National Repository of Grey Literature 1,963 records found  beginprevious1958 - 1963  jump to record: Search took 0.18 seconds. 

Using MLPA method for determining unbalanced changes in genome
KŘÍHOVÁ, Miroslava
Unbalanced chromosomal structural changes are connected with the presence of supernumerary particular part of chromosome, or the chromosome is absenting. MLPA is a method based on PCR principal, which amplifies MLPA probes, not the target sequences. MLPA probes hybridize to target sequences and then ligate them. Only one pair of primers is used. In the theoretical part the MLPA method is presented. Additionally, other diagnostics method of clinical genetic are mentioned (for example PCR, FISH, Array CGH). Diseases caused by unbalanced chromosomal structural changes are disscused too. Mental retardation and BRCA 1, 2 mutation were the main topic. The experimental part took place in Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory in the hospital in České Budějovice. I did my experiments under professional care of Mgr. Ondřej Scheinost and his colleagues. The aim of using MLPA method was to diagnose BRCA 1, 2 gene, microdeletion syndroms or subtelomeric deletions. All procedures were done according to standards. The final part of my thesis is concerned on the results interpretation and their comparation with other methods. I also thought over different approach of statistical analysis in MLPA.

Yield of preventive examinations in the office of general practitioner in the meaning prevention of colorectal carcinoma
Havlíková, Šárka ; Hovorová, Helena (advisor)
The topic of his thesis "The yield of preventive examinations in surgery practitioner for adults in prevention of colorectal cancer " I chose based on the seriousness of this issue, and therefore the estimated High probability with which this problem will meet in their further exposure to the medical field, anticipated surgery. My selection partly due to several weeks of practice and the department of surgery at the hospital Sisters of Mercy of St.. Charles Borromeo Petrin hill in Prague, where I could stand by and assist at several operations for colorectal cancer under leadership of head physician. Sequens, PhD. To me again revealed in complexity of the whole issue and the need for early preventive measures such as the above-mentioned preventive examinations in general practitioner doctor The incidence and the mortality rate for colorectal cancer include the Czech Republic compared to the sad world firsts. More precisely, the relative first mortality in men and second in women (1995). Another alarming fact is the fact that mortality from this neoplasm is increasing (for both women and men). Since 1970 to 1995 increased mortality from colorectal cancer in the Czech Republic 61% for men and almost 44% in women. It is therefore very important research within identify risk factors for the development of...

Practical usage of antenatal courses knowledge in labour and puerperium
JUROVÁ, Kristýna
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful moments in human life. The mother organism undergoes numerous changes due to the pregnancy. The woman is getting ready for motherhood. They enter an absolutely new and unknown period. A birth preparation course may be found very helpful for them since it helps clarify the course of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Women are prepared, informed and have a rough idea what all they may expect. The main objective of the bachelor thesis is to ascertain whether women are satisfied with the concept of birth preparation courses. The sub-objectives are to ascertain whether women make practical use of the knowledge obtained in birth preparation courses during their pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. The research was conducted by a quantitative method, using the form of questionnaires. The respondents were primiparas who underwent birth preparation courses. The questionnaires were distributed at the postpartum ward in the hospitals in České Budějovice and Příbram. The questionnaire was anonymous, voluntary and the results of the research were processed only within the scope of the bachelor thesis. The data collection took place from November 2011 to February 2012. Within the research, the data from 110 correctly completed questionnaires were assessed. The results are clearly presented in diagrams. All objectives have been fulfilled ? women are satisfied with the concept of the birth preparation courses. In total, 72 % of the respondents evaluate the courses as helpful, 90 % of the respondents would recommend the undertaken course to their friends, and 80 % of the respondents did not lack any information at the course. The first research issue has also been confirmed ? women make practical use of the knowledge obtained in birth preparation courses during their pregnancy. Preparation for childbirth is the main reason why women want to attend birth preparation courses. The second research issue, namely whether women make practical use of the knowledge obtained in birth preparation courses during the childbirth, has also been confirmed. This conclusion was derived with the aid of diagrams 9-13. The women mention the knowledge of the breathing technique, are familiar with relief positions, are informed of the probable course of childbirth, etc. The last research issue has also been answered ? women make practical use of the knowledge obtained in birth preparation courses during the postpartum period. Women know how to take care of their breasts after the childbirth, how to observe hygiene after the childbirth, know the correct breastfeeding technique, etc. The drawn up bachelor thesis may serve, in particular, for midwives who run birth preparation courses. They may find out what information women lack at birth preparation courses, focus on the given issue and rectify the deficiencies. The bachelor thesis may also serve as an educational material for future midwives who may get an idea what all is involved in birth preparation.

D-dimer concentration in pregnancy
D-dimers belong to fibrin degradation products (FDP) which we can find in the blood when the blood clot is dissolved. This process is named fibrinolysis. The levels of D-dimer are higher in all conditions connected with increased coagulation activation like deep venous tromboembolis, pulmonary embolism or disseminated intravascular coagulation. So the negative results, when the D-dimer concentration is below predetermined threshold, are one of the useful ways how to rule out tromboembolic disease The problem is that the elevated D-dimer levels are observed in other conditions like infection, trauma, acute cancer, recent surgery or pregnancy. The thesis should confirm that the concentration of D-dimer in pregnancy is elevated and the D-dimer levels were established in particular trimesters. These are compared with the D-dimer levels described in contemporary literature. The levels are determined for two different tests which were used in Hematology laboratory in České Budějovice hospital at different times. Besides the viewpoint of D-dimer and gravidity the thesis also follows up different results of the two tests and their possibility of comparison.

ST-T segments analysis of ECG signals with focusing on T-wave alternance
Tannenberg, Milan ; Sovka, Pavel (referee) ; Tyšler,, Milan (referee) ; Kozumplík, Jiří (advisor)
The Cardiovascular diseases may evocated the high percentual risk of sudden cardiac death in whole world. In several western countries is the number of death higher then number of cancer death. In this time is used a lot of methods for prediction of sudden cardiac death with focus on ECG T-wave alternance. The aim of the theses was to do stronger relation and cooperation with Internal Cardiac Clinic of Faculty Hospital Brno Bohunice on the risk analysis of sudden cardiac death. Secondly, we met the methods used for detection and quantification of simulated TWA. Last but not least was necessary to find TWA detection methods improvement and process the data on real signals obtained from Faculty Hospital Brno Bohunice. First part of the Thesis is focused on summary of pathologic artifacts in ECG signal, which are important for sudden cardiac risk stratification. There are described further known detection and quantification methods for TWA analysis. An interesting part for clinical practice is analysis of TWA trend in time and looking for the best method, which is able to catch and track the short TWA trend changes. Second part describes the new methods improvements, which were tested with interesting outputs. Further, there was developed method for TWA presence statement probability evaluation.

Cost Analysis of the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Plánka, Martin ; Lešetický, Ondřej (advisor) ; Mlčák, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with prostate cancer, contains informations about this affection and in the practical part I deal with costs, which are used on treatment for prostate cancer. The theoretical part presents prostate cancer, its symptoms, risky factors and diagnostic. Furthermore introduces treatment methodes of prostate cancer, its classifying and insertion to stages. In the theoretical part are calculated costs on the individual modalities of prostate cancer treatment. These costs are compared with datas received from Hospital in Jihlava during the treatment of this affection. In the end sumarise costs of this treatment and analyse propriety of punctual screening of illness.