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Concept of the revitalization of Nature Reserve Kapličky peat bog and continual monitoring of water regime and vegetation
The "Rašeliniště Kapličky" Nature Reserve is situated in the eastern part of the Šumava Mts. The reserve contains different peatland vegetation types - ombrogenous and transition bog parts. The area was partly drained due to extensive mining, pasturing and forestry in the past There are variously old drainage canals now. My thesis contains (i) the evaluation of groundwater table fluctuation and its relationship to vegetation composition and the drainage intensity and (ii) the evaluation of plant species composition in differently drained parts of the peatbog. There was strong relationship between actual groundwater table and precipitation, especially in drained areas, the diversity and the occurrence of expansive species were also related to groundwater table. A map of dranaige network inside the peatbog (1 : 3 500) and vegetation map (1 : 4 000) in the ArcMap programme for GIS environment were constructed. In the most drained part of the area the revitalisation measure was proposed {--} installation of wooden dams for blocking of drainage system.
An experimental study of initial succession on different substrata: analysis of changes in plant species cover and some soil biological parameters and their relationships
KRESÁČ, Martin
A four year experimental study of initial stages of succession on different substrata (sand, peat and gray clay overburden from brown coal mining) was carried out. The substrata were transplanted into two different landscape types in the Czech Republic. Control plots were filled with autochthonous topsoil treated with high temperature vapor. Plots with un-treated autochthonous topsoil were also established. Plant species cover and several soil-biological parameters (soil microbial biomass, basal soil respiration, exchangeable pH(KCl), organic-C extractable by potassium sulfate solution, and nitrate-N content) were measured once a year. Obtained data were mainly processed by unimodal (plant cover data) and liner (soil-biological data) ordination methods. Biological species traits (life span, seed dispersal vector, seed bank type, ecological strategy type following Grime, life form following Raunkiaer) were used to characterize early stages of plant succession. Vegetation and measured soil-biological parameters, except pH(KCl), were significantly changing during four growing seasons. Variance partitioning analysis based on plant species cover data indicated the landscape type to be the main governing factor and physico-chemical characteristics of substrate to be less important during the studied initial stages of succession. The same analysis based on soil-biological parameters showed the reverse result. Great variability of plant species ecological traits was noticed during four growing seasons. The earliest plant colonizers were mainly ruderal, anemochorous terophytes with persistent seed bank. The number of species with C-strategy type increased during the study. The relationship between the average plant species cover and measured soil-biological parameters was also examined during the experimental study of early succession. Direct and indirect ordination revealed the average sum of plant species cover to be weakly positively correlated with soil microbial biomass, basal soil respiration, nitrate-N, potassium sulfate extractable organic-C, metabolic quocient (qCO2) and negatively correlated to exchangeable pH(KCl). The relationship was significant only in the case of microbial biomass and potassium sulfate extractable organic-C. More detailed studies of the relationship between aboveground plant species biomass and soil microbial communities in initial stages of succession are required. Comparability of presented study is limited because not many experimental investigations of similar kind have been presented until now.
Spring fen vegetation in west Bohemian spring fen area
This thesis is about vegetation and water chemistry of thirty spring fens in West Bohemia. The aim of this work is to find out if there are any relationships between vegetation and water chemistry in the studied area. To investigate it, at each locality one fytosociological relevé of size 4 x 4 m was made and in autumn was taken one water sample.
The avaluation of influences on environment - case study. Spatial variant arrangement of inner dump and connected area of the ČSA mine.
Evaluation datums about development landscapes. Surveying vegetative types. Evaluation influence elements anthropogenic empty weight on landscape and proposal solving special - interest territory.
Změny vegetačního krytu nivní krajiny v důsledku invaze a následné likvidace křídlatky (Reynoutria spp.) na příkladu povodí Morávky. Příspěvek k rekonstrukci potenciální přirozené vegetace lesních fragmentů na Českomoravské vrchovině
Lacina, Jan ; Halas, Petr ; Pavel, Š.
Catastrophic flood in July 1997 contributed to dispersion of the invasive neophytes Reynoutria spp. in the Morávka river basin below Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains (Western Carpathian Mountains). Its vital population spreaded in undergrowth of floodplain forests and onto river gravel banks. The interest area is site of European importance in terms of Natura 2000, therefore here was done mechanical and chemical liquidation of the Reynoutria spp. in 2007-2009. The Project „Preservation of alluvial forest habitats in the Morávka river basin“was essentially financed by the Moravian-Silesian Region. Changing distribution of Reynoutria spp. was mapping utilization GIS technology.
Changes of the geobiocoen and skeleton of the ecological stability in mining landscape
Lacina, Jan
Anthropogenic disturbances in Ostrava-Karviná mining district cause very significant changes of ecotopes. Actual vegetation reacts on the changes. Frequently, conditions of potential vegetation are changed as well. Even in disturbed landscape has arisen many perspective anthropogenic conditioned biotopes.
Biogeographical research of the effects of antropogenous and natural disturbances
Lacina, Jan
Biogeographical research at the Institute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is presently focused to impacts of catastrophic factors (floods, landslides) and anthropogenic disturbances of mining activities in vegetation. Changes of biotopes are investigated on flood river basin of Bečva river, on landslides in Western Carpathians and on landscapes changed by mining activities in Ostrava vicinity and Bohemian-Moravian uplands.
Succession in the flood beds of Moravian rivers on example of Bečva a Desná
Lacina, Jan
In flood river basins of alluvium of the Bečva and Desná rivers was found research transects after catastrophic flood in July of 1997 and natural succession was investigated on new ecotopes. Present results shows that succession is dependent on location of biotopes in the face of current active river flow.
Vegetation interpretation of Natura 2000 habitats in the Czech Republic
Navrátilová, Jana
Twelve papers in this volume cover the Natura 2000 habitat mapping and their vegetation interpretation in the Czech Republic.

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