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Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium difficile
Clostridium difficile toxin with production is the most common cause of nosocomial enteric infections. It causes inflammatory bowel disease called Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) of varying severity - from trivial diarrhea to life-threatening conditions such as paralytic ileus and toxic megacolon. C.difficile still escapes the attention of the general public and is in the background of other bacteria, such as MRSA. Clostridium difficile is a strictly anaerobic bacterium. It is a gram-positive rod forming an oval subterminal spores. C. difficile can produce two types of toxins - and toxin A (enterotoxin) and toxin B (a cytotoxin). Due to the toxin causes damage of the intestinal epithelium and deeper layers of the bowel wall. Into inflammatory ulceration that cover of the pseudomembrane. Some strains produce more binary toxin, whose exact function is not underwood yet. It is assumed that potentiates the effect of toxins A and B to increase their concentration. To demonstrate the CDI must remove the stool sample into a sterile tube. In the bacteriology workplace in Czech Budweis Hospital is being made direct conclusiveness of antigen and toxin by immuncgromatography method. It is a membrane-enzyme immunoanalysis for the detection of antigen - glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and toxin A / B. Negative result excludes GDH with high reliability clostridial infection. For confirmed CDI is considered proof toxigenic strain of C. difficile. This is evident from the result of either immunochromatography which is demonstrated both the antigen and the toxin, or identity of the gene for toxin B by PCR. If you find out in direct detection only positive antigen, the sample is sent for PCR testing to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Regardless of the outcome of the immunochromatography, the microscopic specimen stained by Gram are being produce from reces. In the case of proven C. difficile toxin is carried anaerobic culture test that takes two days. For identification of accrued bacteria is used latex agglutination. This is a method in which IgG antibodies bound to latex particles specifically bind to the antigens of the cell wall. To identify the bacteria can be also used the VITEK - MS machine that uses a laser ionization method in the presence of the matrix, followed by mass spectrometry. In case of a positive culture findings Clostridium difficile is being from grown culture set sensitivity to antibiotics by E-test and disk diffusion methods For the year 2011 the Department of Bacteriology examined 291 samples of feces. 13,4 % of these samples had positive antigen and toxin in an imunochromatographyc examination; 15,1 % had a positive antigen and negative toxin and 71,5 % were negative. 74 samples was positive in C. difficile toxin. These samples were subsequently conducted to culture examination - 62,2 % were positive. Most positive samples were sent from the infectious department. It has been examined 53,6 % of women and 46.4 % of mens. Percentage of toxigenic strains of both sexes were virtually identical - 25 %. All strains were susceptible to vancomycin and only one strain was resistant to metronidazole.

Scanning thermal microscopy of thermoelectric pulsed laser deposited nanostructures
Vaniš, Jan ; Zelinka, Jiří ; Zeipl, Radek ; Jelínek, Miroslav ; Kocourek, Tomáš ; Remsa, Jan ; Navrátil, Jiří
New materials with high possible figure of merit ZT are of high interest as a promising candidates for thermoelectric applications such as energy harvesting. Miniaturization of such systems tends toward developing of the suitable characterization method with nanometer resolution ability. In our contribution, we present the development and experimental results of a simple scanning probe microscopy method for the relative thermal conductivity characterization. The possibility of the setup is demonstrated on the set of different thin thermoelectric layers grown from hot pressed targets by pulsed laser deposition on the reference Si substrate. All the measurements were performed on the commercial Veeco Multimode scanning AFM/STM microscope with home developed controller and by using PicoCal Inc. bolometer probes with tungsten resistive path. All the experiments were done in the air at the ambient condition. Additional sample treatment for the measurement will be also briefly described

Explaining the Strength and Efficiency of Monetary Policy Transmission: A Panel of Impulse Responses from a Time-Varying Parameter Model
Matějů, Jakob
This paper analyzes both the cross-sectional and time variation in aggregate monetary policy transmission from nominal short-term interest rates to the price level. Using Bayesian TVP-VAR models where structural monetary policy shocks are identified by a mixture of short-term and sign restrictions, I show that monetary policy transmission has become stronger over the last few decades. This finding is robust across both developed and emerging economies. Monetary policy sacrifice ratios (the output costs of disinflation induced by monetary policy tightening) have decreased over the last four decades. Exploring the cross-country and time variation in monetary policy responses using panel regressions, I show that after a country adopted inflation targeting, monetary transmission became stronger and sacrifice ratios decreased. In periods of banking crises, the transmission from monetary policy interest rate shocks to prices is weaker and the related output costs are higher. Furthermore, countries with higher domestic private credit to GDP feature stronger transmission of interest rate shocks.
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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in nursing
The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a very important preventive method which enables to determine possible failures and suggest preventive measures to avoid possible failures before they may happen. The prevention of those failures is very important but it is necessary for the Czech medical care providers to change their attitudes and thinking. It is the medical staff who must do their best to provide quality and safe care, otherwise the provided care quality and safety will never be enhanced. The management support is crucial in this respect. When the support is missing, the improved failure prevention on a long-term basis cannot be achieved. The objectives were to examine nurses´ awareness of FMEA and whether nurses use this preventive method in practice. The interviewed nurses and chief nursing officers were asked two research questions: 1) Are nurses informed enough on the FMEA method? 2) Do nurses (use the method in practice? The results obtained are as follows: Out of eight nurses interviewed only one nurse, who had taken part in a seminar focused on this issue, was familiar with the FMEA. The FMEA is not used in nursing process in hospitals in which the research was conducted. The objectives were achieved. Two hypotheses were set: H I: Nurses are not informed on the FMEA method, H II: Nurses do not use the FMEA method. The purpose of this research is to enhance the nursing staff´ awareness of the possible failure prevention. The results of the research will be offered to managements of the hospitals involved in the research with the aim to incite the preventive measures implementation into nursing process. This will lead to the possible failure risk reduction. Both hospitals involved in the research are interested in the survey conclusions.

Use of physical restrains at psychiatric and somatic departments.
Nursing care of restless and aggressive patients, despite the unstoppable progress, can hardly do without the use of restrictive measures in all cases. In order to provide quality nursing care and to ensure the patient´s safety even with the application of restrictive measures, it is necessary to determine the level of professional quality, or the introduction of nursing standards at all wards where restrictive measures are used. The aim of this thesis was to verify if the restrictive measures in psychiatric inpatient units and inpatient wards of other medical disciplines are being used in accordance with the standard of nursing care of patients who are restrained in bed, and analyze the current standards of nursing care determining the use of restrictive measures. Another objective was to find out nurses´ attitudes to application of restrictive measures and to survey their feelings while applying restrictive measures. On the base of the objectives hypotheses were formulated with regard to data in literature and my own clinical practice, which also includes the use of restrictive measures. The nursing research was conducted through a questionnaire at the wards where restrictive measures are applied. The respondents were nurses working in these units. The results provided clear evidence that not only worldwide, throughout Europe, but also within medical facilities of the Czech Republic, the care of psychiatric patients is inconsistent in terms of restrictive measures, and therefore, standardization of this care is highly desirable. A component part of this thesis is the created Standard of nursing care for application of restrictive measures in medical inpatient facilities, which will be used in practice in České Budějovice Hospital, Inc.

The market analysis in services industry in a small company example
The thesis analyses the ability of competiton of a company in the service branch, in the sector of the installation electronic safeguard alarm. One of partial aims of thesis was an analyse of the historical development till the present, and an analyse of the inner and outer environment and preferences for selection theirs future suppliers. For this have been used methods of SWOT analysis and a questionnaire. The main aim was disclose and take advantage of opportunities, eliminate weak intents and limit distress.. One of the results of the thesis is choice of an acceptable agency for seeking new employees, implementation of a system for customers relationship management and institution of first step for management quality.

Česká imigrační politika- stát se stává vyhledávanou cílovou zemí?
Beránková, Petra ; Rahimi, Fatima ; Dvořáková, Martina ; Svetlíková, Monika ; Chocholáčková, Kristina
Text zkoumá, zdali je zájmem České republiky uvolnit svou imigrační politiku a zabývá se dopady politiky, vedoucí k proměně země v atraktivní cílovou zemi pro ekonomické migranty. Ačkoliv západoevropské země od druhé poloviny 20. století podporovaly imigraci jako dočasný a konjunkturní fenomén, vznikající závislost na zahraniční pracovní síle s sebou přinesla i výzvy, zejména v oblasti dlouhodobé integrace cizinců. Usazující se migranti se do většinové společnosti začleňovali dle rozdílných integračních modelů, jejichž podoba byla ovlivněna politikami a ekonomickou situací jednotlivých cílových států. Důležitost vyhranění zájmů v této oblasti je tudíž zřejmá. Integrační modely přitom samy o sobě nejsou bezchybné a je tedy vhodné je kombinovat. Imigrační a integrační politika České republiky doposud v podstatě odrážela poptávku českého trhu po pracovních silách ze zahraničí. Česká republika lákala migranty během ekonomického růstu, tedy mezi lety 1993-1996 a 2000-2008. Po začátku ekonomické krize se přiklonila k restriktivnímu přístupu. Volba tohoto přístupu se ovšem nezdá být nejvhodnější, jelikož nastavení selektivních kritérií omezuje větší flexibilitu trhu. Zavedení otevřenějšího přístupu by pravděpodobně vedlo k posílení statutu ČR jako cílové země imigrantů. Jaká opatření by k takovému vývoji vedla? Jedná se především o změny v celkové koncepci imigrační a integrační politiky, která doposud nahlíží na trvalé usazování migrantů spíše negativně. S ohledem na výše uvedené závěry lze dospět k doporučením dvojí povahy: Za prvé, navzdory prosazující se společné imigrační politice v rámci Evropské unie, pod vlivem Strategie Evropa 2020, a rovněž Haagského a Stockholmského programu, si Česká republika může podobu své imigrační politiky předurčit dle svých zájmů sama. Ačkoliv Česká republika nemá koloniální minulost jako většina západoevropských zemí, je lákavou destinací především pro migranty z východních zemí. Zdá se být tudíž žádoucí zaujmout aktivní strategii řízené migrace právě ze zemí východní Evropy. Za druhé, z hlediska integrační politiky je třeba vnímat migranty dle jejich zájmu o pobyt v rozdílné délce. Opatření by tedy měla v maximální míře reflektovat nehomogenní požadavky imigrantů. Příliš restriktivní přístup vůči migrantům vede k jejich přesunu do šedých sfér ekonomiky, což představuje značný problém nejen z hlediska právního, ale i socioekonomického. Je tedy v zájmu České republiky poskytnout migrantům takové podmínky, jež by nejen přispěly k jejich ekonomické soběstačnosti a informovaly je o právech a povinnostech v České republice, ale zároveň i napomáhaly k jejich začlenění do většinové společnosti.
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Ensuring Patient Safety in Healthcare Facility.
The thesis contains a summary of issues relating the quality and safety of services and healthcare environment. The theoretical part is a cross section of the whole topic of quality and safety from a culture of quality and safety, ensuring and creating safe care at European and global level, through causes and prevention of adverse events, the influence of the European Union on this issue, the national legislation, the accreditation investigation and evaluation of the quality and safety. The research is focused towards deeper investigation the issue, clarification of concepts, causes and contexts. The pur-pose is not to draw conclusions directly, but to explore how some facilities are in comparison with the theory and in comparison with each other. The purpose and goal of this work is to determine whether the currently implemented measures and changes lead to improving of services and greater safety. The main goal of the thesis is: To determine whether the introduction of DSO (Departmental security objectives) has a positive effect on patient safety in health facilities in Pilsen and South Bohemia regions and compare the differences. As a tool to clarify the quality and safety I chose a descriptive qualitative research and quantitative analysis of adverse events in observed group. Quality was assessed by using questionnaire consisting of the main and most important parts of the theoretical concept. From data obtained by questionnaire was subsequently compiled a description of the culture of quality and safety of each facility and then compared. A numeric data was used to compare the incidence of adverse events before and after the implementation of a program of continuous improving quality and safety as well as between members of the research group.

Budoucnost biopaliv v evropském palivoenergetickém řetězci
Grygar, Filip ; Slavíková, Lenka (advisor) ; Czesaný, Slavoj (referee)
Tato práce se zabývá zaváděním biosložek do pohonných hmot v Evropské Unii a dopadem této činnosti na životní prostředí a ekonomiku států. Jedná se o snahu redukovat závislost na ropě, jejíž zásoby se dle odborníků snižují a taktéž o snahu omezit produkci emisí z automobilové dopravy, zejména skleníkových plynů, jež se nemalou měrou podílejí na klimatických změnách. Nárůst spotřeby ropy a produkce emisí během posledního století je vysoký a způsoben především zvyšujícím se počtem automobilů, který je ovlivněn mimo jiné, vyšší životní úrovní obyvatel Evropy. Cílem této práce je srovnat mezi sebou ideu Evropské unie o přechodu na biopaliva a zprávy světových organizací, které tento postup kritizují. Dalším cílem práce bude snaha zjistit, zda vůbec, a za jakých podmínek, a v jakém množství je zavádění biosložek výhodné a ekonomicky efektivní, vzhledem k nákladům na výrobu směsného paliva a nákladům na zavedení opatření včetně dopadu na státní rozpočet.