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KRÁČMAR, Ladislav
This bachelor's thesis deals with problems arising in a family with an alcoholic member caused by his/her dependency and the response of social workers. It points out the individual sub-problems of the family, where her party member is dependent on alcohol and their possible solutions with the help of social work methods carried out by relevant social workers in cooperation with family members
The disintegration of marriage and relationships of children
This thesis deals with the problems of adult people from divorced families and the issue of partnerships. The aim was to capture what these people were experiencing during their parents' divorce and after. Further, whether the divorce affected their attitudes to relatonships and marriage. The theoretical part briefly describes the relationships and their development. The process of choosing a partner and how it affects the parents. Family, family function and the role of father and mother. Marriage and the marriage rate in the Czech Republic. The issue of divorce, the divorce rate in the Czech Republic, the causes of divorce, the most common children's reactions to divorce and the consequences, in the short and long term. Interview was used as a method for the research and four respondents aged 26 - 30 years participated.
Value ranking of Children in Children's Home in Radenín.
My thesis focuses on what values are preferred by children in a children's home, what relationships between values arise, and how values interact. The domain of value orientations, value and attitude preferences must be monitored for a better understanding of the people who surround us, with whom we work, of whom we take care, and also whom we bring up The theoretical part of the thesis, its individual chapters, focuses on the theoretical background of the issue of values and value orientations, as well as on foster upbringing and the characteristics of facilities for institutional upbringing. The first chapter characterizes what foster upbringing of children is, what forms of foster upbringing may be used, and what facilities are legally defined for institutional upbringing. The reasons why institutional upbringing is ordered by courts are analyzed in detail. The second chapter focuses on a children's home as a specific facility for institutional upbringing. Specifically, the Children's Home in Radenín is introduced that was chosen for the research part of the thesis. The definitions of terms relating to values and value orientations, attitudes, interests and motivation are presented in the third chapter. More specifically, the kinds of values, whose characteristics can be found in expert literature, are described. The fourth chapter clarifies what factors operate, influence and shape our value orientation as well as individual values, which become an important part of everyone's lives. Of some interest were also the roles played in this shaping by the school, family, peers but also the media. The empirical part of the thesis defines the objective, during whose accomplishment the basic life values of the children the Children's Home in Radenín were investigated and subsequently analyzed. In line with the objective, a research question was formulates; it was as follows: What life values are preferred by the children in the Children's Home in Radenín? The research was intended to find out what values are recognized and preferred by children who do not grow in their primary families, whose effects are considered as cornerstones in building value orientations of children. Of major interest were the analyses of interrelationships of individual values, interpenetration, and interactions and preferences of these values in children. The benefit of the thesis can be seen in the use of its results in everyday work of educators working with children in children's homes
Economic Relations between the Czech Republic and the Republic of South Africa
Smetanová, Jitka ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Chládek, Miloslav (referee)
This work analyses the relations of the Czech Republic and South Africa in the field of trade and investment. The first chapter describes the environment of South Africa from geographic, demographic, historical, political views and perspectives of involvement in various organizations. The second chapter compares the economic environments in the Czech Republic and South Africa in the fields of macroeconomic indicators, foreign trade and foreign direct investment. The third chapter deals with mutual economic relations between the two countries. The fourth chapter focuses on the company Crystalex CZ dealing with South African partners.
Support for IT projects and IT projects portfolio through social networks analysis.
Měsíček, Libor ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Buřita, Ladislav (referee) ; Vejlupek, Tomáš (referee) ; Ritschelová, Iva (referee)
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the area of IT projects portfolio management and IT projects. Dissertation summarizes development of IT projects portfolio management, its benefits, problems, and integration of IT PPM philosophy into selected widely use methodologies and IT frameworks. Further work summarizes developments and main findings of social networks analysis and relevant findings from psychological and sociological field, team work and process of organization. Also presents results of two surveys, on their basis have been formulated conclusions and recommendations. The main part of the work focuses on design of additional processes for MMDIS ŘIP mainly by use of social networks analysis to support the selection of the appropriate staff to selected positions in an IT project. Furthermore, the proposal presents categorization of IT roles according to selected metrics of social network nodes.
Cooperation nurses and nutritional therapist in the multidisciplinary team
The bachelor thesis deals with the cooperation of nurses and nutrition therapists within one multidisciplinary team. The theoretical part focuses on the multidisciplinary team, its tasks and also on what members of medical staff belong to the team and their role in the team. The next part describes the relations between medical staff members and their problems. The following parts describe the education, competences and responsibilities of the nurses and nutrition therapists. The closing part of the theoretical work concentrates on nutritional care and nutritional screening options. The practical part contains the results of the qualitative research. First, an objective was set, which focused on finding out about the cooperation between the nurses and the nutrition therapist within one multidisciplinary team. The objective was established six research questions. The semi-structured type of interview was used for the research. 20 respondents took part in the research, 10 nurses from the departments of dermatovenerology, gastroenterology, surgery, neurology, carcinology and 10 nutrition therapists from the Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze (General TeachingHospital in Prague). During cooperation, the nurses should focus on the hospital diet system, on the diet types, how to order meals through the hospital information system. They should also learn about the options and news in nutrition therapy at workshops and courses. The nutrition therapists should give the nurses more information about the news in nutrition care and subsequently consult it with them. Both parties should communicate more with each other and make an effort to improve mutual relations in general.
The Influence of Combined University Studies on Relationships
The bachelor thesis "Influence of Master's Studies in combined form on the relationships in partnership" highlights the broader context of the changes in cohabiting and simultaneously acquaints us with the circumstances that may affect the development of the relationship between partners. One of these circumstances, which may largely affect the relationship, is the higher education in combined form one of the partners. In the Czech Republic, it is still not common to share domestic work and childcare equally between woman and man. Higher study of one of the partners can bring a problem in partner negotiations of how to reconcile the two work (study) career with the care of the relationship, household and children. Generally, this situation can lead to many conflicts between partners, which may even result in a breakup or divorce, because higher education in the combined form is not a short-term issue, but it takes three to five years. An important factor to deal with this long-term stress to the relationship is primarily balanced distribution of roles between the partners, which is necessary to add to a reciprocal mutual understanding, tolerance and support, without raising unnecessary conflicts. The goal of this study was to determine whether the relationships affected university studies in a combined form, and whether there exist differences in the impact on relationships when man or woman is studying. The first objective was to determine which areas of partnership are the most negatively affected in the Master's Studies in combined form one of the partners, the second objective was to determine whether the influence of higher studies in combined form one of the partners lead to the disintegration of a relationship (divorce , gauge). Based on the selected targets, two hypotheses were set: (1) "Higher education in combined form has a negative impact on relations in the partnership" and (2) "a relationship is negatively affected when woman is studying." To obtain the necessary information I used quantitative research that was conducted through a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire used in the framework of the research had 19 items and mainly open and semi-open questions were used (see Annex). The sample consisted of students of the combined study of Health and Social Care at the University of South Bohemia in the Ceske Budejovice, living in a relationship or married. The total number of respondents for the research process numbered 146, of which 110 were women and 36 were men. Conclusions when comparing the responses of women and men need therefore to be viewed with regard to their overall relationship. Categorical data analysis and statistical processing of the data survey was carried out by sorting the second stage. Authenticity hypothesis was tested by chi-square test (see Figures 14 and 17). The results of the survey are presented in graphs. The first hypothesis "Higher education in combined form has a negative impact on relations in the partnership" has been confirmed. The results showed that during the study, respondents in partnership increase the volume of disagreements, especially in caring for the couple and in the care of the household, so I also got the answer to one of the goals. The second hypothesis, "a relationship is negatively affected when studying the woman", was not confirmed. For both sexes, there are differences in the relationship between their university studies in a combined form, but did not show a statistically significant negative impact of the study on women partner in the relationship. Discussion is focused on comparing the results of my research with the results of other sociological studies on similar issues.
Manager's decision in relation to the resolution of conflicts resulting from team management
The main aim of bachelor's work is to analyse conflicting situations in one of the selected companies and evaluate decisions made by the manager for the team in field conflicts. The theoretical part is focused on the most important topics related to conflict - in particular origin of conflict, the reason, the causes, after effects and in particular solution of conflicts. The practical part is focused on conflict solving applied in teams of people working in the customer services field. The finding has been based on survey followed by interviews. The list of the most occurring conflicts and causes of hotspots in teams and suggestion for conflict solution has been drawn up on the basis of this investigation. This way it was possible to assess the decision making manager in charge of conflict resolution, her approach towards the task and other employees and their cooperation, relations and communication at the work place.
Motivation of a working behaviour in management concepts.
ŠTENGL, Michal
This work is focused on the rating of motivation in the concepts of two companies that I chose. The selected companies are EvoBus Bohemia Ltd. and City print. At first was necessary to define the theoretical lines of the problem using the selected literature. On the basis of this, I have established the methodical process and identified three hypotheses, which I reviewed in the conclusion. According to this process, I analysed how managers of selected companies motivate their subordinates and what methods they use. Then I revealed the inadequacies of the companies and in which direction they could improve their motivation. For each company I set specific recommendations in the motivation system.
Contemporary Relationships among Children and Their Parents in a Christian Aspect
The Bachelor project offers a view on contemporary relationships among children and their parents in a Christian aspect. It surveys some fragmental problems of these relationships on the basis of available Christian literature and the Bible. It compares resemblance and similarities of Father God relationships to his nation with contemporary relationships between children and their parents. It describes a special task entrusted to parents " to bring up and lead their children to faith " and relationships that base on the task. The influence of friends and partners on children, their relationships is described in a tight connection with the family. The special attention is paid to the way of a personal choice of the right profession reasoning from the lifestyle of Christian family. The peoples stories support the relevance of the "theory", which bring the christian authors. It supports the role of God " Father with verses from the Bible and dateless and universality of Bible as "educative literature".

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