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The problems of immigrants integration at elementary schools
The bachelor´s work is focused on matters of the integration of immigrants at primary schools in the two selected districts in the South Bohemian Region from the view of the individual representative of the schools. In the theoretical part, there are defined primary facts related to the given theme. The attention is given to the integration of immigrants, negative features from the side of a majority society. Selected integration programs, projects and researches are also a part of this work. The last chapter is focused on the education and the question of integration and education of the children from other countries in the Czech Republic. The practical part introduces us with the results of qualitative research. In the form of interviews at primary schools, the needed information to the given matters was collected. The facts that had been found out were compared with the theoretical knowledge.
The specialities of the criminal action of the business character being wronged by foreigners and its influence on the shadow economic of The Czech Republic
Práce je zaměřena na trestnou činnost cizinců na území České republiky po roce 1989. Porovnáním získaných dat je ukázán vývoj a podíl jejich trestné činnosti na celkovém stavu kriminality v ČR. Na základě získaných poznatků z odborné literatury, z rozhovorů s policisty Krajského ředitelství policie Praha a z osobních zkušeností autora jsou v práci popsány způsoby páchání vybraných druhů trestné činnosti, se kterými se může v životě setkat každý občan. Zvláště pak je pozornost zaměřena na hospodářskou kriminalitu a její vliv na růst stínové ekonomiky v ČR.
Problems of the stay, illegal migration and criminality of foreigners in South Bohemia after entrance of the Czech republic to Schengen area.
ŠKOLKA, Michael
In the face of the Czech Republic becoming the central country of the Schengen Area, the situation in the field of legal and illegal migration has undergone considerable changes. Taking people over the state border has disappeared; however, some forms of migration have remained or even expanded. Today, the organisers of illegal migration use the Czech Republic more like a transit country. They now turned to ``more legal techniques{\crqq}, such as getting some types of visas (studying, work etc.), obtaining a residence permit based on fictitious weddings or established paternity to a Czech citizen, inviting personal or corporate entities and migrating by using false or altered personal documents. Creating effective policies and measures is essential in fighting against illegal migration. The EU member countries should focus on efficient returning of the illegally residing third world{\crq}s citizens, importantly by intensifying the cooperation with the countries of origin and transit. Furthermore, toughening the sanctions on employers who illegally take advantage of cheep workforce particularly from the Eastern bloc is also vital. Additionally, it is necessary to concentrate on integration of the foreigners in the social area as well as the economic one. The top-priority task should be using their original skills in their country of origin, with the secondary positive being the elimination of illegal employment in those several areas where the local workforce is deficient, resulting in foreigners being employed there without the necessary knowledge and work experience. Regarding the question of criminality of foreigners, I can see a solution in preventive measures as far as individuals are concerned and repressive measures where the organised crime is concerned. Since it is often a matter of mafias and dangerous criminal elements, rigorous activity of the police and relevant authorities is essential in order to eliminate this severe criminal activity. On the subject of the prevention of foreigner criminality, I would recommend a complex of social and situation measures, with the aim to decrease criminality, involving the problematic groups of foreigners to the life of the majority society and increasing the general public{\crq}s awareness about the methods of protection from criminal activities. The social prevention should, however, be joined by other units, particularly nongovernmental non-profit organizations, civil initiatives, companies, media and the town{\crq}s citizens themselves.
Consulting yesterday, today and tomorrow or else Work Specifics of the Centre for Refugees and Migrants in České Budějovice
The Centre for Refugees and Migrants in České Budějovice has been established within the České Budějovice Diocesan Charity project and currently it has been in operation for fifteen years. My work deals with development of this Centre {--} I have been focused on how its activities, clients, used and provided services developed during the individual years of its existence. I monitor development of the Centre for Refugees and Migrants Centre project, focused on activities of former and current staff, considering specifics of the Centre. One of the specifics of the Centre for Refugees and Migrants in České Budějovice is employee fluctuation. Service framework has been established during the first years of Centre projects´ existence {--} however considering change in type of clients, characters of problems varies as well as scope of utilization of individual services and demands on the staff.
Language Barier in the nursing Care from the View of Foreigners
Language barriers in nursing care from the view of foreigners The degree paper was aimed at the problems caused by language barriers in the Czech health care facilities between the nurses and the increasing number of hospitalized foreigners in our country. The rules and principles of multicultural nursing care are defined and the knowledge or perfect mastering of foreign languages by nurses seem to be more often the basic precondition for providing a comprehensive care in the Czech hospitals. The objective of this paper was to ascertain the scope of language barrier between the nurses and patients of different cultures through the eyes of foreigners and to assess the impact of the language barrier on the level and quality of the nursing care services provided by nurses. The survey is a quantitative research based on three anticipated hypotheses. H1 states that nursing care depends on the language and communication skills of both nurses and foreigners. H2 describes language barriers of nurses as considerable, namely in connection with the deficit of knowledge of foreign languages, and H3 mentions possible negative impact of language barriers on the quality level of nursing care. These hypotheses were confirmed. The data for the survey were processed by secondary analysis and the basic technique of the data collection was a questionnaire for the foreigners treated in the Czech health care facilities. The questionnaire contained 30 questions relating mostly to the problems caused by language barriers of nurses and foreigners and using of translator{\crq}s services by foreigners in the Czech hospitals. The survey was carried out in the clinic of reproductive medicine and endocrinology in Plzeň and Karlovy Vary. The survey showed that the degree of language barrier between nurses and foreigners in the Czech Republic was much higher than in other foreign countries and has often a negative impact on the level of nursing care provided. The reason of that was an insufficient language proficiency of nurses and not taking into consideration the specific cultural needs of a patient. Interpreting services provided by Czech hospital to foreigners are virtually nil. The results of this degree paper will be provided to those who are interested in these issues and may contribute to understanding the necessity of the Czech nurses to be able to communicate in foreign language in connection with the improvement of quality of nursing care in our country.
Employment of the Foreigners in the Czech Republic
Movement of citizens for work used to be and is a worldwide phenomenon {--} whether we consider moving of people for work within one country or between various countries. Since the beginning of the nineties, many foreigners have been coming to the Czech Republic with an intention to find work here and to improve therefore their living conditions. However, often they do not succeed to meet that goal as they wanted. In particular citizens from the former Soviet Union and various Asia countries do not find the best work conditions and assertion. If we do not mention illegal employment, even those who are employed legally often work for minimum salaries, in bad conditions and under continuous risk of expatriation. In this dissertation I focus on comparison of work conditions and work opportunities of citizens from so called Western countries and those from the former Soviet Union and South-Eastern Asia. Besides, in the theoretical part I endeavour to clarify the issue of so called client system which deteriorates strongly work conditions of citizens from the countries of the Confederation of Independent States and Russia.
Labour market in Ceské Budejovice district in relation to foreign countries
ŠNEJDAR, Jaroslav
Degree work, year 2008, University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice, Faculty of economics, Department of management, degree work leader doc. Ing. Ružena KRNINSKÁ, CSc. The aim of the degree work was to chart the labour market in Ceské Budejovice district in relation to foreign countries and to specify the influences on the development of legal employment of foreigners in Ceské Budejovice district, who had been granted a work permit in last 5 years, and the impact on unemployment in Ceské Budejovice district. It also charts the influence of EU entry and its impact on the outflow of workers from the labour market in Ceské Budejovice district. The main aim is to analyze the examined region and the labour market with regard to professions demanded by the employers. It is about how this affects the legal employment of the foreigners. A comparison of Ceské Budejovice employment agency{\crq}s statistics from the years 2003 {--} 2007 and the surveys, done via questionnaire enquiries, at employers (companies) in Ceské Budejovice who employ foreigners or have the intention to employ foreigners, was made. For purpose of cross-border employing of citizens of the Czech Republic via the employees of the employment agency in Ceské Budejovice arranged a contact with an employee of the given agency Arbeitsmarketservice Freistadt, where we talked about questions concerning the way of employing people from abroad, especially the Czech Republic. Further on an analysis of the questionnaire enquiries and the statistical data assigned by the employment agency was made. The results of the questionnaire enquiries were passed on to the employment agency in Ceské Budejovice for further possible use.
Problems of Integration in the Czech Republic
In these days the problems of integration are highly actual themes. In the theoretical part of this thesis there are possibilities of legal staying in the Czech Republic, legal form of this problem and all spheres of the integration processed in. There is also non-profit organization work and social work with the immigrants and asylum seekers described there. The practical part is targeted to detect the obstacles to integration of asylum seekers and immigrants.
Integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic
Horčicová, Helena ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Brown, Lenka (referee)
This graduation thesis "Integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic" describes the problematics linked to integration of foreigners within Czech majority. The attention is paid to particular areas of integration, foreigners as a whole and asylum seekers and muslim minority as well. The thesis also focuses on creation of integration policy and action of its participants. As an example of good practices the project Human Step financed by EU funds and its integration into international partnership Astra's is described.
Foreigners and the process of social-economic integration in the Czech Republic
Lelková, Michaela ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Jetmar, Marek (referee)
The bachelor thesis is devoted to an analysis of foreigners integration in the Czech Republic as one of the most discussed problems afflicting European territory. Inflow of immigrants coming to Czech Republic is raising rapidly and without having a proper conception of the integration policy, they will never have a chance to integrate fully to the Czech society. The main aim is to introduce and review the strategy, conception and deficiencies of that policy as well as to show the unsubstitutable role of state in this process. For better understanding thesis discusses administrative barriers, legislation, financing and importance of local level. Last but not least, it explains the necessity of non-profit associations and evaluates its efficiency. While it concentrates on the Czech integration policy, the thesis also looks at regional analysis of foreigners sojourning in Czech regions. It shows the biggest ethnical minorities living in the Czech Republic and introduces the common features of regions these minorities are staying in. Furthermore, thesis deals with the impact of the actual economic crisis on the process of foreigners integration in the Czech Republic. The goal is to emphasize the urgency of solving this worldwide phenomen.

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