0.69 seconds. 

Change of legal form from trading business to limited company - accounting connections and consequences
Menčlová, Barbora ; Zouhar, Tomáš (advisor)
In my bachelor work I dealt with closure of the trade business and limited company floatation. First I characterized tax accounts and described duties arising from stopping the trading. Than I defined limited company, process of foundation, its conveniences and disadvantages. I distinguished interrelations between the company and partner. In next chapter I attended to accounting, especially to bookkeeping start and to operations at the end of accounting period. In my practical example I discontinued trade business and floated the limited company analyzing the related time and financial demands.

Process of benchmarking in facility management
Jiroutová, Monika ; Vyskočil, Vlastimil (advisor) ; Marenčák, Miroslav (referee)
This bachelor study dissertates about the possibilities of benchmarking application in the field of Facility Management. Theoretical part describes basic characteristics and elementary terms and methods of benchmarking process in Facility Management. In the practical part ten companies providing facility services are compared on the basis of a number of indices. Every company is briefly described. On the results of performed analysis the evolution of the Facility Management in Czech Republic is demonstrated and also different business strategies of concerned companies are shown.

Tax Havens and their Utilization by Legal Entities
Šťastná, Monika ; Ing. Aleš Michalec. (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on optimizing of tax burden of taxpayers via relocation of their headquarters into tax havens. It contains comparison of tax burdens of model taxpayers in different variations of change of their tax residence. It suggests recommended process for deciding about choice of suitable tax haven.

War on poverty and/or Vietnam war? Question of USA budget priority in second half of 1960´s
Černík, Jaroslav ; Johnson, Zdenka (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with influence of the Vietnam War on the economy and the federal budgets of the USA with an emphasis on possible effects of this conflict on the continuing War on Poverty declared by the President Lyndon Baines Johnson. The thesis examines changes in expenditures of the federal budget. Their development in the period 1964 -- 1969 indicates that the Vietnam conflict was not a major influence on the failure of Johnson's social programs fighting poverty. The thesis implies that one possible explanation of the failure might be found in Johnson's choice of both ineffective way of dealing with the phenomenon of poverty and in a way of acquiring funds for his social programs, which led to increasing distrust of him and his social policy.

The Atmosphere of the Classroom
Dytrychová, Eva ; Křivánek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Linková, Marie (advisor)
This dissertation is focused on a formation of the social clime in the second grade of the elementary school in Habry. Especially, I paid attention to the social interactions in the class. The theoretic part covers with a brief description of schoolchildren in the age from seven to nine, a formation and a development of pupils" roles in the class and an influence of families on the class climate. The practical part includes the propsal how to improve the social relationships in the second grade of the elementary school. In particular, I concentrated on the formation of the social roles and the relation between family and the clime in the class. Powered by TCPDF (

Evaluation of the environmental tax reform incidence on companies in the first year - methodology and situation in the Czech Republic
Kubíčková, Kateřina ; Vítek, Leoš (advisor) ; Pavel, Jan (referee)
The thesis is centred on the environmental tax reform in the Czech Republic and the evaluation of its incidence on environmental tax payers. The aim is to describe the advance working of questionnaire investigation. It is instrumental to the induced costs of taxation estimation. The thesis descibes furthermore the process of the choice of the tax payers sample.

The Daily Life of Villagers in Testaments (South Bohemia 18./19. century)
KUBÍČKOVÁ, Vladimíra
Diploma work The Daily Life of Villagers in Testaments (South Bohemia 18. - 19. century) is based on the serves` testaments in period 1788 {--} 1814, which were preserved in State Regional Archive in Trebon, branch in Jindrichuv Hradec. The first chapter is concerned with farm lands` material facilities, their real and personal estates as well as with the financial economy of the serves. Next chapter tries to show the relationships in a family and the position of particular members. The apprehension of God, body, soul, illness, death and old-age is introduced and analysed as well as the institution of rent-charge. The last chapter is connected with testament`s analysis when the testament is regarded as a formal civil resource.

Comparison of two programs for vendor conducted accounting
Neumajer, Jiří ; Mejzlík, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hora, Michal (referee)
This thesis focuses on bookkeeping on the computer and evaluation of accounting programs of their choice for outsourcing accounting. In the individual chapters the thesis deals with the issue of outsourcing, legislative regulation relating to the bookkeeping on the computer and the criteria and basis for evaluation in the selection of appropriate accounting program. The theoretical knowledge is applied in practical part in the evaluation of specific accounting programs, POHODA and DUEL. The main aim of the thesis is to point to a possible procedure for the selection of appropriate accounting program for specific conditions.

Options of support for business entities from Structural Funds
European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund are Structural Funds which are used as a primary source of finance for implementation of European economic, social and territorial cohesion policy. This solidary policy reduces differences between regions by helping less developed regions through investment and non-investment projects. The main objective of this bachelor thesis dealing with the topic "Options of support for business entities from Structural Funds" is to analyze an availability of provided funds in the program period 2007-2013. In a theoretical part of thesis were described three objectives of structural policy, explained principle of programming and presented a hierarchy of strategic and program documents. Were introduced units for territorial statistics NUTS, which are necessary for relevant comparison of explored topographical areas. One chapter was devoted to the description of the business entities typology. The final chapter brought a detailed overview of Operational Programmes during the period 2007-2013 and information about new program period 2014-2020 were also presented. An analytical part is devoted to statistical evaluation of using of financial means from Structural Funds in the context of allocation to individual operational programs, number of applications, number of completed projects, meeting the limits of utilization of allocated funds and a research of saturations of project indicators. In conclusion was explained a procedure of choice and application of Operational Programme as well as specific project for financing of training needs of selected business entity.

Experimental verification of ejector and creation of mathematical model.
Strmiska, Michal ; Štigler, Jaroslav (referee) ; Habán, Vladimír (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the area of ejectors. In the intoduction, an ejector is classed as an hydraulic machine. There is also an introduction of the principle and application of this machine there. The next part describes two different ways of calculation and there is a suggestion how to get characteristics, that were achieved by calculation in MS Excel, projected. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to confront this mathematical model with the experiment done in school laboratory at Kaplan department of hydraulic machines. The description of this experiment and the evaluation procedure of measured values is described in the final part of this diploma thesis.