National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  beginprevious21 - 26  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Magnetic spin ice states in artificial magnetic frustrated systems
Schánilec, Vojtěch ; Hrabec, Aleš (referee) ; Rougemaille, Nicolas (advisor)
Uměle vytvořené systémy spinového ledu jsou vhodným nástrojem pro zkoumání neobvyklých jevů, které se v přírodě dají jen těžko pozorovat. Speciálním případem umělého spinového ledu je kagome mřížka, která umožňuje zkoumat kolektivní chování spinů v látce. Tento systém má řadu předpovězených exotických magnetických fází, které zatím nebyly změřeny a prozkoumány v reálném prostoru. V rámci této práce se zabýváme úpravou kagome mřížky tak, aby mohla být využita ke zkoumání exotických stavů v reálném prostoru. Experimenty provedené na naší upravené mřížce ukazují, že jsme schopni detekovat nízko i vysoko energiové stavy, a tedy, že námi navržená úprava kagome mřížky je vhodná pro zkoumání exotických stavů v reálném prostoru.
Magnetic force microscopy and transport properties of metamagnetic nanostructures
Jaskowiec, Jiří ; Vaňatka, Marek (referee) ; Uhlíř, Vojtěch (advisor)
Iron-rhodium (FeRh) is a material featuring a first-order phase transition between antiferomagnetic (AF) and feromagnetic (FM) phases. The phase transition is symmetric with respect to the direction of transition in bulk FeRh and FeRh thin films. The bachelor thesis focuses on the properties of mesostructures of sub-micron size, where asymmetry between the AF-FM and FM-AF transitions has been recently discovered using electrical transport measurements dependent on temperature. The phase domain structure of FeRh mesostructures during the phase transition is visualized by magnetic force microscopy (MFM) in an out-of-plane magnetic field. Quantitative analysis of the measured magnetic signal reveals the effect of structure size on supercooling of the FM phase and abrupt increase of the AF phase during the FM-AF transition.
Magnetic nanostructures with application potential
Bittová, Barbara ; Holý, Václav (referee) ; Kalbáčová Vejpravová, Jana (advisor)
The thesis is mainly focused on the investigation of macroscopic and microscopic magnetic properties of selected nanomaterials containing cobalt and iron, and also the capability of our new device, scanning probe microscope Multimode V by Veeco, to directly visualise morphology and magnetic structure of these samples (Magnetic Force Miscroscopy, MFM). Investigated materials, such as CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and SiO2_Co_Si(111) thin films and multilayers are in general promising materials in many fields. In the medicine, the nanoparticles are used as the drug targets or contrast agents whereas in electronics, the (nano)granular thin films are the starting point in fabrication of high density storage media. The macroscopic magnetic properties of our samples are discusses in a view of superparamagnetic phenomena. The interactions in systems of nanoparticles are presented theoretically within the up-to date knowledge and also experimentally by demonstrating the behavior of the strongly-interacting, uper-spin-glass system. The thin films are studied in term of their granular structure and magnetic anisotropy. The morphology and the microscopic domain structure, respectively, are studied with use of the MFM. The first successful results obtained in our lab by this method are presented.
Magnetic phase transition in spatially confined structures
Schánilec, Vojtěch ; Urbánek, Michal (referee) ; Uhlíř, Vojtěch (advisor)
FeRh thin films feature unique characteristics due to the first-order phase transition from the antiferromagnetic order to the ferromagnetic order. The phase transition in FeRh can be driven by external parameters such as temperature and magnetic field. At zero magnetic field, the transition occurs approximately at 360 K, which is convenient for applications. The thesis focuses on the phase transition in spatially confined FeRh structures. The theoretical part contains literature review on the FeRh phase transition and the possibilities to control it using different substrates and spatial confinement, which has significant impact on the symmetry of the transition upon cooling and heating. The experimental part describes the design and realization of a heater module compatible with a Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM). MFM was used to image the nucleation states and ferromagnetic domain grwoth in FeRh structures.
Spin vortex states in magnetostaticaly coupled magnetic nanodisks
Vaňatka, Marek ; Hrabec, Aleš (referee) ; Urbánek, Michal (advisor)
Magnetic vortices in ferromagnetic disks are curling magnetization structures characterized by the sense of the spin circulation in the plane of the disk and by the direction of the magnetization in the vortex core. Concepts of memory devices using the magnetic vortices as multibit memory cells have been presented, which brought the high demand for their research in many physical aspects. This work investigates the magnetostatic coupling in pairs of ferromagnetic disks to clarify the influence of nearby disks or other magnetic structures to the vortex nucleation mechanism. To ensure that the vortex nucleation is influenced only by the neighbouring magnetic structures, the randomness of the nucleation process was studied in single disks prior to the work on pairs of disks. We had to ensure that the vortex nucleation is influenced only by the neighbouring magnetic structures and not by an unwanted geometrical asymmetry in the studied disk. Lithographic capabilities were inspected in order to achieve the best possible geometry. Further we present a concept of electrical readout of the spin circulation using the anisotropic magnetoresistance, which allows automated measurements to provide sufficient statistics. To explain the magnetoresistance behaviour, numerical calculations together with magnetic force microscopy measurements are presented.
Variable Field Magnetic Force Microscopy
Turčan, Igor ; Nováček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Urbánek, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with magnetic force microscopy of permalloy discs in an external magnetic field. Main objectives of the thesis are design of an external magnetic field module, preparation of magnetic probes, fabrication of samples and the measurement itself. We prepared functional probes with various magnetic coatings. For the measurement in external magnetic field we fabricated probes with a~layer of magnetically hard Co and for the measurement without external magnetic field we used probes with a~layer of magnetically soft permalloy. Our probes are at least comparable with standard commercial probes. We observed the cores of magnetic vortices, using our home-coated probes with no external magnetic field and also in the external magnetic field. Further, we study the influence of the external magnetic field on nucleation of the cores of magnetic vortices. Experimental techniques used for fabrication and measurement of the samples are briefly summarized.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 26 records found   beginprevious21 - 26  jump to record:
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