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Manipulation with patient as a nursing problem
BLÁHOVÁ, Kateřina
Current status Patient handling is a comprehensive process. A nurse handles patients many times a day throughout the entire time of hospitalization. The range of processes that require patient handling is very broad. Patient handling takes up a relatively big part of time and efforts in the course of positioning. While handling patients the nurse´s motoric system is loaded and this may result in musculoskeletal diseases and subsequent incapacity to work. Incorrect handling also increases the risk of damaging the patient. The risk may be eliminated to a certain extent by the use of handling aids and by observation of barrier nursing care and occupational health and safety rules. An important role is also played by education of nurses and healthcare workers in the area of motoric communication concepts. Objective of the work and research questions Three objectives were set for the research survey. The first objective was to identify the issues faced by nurses in the process of patient handling. The second objective was to map aids most frequently used by nurses for patient handling. The third objective focused on education of nurses about patient handling. Six research questions were formulated to achieve the objectives: 1. Which undesired events may occur in the process of patient handling? 2. Which problems do nurses see in the process of patient handling? 3. Do nurses have aids available to ensure safe handling of patients? 4. Are nurses able to use aids for patient handling? 5. Which methods do nurses use to facilitate patient handling? 6. Do nurses have opportunities for /are they willing to get education about patient handling? Method The method of qualitative research was used for the empirical part of the bachelor thesis. The data were collected by means of two techniques: semi-structured interview and covert participant observation. The interviews were conducted, using a previously prepared set of questions, with nine nurses who work in three in-patient wards in a hospital in the South Bohemian region. Observations were conducted in the same wards as the interviews. The resulting data were categorized and evaluated. A precondition for the research survey was to keep all the respondents and the healthcare facility anonymous. Results The results of the survey indicate that the most frequent undesired events which may occur during patient handling are injuries of the patients or personnel. The principal issues seen by the nurses are the weight of patients and limiting conditions of the environment. Despite the fact that the nurses reported sufficient quantity of aids for safe handling of patients they would appreciate a different structure of the aids. Moreover, the observations have shown that they are not always able to use the aids correctly. The nurses use simple non-technical aids to facilitate patient handling and they also use methods of handling by several persons. Conclusion The empirical survey has shown that patient handling is the activity performed on everyday basis by nurses performing their jobs and providing nursing care. Such activities expose nurses to physical load and they also need to deal with a number of problems. They approach patient handling in a quite conservative manner and they only use a few basic handling aids. They do not have more sophisticated aids available at their workplaces and by now they have not shown any interest in getting them. The nurses fail to use any motoric communication concept in the handling process, such as kinaesthetics. An overwhelming majority of the nurses have never heard about kinaesthetics or their notion about it was totally incorrect. We can conclude from the obtained results that most of the nurses are interested in education about correct patient handling techniques.
Possibilities of improving practical teaching students of the first year General Nursing before first contact with the patient on the first practical training.
NĚMCOVÁ, Barbora
The diploma work is focused on students of first year General Nurse who do not have medical high school education. These students during the preparation have to be familiar with significant amount of specialized curriculum before their first professional practice. The work investigated how this demanding preparation could be improved. The research showed that these students would welcome such optional course focused on practical training of nursing skills. This optional subject could result in a reduction of negative feelings from the first professional practice.
Nurse in the Course of Time - the History of the Nursing Profession in the Czech Lands
The aim of this thesis is to map the historic development of the nursing profession in Czech nursing from the past to the present. The Bachelor thesis is composed purely theoretically. The development of nursing profession is described in its important millstones. To gain information, it was necessary to peruse a considerable amount of bibliographic publications, research papers and internet sources. Further off the theoretical part was enhanced by memories of former nurses who used to work at hospitals after the World War Two and during the communist regime. The nursing profession has being formed since time immemorial and this process still continues. Wars, social and political situation, scientific progress and new knowledge in medicine had a great impact on the foundation of nursing. The nursing profession had to go through a very long, winding and sometimes even thorny journey to get the position of independent scientific discipline, as it is nowadays. The nursing profession routs of in the past. First part of the thesis deals with nursing in the period of the early Middle Ages and describes its first two stages. First stage in nursing dealt with lay nursing care which was performed by family members in their homes. Second stage, charitable nursing, came along with faith in God and Jesus Christ. The church caretakers tended the poorest and needy people in hospitals and poorhouses. A great development in nursing, that also means nursing profession and medicine, was during Crimean War. This period is known as third stage of nursing activity that is the organised nursing. We owe it to Florence Nightingale, Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov and Jean Henry Dunant. These personalities of world nursing gave the nursing profession solid foundation and order. Next part deals with acquisition of professional skills. The origins of nursing education in this country were significantly influenced by emancipation movements in 19th century led by Eliška Krásnohorská and Karolína Světlá who fought for women's rights and education for women. We have to be grateful to these women for establishment of the first nursing school in Austria-Hungary which was founded in 1874 in Prague. The nursing profession gained importance by foundation of this school and professional aiming education of nurses started being to be formulated. During the time until the World War Two it was mainly members of religious orders who cared about the ill in our hospitals. Nursing education was procured by Česká zemská škola pro ošetřování nemocných before the establishment of Czechoslovakia. At the beginning of the First Czechoslovak Republic civil nurses and graduate nurses were gradually integrated into hospitals where they most frequently hold the position of nurses in charge. Further the Bachelor thesis is about social and working conditions of nurses at ward. The conditions, in which the patients were hospitalized, are described as well.Nursing profession in the course of World War Two (1939 - 1945) monitored a specific development. Nuns had to leave hospitals and were replaced by German caretakers. After the war German doctors and nurses were displaced back to Germany. This unfavourable situation was solved by the return of religious orders, but it did not last long. In the 1950´s they had to leave hospitals again and definitively forever.The bachelor thesis further describes the 1990´s which are the years of enhancing the quality of nursing care and led to gradual gaining of independence in the field of nursing.Finally, personalities of Czech nursing care that anyhow, mainly by their work, contributed to the establishment and development of nursing profession are mentioned at the end of the bachelor thesis.
Problems of practical teaching of nurses from the perspective of students and nurses
The education of nurses, as well as other non-doctor medical workers, has seen significant changes in the course of the past twenty years. In compliance with current legislation, the studies of general nurses only take place at universities and colleges these days.The schooling of nurses consists of theoretical and practical education. Both of them mingle and supplement each other during the complete course of the studies. Theoretical part consists of general as well as special subjects which are followed by practical schooling. This takes place at and ambulatory, ward, one-day and home-based sanitary facilities.Three aims of dissertation were set at the beginning of the research. First was to find about factors which influence the cooperation of students and nurses during the practical session. Second was based on finding factors with influence on nurse's conduct of the practical session. The last aim was to find about factors which motivate and de-motivate students during the practical session.For the purpose of gaining the data, two groups were established. First was the group of seven female students studying the combined form of subject field ?general nurse? at ZSF JU, all of them having received medical education before. Second was the group of nurses working at České Budějovice Hospital, Inc. For the purpose of data collection, the qualitative method of inquiring through semi-standardized interviews was chosen. The answer to the question ? what factors most often influence the cooperation of students and nurses during the practical session? ? was defined by their cooperation, chiefly by the way of their mutual conduct. This was the essential factor pervading all areas of the research.The other important factor applies to the groups of five or more female students where nurses did not have enough time for the students. The other important question was: what influences nurses' conduct of the practical session? As the main positive influence, the interest of students to learn new things as well as their dilligence was cited. The main obstacle in this process, according to nurses, is the lack of time which is devoted to students in order to teach them or show them the aspects of the profession. Demands and challenges of the profession also contribute to the factor cited above. The last but not least factor is the negative influence of large group of students being part of the same shift at the department. And the factors that motivate students during the practical session? It is obvious that the key factor is the possibility to gain information and enough capacity to perform medical actions. At the same time, the students expect helpful and accomodating personnel possessing enough time and patience which should be devoted to them. On the contrary, the factors which de-motivate students are negative attitude and conduct of nurses at departments, too many students grouped into a shift and few opportunities to perform expert medical action. All interviews suggest that improvement could be accomplished through permanent presence of mentors or expert tutors from the faculty who would have enough time for students.It is suggested that data and information from research could be used at clinical facilities for the purpose of practical sessions. The persons responsible for practical sessions could use those data and information to make the practice and cooperation more effective. Information could be used as a base for seminar for shift nurses who get in touch with students on a daily basis. Furthermore, the outputs of research could serve as recommendations for students which could lead to their improvement. Above all, the research serves as a topic for reflection and insight into both worlds.
Observance conditions of registration of nurse on maternity leave.
Lifelong education and the related topic of meeting requirements for registration of nurses are hotly discussed. The main reason is the constantly changing conditions to register. The purpose is to provide quality nursing care provided by highly competent and educated nurses. Lifelong learning promotes high standards of professional practice. My thesis deals with meeting requirements for registration in nurses on parental leave. The research objective was to identify the most common problems in meeting requirements for registration in nurses on parental leave and to find the difference in meeting requirements for registration in nurses in the working process and nurses on parental leave. The purpose of my research was to confirm my hypothesis that for the nurses on parental leave it is more difficult to meet requirements for registration. For data collection a combination of quantitative and qualitative research was used. In the quantitative research I distributed 150 questionnaires, which were anonymous, to nurses in the districts of Český Krumlov and České Budějovice. 119 questionnaires were returned. In the qualitative research I addressed seven nurses on parental leave, whom I interviewed. The research has proved that nurses on parental leave have little information on educational events. And also, nurses on parental leave do not receive information about educational events from their employers, they cannot take part in those events and do nor get any financial contributions. Nurses on parental leave miss babysitting at educational events. Nurses in the working process can participate in educational events organized by the employer and they also receive financial contributions for educational events. All the nurses agreed on the belief that lifelong learning brings them benefits.
How do practical skills acquired during study effect future employability of students of nursery and their future professional ambitions
This thesis examines the influence of practical nurse education field on commencement of employment and another focus of future. Nurses are educated in a three-year training programs in accordance with the public notice number 39/2005. Program is divided into theoretical part and practical part. Practical part is 2 300 hours, so half of the total 4 600 hours. Professional practice is a subject that provides students with skills and knowledge. Students improve their skills and habits. They apply the knowledge gained during the theoretical part of education. Theoretical part is divided into 5 sections. The first part relates to nursing and its history. The second part is about who is actually nurse, what are her roles and responsibilities. The third part is devoted training nurses. The fourth part is concerned with the practical teaching areas, the work of professional practice, and the responsibilities of the student nurse the field due to the practical teaching. The fifth part is devoted to the motivation of nurses in the Czech Republic.
The thesis title is Educative Activities of a Perioperative Nurse at an ORL Department. In her profession, the nurse performs several important roles. One of these is the very role of an educator. No less important is the educative activity of a perioperative nurse which is currently increasingly referred to. Education is important in order for a client to be able to assume an active role in the area of own health care and in order to be able to decide completely with respect to own health provision. An operating procedure is a difficult situation in a person{\crq}s life and it is necessary that a client has all the information available. The objective of this thesis was to map the educative activity of perioperative nurses. In particular with respect to the clients{\crq} satisfaction with pre-operative care within the context of the educative process; whether the education performed by a perioperative nurse alleviates a client{\crq}s anxiety and improves the awareness of clients before an operating procedure. A quantitative research has been selected for the fulfillment of objectives. The survey investigation was executed by means of a questionnaire form. Two anonymous questionnaires were used. The first one was intended for clients after an operating procedure at an ORL department, and the second one for perioperative nurses. The questionnaire survey reflected on 84 clients and 86 perioperative nurses.
The nurse with high school (university) education as a member of nursing team
Recently, the university-educated nurses´ integration into the nursing staff has been a topical issue. My thesis deals with the issue {\clqq} A university-educated nurse as a member of the nursing staff.`` The thesis is divided into two sections {--} theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part information on education of nurses in the past and nowadays is presented. The current health care legislation is also given attention to. The thesis deals with the health care philosophy and is focused on the personality of a nurse. The chapters of the practical section refer to the following topics: the study objective, hypotheses, the collecting data methodology, the characteristics of the research set. In the following chapter charts showing results of the research are presented. The results are then analysed, compared and evaluated. The objective of my thesis was to learn what is the university-educated nurses´ position in the nursing staff hierarchy. I wanted to examine what the rank of universityeducated nurses in the nursing team is from the viewpoint of other nursing staff members, doctors, patients and also the university-educated nurses themselves. I handed out questionnaires to four different research sets of respondents: patients, the secondaryschool- educated nurses, university-educated nurses and doctors. Two hypotheses were set. The obtained data analysis shows that the first hypothesis: {\clqq}the university-educated nurses´s position within the medical staff is not specified yet`` was confirmed. The second hypothesis: {\clqq}From the viewpoint of a patient the rank of a university-educated nurse and that of the school of nursing are the same`` was also confirmed. Besides these findings there are other very interesting conclusions emerging from the research. The data I obtained are compared to those obtained in a similar research four years ago. The thesis thus contributes to recognition what has changed in terms of the attitude to nurses and their education. Despite being an integral part of the nursing staff, the university-educated nurses have an ill-defined position within the nursing team. The objective of my thesis was achieved. The main contribution of my thesis may be the presentation of these conclusions to the public {--} the potential health care facilities clients. It could enhance the reputation of the nursing profession in society.
Problems lifelong learning of nurse
HALUZOVÁ, Jaroslava
My thesis addresses the issue of lifelong learning of nurses.Lifelong learing promotes high standards of profesional practice. The principles and values of lifelong learning are increasingly important. The objective of the research was to find out how motivated the health care personnel are to improve their skills and knowledge in the interest of their patients. In my research I also obsesrve if nurses have the responsibility to grow professionally and if they have enought access to information about lifelong education programs.For data collection the quantitative research was used.The summary of my research: nurses are concerned about lifelong learning, they are aware of the need to enhance the profesional practice. But they are not informed enough about relevant chances.The mandatory registration has enhanced the involvement in lifelong learning of nurses. But the most important motivating factor is the prospect for promotion and a better salary.
Specialisation or university education {--} preferences and opinions of nurses
TŮMOVÁ, Markéta
The work contains an overview regarding nurses´ education and the aim of the work was to find out nurses´ opinions on university studies and specialisation study courses and their preferences regarding these.

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