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Monitoring of Selected Socially Excluded Locations in the Town of Plzeň
The theoretical part of this thesis defines the process of social exclusion and its elements - spatial, economic, cultural, social, political and symbolic. These interconnected elements give rise to crucial areas that are substantially affected by social exclusions - living conditions, employment or ways of making a living, education and medical condition. The following chapters describe the initial situation in the Plzeň locations in 2006 and the situations in the mentioned areas in relation to excluded individuals. The objective of the thesis presented is to describe the development in seven socially excluded locations in Plzeň including their current situation. A qualitative survey was carried out addressing particularly workers in self-administration and non-governmental non-profit organisations, who come in contact with individuals from socially excluded locations. A method of document analysis by means of content analysis of the data was used along with a questioning method via a dialogue. The situation of socially excluded locations in Plzeň has significantly changed in the last five years, as the location labelled as the most problematic one by all informers perished at the end of 2009 and another location suffered changes as a result of the sale of the property. Maintaining or on the other hand cessation of the described localities considerably depend on the town´s housing policy, since the town of Plzeň owns the houses in all remaining locations. Owing to the increasing indebtedness of the population and growing problems in the housing or employment areas, there is a threat of an origination of new socially excluded locations. This thesis contributed to the evaluation of the development in the situation of socially excluded locations in Plzeň, which can give a base to implementing direct measures resulting in joining the inhabitants of these locations as well as in creating preventive measures.
Women on maternity leave and their return to employment market
This Bachelor`s Thesis is focused on problems of women being on paternal leave, in relation to their job placement after finishing paternal leave. The first part of the Thesis is focused on theoretical sources {--} explanation of basic items like materniny and paternal leave, institutional selection of child care, labour market and presentation of proposal reforms in the sphere of easier harmonization of paternal and working roles. The next part of the Thesis is the description of research that was made with women on paternal leave. The last part of the Thesis is focused on grand summary of results.
Harmonization of parenthood and work in families with children under 3 years. Home or day nursery?
DUDOVÁ, Jiřina
The thesis concerns with the issue of harmonization of a family life with work duties of parents of children up to the age of 3 years in Czech Republic. Theoretical part focuses on the difficulties, which come with and which complicate the harmonization, on the supportive arrangements in the family and workplace that help the harmonization; it deals with the role of state and employers in this domain. Furthermore it describes the system of services in daycare for the youngest children with the accent on the problems of day nursery. It presents current modern day nurseries and rebuts arguments which doubt the reason of their existence. Practical part of the thesis consists of description and analysis of a research inquiry which was made among the parents that decided to put their children into day nursery. Target of the inquiry was to find out which reasons led parents to the use of this particular childcare service form, what moved them to choose public institutional facility and not another form of care that would enable them to ensure childcare in their home.
The problem of family and working life in the contemporary society
The Family Sociology is the main frame of the thesis. The subject of a family in the contemporary society is narrowed down especially to the problem of a family and working life. The conception of {\clqq}the individualized society`` proved to be very inspirational. The thesis is also focused on the problem of job market´s and family life´s requirements compatibility. The work is based on the academic and experiential level. In this purpose, theoretical statements related to the existing problem were used as a source and followed by the experimental research. The aim of the thesis is to support mentioned theoretical statements by empirical evidences.
The Effectiveness of Therpay for Drug Addicts and Their Integration within Society The purpose of my thesis "The Effectiveness of Therapy for Drug Addicts and Their Integration in Society" is to elucidate the lifestyles of addicts during different stages of therapy and to help people to understand the problems of drug addicts. The function of the brain can be altered by a number of psycho-active drugs that can influence a person's behavior, conscience, morals and mood. Drug addiction results in an uncontrollable urge to acquire drugs, regardless of the consequences. This behavior leads to a gradual exclusion of the drug addict from society. Re-integration into society must be the goal of treatment. The social exclusion of addicts seriously hampers their attemts to find employment. Many addicts started to use illicit drugs before the age of 18 years. Their education has not been completed and their bonds with their family members have been broken. Health problems caused by drugs, alcohol, a low quality nourishment, often untreated infections, poor hygiene, poor or absent living arrangements are factors that contribute to the exclusion of drug addicts from society. The abstinence from drugs, for longer than three months, creates a precondition for recovery and re-integration into society. However, in the absence of a postive change in attitude of the addict towards society and in the abscence of a social safety net, drug abstinence alone does not represent a reliably positive prognostic indicator. Complex social services that include protected housing, employment, job counselling, out-patient or in-patient psychotherapy, are necessary for successful treatment.
Today modern society is based on education which influences a future social position of an individual in a social hierarchy. Education has an influence on what kind of job I will get, how much money I will earn and how prestigious my job will be. The society is trying to have the whole population educated. Unfortunatelly, some groups of people have a limited access to education and as a result of that their chances of breaking social differences and emancipation from poor cultures are decreasing. There is a view about Roma people that education is not an important value for them and that they don´t care that much about pre-school attendance of their children or studying at basic school. If this fact is true or not, I will try to find out in my bachelor thesis which is intented to Roma relationships and education of their children.
Family and Employment of the Modern Women
FAJTOVÁ, Michaela
The aim of the Thesis is to describe a woman in the family and employment sphere. For outlining this problem, I analysed the findings of sociology related to the divorce rate, number of children born to partners who are not married or purely to the childlessness. Among the main poinst of my thesis belong the statistical data on the women´s employment and the different kinds of discrimination women could be exposed to when entering the employment and while being employed. The Thesis also contains the research which deals with the women´s views on their position in the family and the workplace. I was interested for example to what extent women devote their time to do the housework and whether their partners help them. Furthermore, I tried to find out to what extent women are content with their job and whether they have already encountered the discimination.
The Problems unemployment in region Litoměřice
Diploma work work is sight on problems unemployment in region Litomerice. V those work I levelling in singles microregiones and their rate of unemployment. In all microregiones district Litomerice weigh upon follow-up retrieval berth appearance to current working offers and traffic availability. Further I strove clear up causes unemployment and her possible aftermath for individuals, but also his surroundings. At classification record I start from questionnaire filled-out client employment bureau in Litomerice. This group client was very heterogeneous its age constitution, achieved education, its social conditions and previous experience in accounting on employment bureau.
Free movement of worker in European Union and new members state
In the bachelor dissertation focus on the legal aspect the exercitation free movement of worker in European Union related with citizen of new member states. The aim was delimitate possibilities of entrance on labour market of EU, identification with conditions of entrance and facilitation the process of departure for czech workers to another member state of EU because of the working.
Women in the Prison Service of the Czech Republic
The Prison Service of the Czech Republic has passed through a period of transition from the totalitarian conception of punishment and detention to a humanitarian one. The chief goal of the new philosophy of treating prisoners is to reach a positive change in the behaviour of a convicted person, so that he/she will be capable of living in compliance with the laws of this country in the future.Within the framework of this transformation the proportion of expert workers in the Prison Service of the Czech Republic increases,these expert workes being not only men, but women too. This degree work inquires into the role of women in the Czech penal system and provides answers to affrairs related to this aspect. The primary goal was the monitoring of women working in individual prisons and inquiry into their working risks and contributions. The authoress chose a combination of qualitative and quantitative research in order to verify hypotheses.

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