National Repository of Grey Literature 31 records found  beginprevious21 - 30next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Detection of Ancient DNA of Encephalitozoon intestinalis (Microsporidia) in Archaeological Material
We have demonstrated the possibility of detection ancient DNA of Encephalitozoon intestinalis (Microsporidia, Fungi) in archaeological material by using molecular methods. The archaeological material originated from New Town of Prague (Czech Republic) from 18th/19th century. The ability to use molecular method to detect microsporidia extends the range of paleoparasitological inquiry, and could contribute to a better understanding of parasites shared between human and animals.
The role of Felidae in the environmental dissemination of human pathogenic unicelular parasites
GRYM, Ondřej
One hundred cats at different levels of habituation, house kept and free living, from Czech republic were screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium, Encephalitozoon spp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi to consider the risk of close human - cat contact on cryptosporidial and microsporidial infections. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Encephalitozoon, and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in cats was determined from fecal specimens by genus-specific PCR. All PCR-positive specimens were sequenced to determine the genotype present. Out of 100 cats, three (3 %) were positive for Cryptosporidium, namely C. felis. Nine cats (9 %) were infected with E. bieneusi genotype D. None out of 35 house kept cats was infected with any tested parasites. No effect of age of animals on occurrence both Cryptosporidium and microsporidia was proved. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the presence of zoonotic species/genotypes of Cryptosporidium, and E. bieneusi in cats in the Czech republic.
The incidence of potential agents of parasitic zoonoses in Svalbard
In my thesis I have studied the occurrence of selected parasitic zoonoses in terrestrial vertebrates on Svalbard. Parasitic examination was focused on ascertaining of the presence of cryptosporidia, microsporidia and giardia. There were 87 samples of excrements of 12 animal species. In Svalbard, only 3 species of terrestrial mammals occure. Originally there were only the svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) and the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus). In the first half of the 20th century east european vole (Microtus levis) has been introduced there probably from Russia ? region of Petersburg. In this archipelago there can be found different birds species in summer and the only one who winter there is the rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta). The samples were analyzed by microscopy of stained smears and by molecular methods. For microscopic examination the staining by Miláček ? Vítovec was used to find out the presence of oocysts of cryptosporidia in animal excrements. The molecular diagnostics of cryptosporidia, microsporidia and giardia was done using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The positive detection was followed by the sequential analyses which proved the presence of cryptosporidia: C. parvum in Anser brachyrhynchus, Cryptosporidium goose genotype II in Branta leucopsis and C. muris TS 03 in Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus. Also the presence of Encephalitozoon. cuniculi genoype II in three samples of Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus, one sample of Alopex lagopus and one sample of Branta leucopsis was proved. Another recognized kind of microsporidia was Enterocytozoon bieneusi in Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus and Anser brachyrhynchus. Both findings present new genotypes of microsporidia. These findings proved that the extreme conditions of high Arctic on Svalbard enable spreading of intestinal unicellular parasites, cryptosporidia and microsoridia.
The role of free living birds and poultry in the environmental dissemination of human pathogenic Cryptosporidium spp and microsporidia
GRYM, Ondřej
The work deals with the role of free living birds and poultry in the environmental dissemination of human pathogenic Cryptosporidium spp and microsporidia. Based on a detailed literature review propose other possible areas of research.
Opportunistic parasites in alcoholics
The target of this study was proving the occurrence of opportunistic parasites in alcoholics. The examined material was stool. In total 28 samples were examined. 4 samples from the patients of Psychiatric Hospital in Červený Dvůr, 5 samples were from the patients hospilatized at the psychiatric ward of the Central Military Hospital, 3 samples were provided by the patients of the Psychiatric Hospital in Havlíčkův Brod and 16 samples were from the patients in terrain, comming to the therapy to outpatient´s ward. For the microscopic examination of stool the following methods were applied: M.I.F.C concentration method for providing the development stages of protozoans, coloring method of Miláček-Vítovec, serving for the diagnostic of crypto-sporidia oocysts in stool and Calcofluor, which is aimed at the detection of microsporidia. Molecular diagnostic was based on PCR and product restriction. PCR method has shown the presence of microsporidia in case of 1 patient of 28. Following sequenation and phylo-genetic analysis diagnosed Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Encephalitozoon cuniculi was detected in case of one patient from terrain. Occurence of microsporidia in alcoholics amounts 4%.
The course of microsporidiosis caused by \kur{Encephalitozoon cuniculi} in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice
KOTKOVÁ, Michaela
The course of microsporidiosis caused by Encephalitozoon cuniculi in immunocompetent BALB/c mice and immunodeficient SCID mice was screened using molecular methods. The site of infection in organs was located using molecular and histology methods. The effectiveness of albendazole treatement and possibility of infection relapse after immunosuppresion (cyclosporine A, tacrolimus, mycofenolate mofetil) was also studied. Moreover, the course of excretion of microsporidial spores in feces was monitored during the whole time of experiment.
Occurrence of microsporidia found in various groups of patients (children)
The objective of this study was to identify the occurrence of microsporidia in children. The children may be endangered by microsporidia due to immune system deficiency. The stool specimens were collected from children hospitalized with various diagnoses in the hospital České Budějovice. These samples were collected from children of both sexes aged 0 ? 15 years. Diagnostic methods included fluorescence and light microscopy and a molecular technique (PCR). Concentration sedimentation method was used to diagnose eggs, larvae and oocysts of any other parasites in the stool. Calcofluor, a special fluorescent stain, was used to diagnose microsporidia spores. Molecular techniques (PCR) were used for diagnostics of of microsporidia species found in the stool samples. None of the stool samples of the children was positive.
Opportunistic parasites of the patients with transplants and other immunosupressed individuals
The main objective of this study was to establish the rate of occurrence of opportunistic parasites in patients with bone-marrow transplants. As a result of reduced immunity due to immunosuppresive therapy, these patients are more susceptible to multiple infections, in particular to infections caused by opportunistic parasites. The parasites were detected using MIFC sedimentation, staining according to Miláček-Vítovec and Calcofluor staining. These methods were used to investigate a total of 100 samples, of which 4 were positive for the presence of microporidia. The presence of microsporidia in the four samples was confirmed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Occurrence of other opportunistic parasites was not confirmed. Microsporidia were found in 7,4% of patients with bone-marrow transplants. This fact was rather surprising as the increasing number of patients with suppressed immunity is associated with increased occurrence of these opportunistic parasites as well. The results of this research might be used not only as educational material for the undergraduates of the Faculty of Health and Social studies, but also for the public concerned with this issue.
Microsporidial infections of exotic birds.
The prevalence of microsporidial infection among different species of exotic birds was screened using molecular methods. Moreover, the course of microsporidial spores excretion by naturally infected budgerigars was monitored during 30 days long period and subsequently, the site of the infection in tissues of these budgerigars was attempted to be located using histology, electron microscopy and molecular methods.
Cryptosporidial and microsporidial infection on the pig farms, in the Czech Republic
The cryptosporidia and microsporidia are worldwide spread opportunistic parasites. With regard to their wide host spectra and zoonotic potential there is a significant risk for immunocompromised humans, especially AIDS patients. Natural Cryptosporidium infections in pigs are widespread but generally apathogenic. A total of 411 faecal samples, 39 of sows, 127 of pre-weaned, 122 of post-weaned piglets and 123 of pre-growers from three farms were screened for Cryptosporidium spp. infection using the aniline-carbol-methyl violet staining method and positive molecular characterized (direct sequencing of partial SSU rRNA partial genes and PCR-RFLP at the SSU rRNA). Overall, infections were detected in 84 out of 411 animals (20 %), with highest infection rates among post-weaners (27 %). All positive samples were genotyped based on SSU rRNA sequence analysis. C. suis, Cryptosporidium pig genotype II, and C. muris were detected. The microsporidial infections are very frequent in breeds of pigs. Pigs have been frequently reported to be infected with E. bieneusi. Spores were detected in 258 samples of 342 (75 %). The high prevalence was determined in pre-growers (86 %). Genotyping based on the ITS regions of the rRNA gene identified that most pigs were infected with the species-specific genotype F, while two animals had the zoonotic genotype D and two had genotype Peru 9.

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