National Repository of Grey Literature 13,039 records found  beginprevious13016 - 13025nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.58 seconds. 

Occurrence of irregular red blood cells antibodies in pregnant women examinated on immunohematological laboratory of UHKT
Frišová, Zdeňka ; Písačka, Martin (advisor)
Blood is one of the main part of the internal environment of the organism. By composition and function is vital fluid which as mobile media connects all the organs and tissues in the body and plays a crucial homeostatic význam.1 circulating in the blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins), composed of plasma and platelets (cells). Plasma is primarily water, electrolytes and blood proteins (albumin, globulins, a number of special protein). The stents blood include red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes) .2 The total volume of circulating blood corresponds to about 8% by weight. For an adult it is approximately 4.5 - 6 liters of blood.

Membrane potential measurement with voltage sensitive dyes in confocal microscopy
Heczková, Monika ; Sekora, Jiří (referee) ; Čmiel, Vratislav (advisor)
The aim of this work is to make a literature search in the measurement of membrane voltage using the voltage-sensitive dyes and suggest a method of measuring the membrane voltage on the available cells using the voltage-sensitive dye Di-4-ANEPPS and RH237. The work contains an introduction to electrophysiology of cell, explains fluorescence and typical fluorescence characteristics. The thesis contains the description of a fluorescence microscope. The document was largely devoted to characterization and distribution of voltage-sensitive dyes. The output of a design solution is a real experiment.

Membrane potential measurement with voltage sensitive dyes in fluorescence microscopy
Tkáč, Jan ; Janoušek, Oto (referee) ; Čmiel, Vratislav (advisor)
The aim of this work is to make a literature search in the measurement of membrane voltage using voltage-sensitive dyes and suggest a method for measuring the membrane voltage on the available cells using the voltage-sensitive dye di 4 ANEPPS and its further implementation. The work contains an introduction to electrophysiology of cells, and explains typical fluorescence characteristics. The thesis contains the description of a fluorescence microscope. The document presents characteristics of voltage-sensitive dyes and their distribution. A large part of the work describes the implementation and measurement of the experiment. The document also includes different methods for measuring and processing of all results.

Diagnostic morphological features of PDGFRA-mutated gastrointestinal
Daum, Ondřej ; Hes, Ondřej (advisor) ; Mandys, Václav (referee) ; Ehrmann, Jiří (referee) ; Zámečník, Josef (referee)
Daum O., Grossmann P., Vanecek T., Sima R., Mukensnabl P., Michal M. (2006): Diagnostic morphological features of PDGFRA-mutated gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Molecular genetic and histological analysis of 60 cases of gastric GISTs. Ann. Diagn. Pathol. In Press Summary In this study, 60 gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) of the stomach were analyzed to elucidate the possible relation of their morphology to mutation status of KIT and PDGFRA genes. The patients included 27 men and 33 women with a mean age of 63,8 years (range 12 to 92). Only one tumor occurred before the age of 21 years. KIT mutations were detected in 31 cases (51,7%), PDGFRA mutations in 22 cases (36,7%), and seven cases (11,7%) were KIT and PDGFRA wild type. When the mutation status was correlated with histological features of the tumors, epithelioid or mixed epithelioid/spindle cell pattern and mast cell infiltration were found as the most reliable signs of PDGFRA mutation. Neoplastic rhabdoid cells and multinucleated giant cells, also previously reported as features of PDGFRA mutated GISTs, seemed to be less specific but still helpful markers in our study. Finally, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and myxoid stroma do not seem to be valuable histological signs. Daum O., Klecka J., Ferda J., Treska V., Vanecek T., Sima R., Mukensnabl...

Gene Therapy and the Evolution of Cancer Treatment
Douglas, James Joshua ; Černá, Marie (advisor)
The continued understanding of gene structure, function and how its product interacts in the human body has lead to new wave of ideas on cancer therapy. Gene therapy, which 20 years ago was just a dream is now a very real possibility and alternative to the conventional treatments. Three new methods of utilizing alternative gene structure and manipulating the body's response to induce a tumor effect are presented here. Immunotherapy is the induction of the human immune system against an unwanted antigen. Viral oncolysis is the utilization and manipulation of natural human pathogens against tumor cells. Gene transfer is the addition of deletion of vital genes responsible for cell growth and apoptosis.

Detection and ex vivo elimination of residual tumour cells of Ewing's sarcoma persisting in autologous grafts of hematopoetic stem cells
Sumerauer, David ; Eckschlager, Tomáš (advisor) ; Štěrba, Jaroslav (referee) ; Bláha, Milan (referee) ; Trněný, Marek (referee)
Detection and ex vivo elimination of residual tumour cells of Ewing's sarcoma persisting in autologous grafts of hematopoetic stem cells Powered by TCPDF (

Yemen Jews - Religion, Culture, Traditions and Customs
Nepalová, Ivana ; Nosek, Bedřich (advisor) ; Biernot, David (referee)
The Sages say "from three things our father's were delivered from Egypt: they did not change their names, their tongue (language) and there dress." Tradition records that the Yemenite Jewish community was first established by King Solomon over 3000 years ago. Yemenite Jewry is a window into Jewish people's past. Yemenites have many customs, traditions, foods, clothing, and language that clearly make them unique from the general divisions of world Jewry like Ashkenazic or Sephardic. For instance, Yemenites are the only members of world Jewish community who base their religious legal code on Moses Maimondes' opus magnum the Mishna Torah. Moreover, Maimonides, or more commonly know by his acronym the Rambam, with his logical and rational approach to the Bible is the adopted hero for Yemenite Jewry. On the other hand, Yemenite Jewry maintains many ancient superstitions which at first glance appear to contradict Rambam's approach. However, Yemenites have been able to strike a balance between their superstitions and Rambam's rationalism and to build a harmony in their lives. It this ability to harmonize seemingly unbridgeable differences which first attracted me to the study Yemenite Jewry.

Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly in Trypanosoma brucei
HAINDRICH, Alexander Christoph
In this thesis we investigated genes of the Cytosolic Iron sulfur cluster assembly (CIA) pathway in T. brucei procyclic and blood-stream form for their possible functional redundancy. For this, RNAi double knockdown plasmids were generated containing knockdown partners which were selected based on the proposed model of the CIA pathway in S. cerevisiae. The generated plasmids were transfected into T. brucei cells, and growth effects on the transfectants upon tetracycline induced RNAi was measured.

Attention training using EEG biofeedback in patients with brain injury
Gregorová, Iva
Celosvětové statistiky jsou pravidelně plněny varovnými čísly, která oznamují, kolik lidí každý rok podlehne následkům traumatu mozku. Díky zlepšující se lékařské péči se zvyšuje počet lidí, kteří přežívají i závažná poranění mozku. Tato poranění však sebou nesou řadu komplikací a to raných i pozdějších. Finanční prostředky vynakládané na léčbu pacientů po poranění mozku jsou značné. Přesná čísla nejsou známa, ale podle Smrčky (2001) v roce 1990 např. v USA dosáhly roční náklady na mozková traumata 25 miliard US dolarů. Tato částka zahrnuje náklady spojené jednak s přímou léčbou pacientů, ale i s následnou rehabilitací, rekvalifikačními kurzy atd. Řada pacientů je díky následkům úrazu v dlouhodobé pracovní neschopnosti nebo trvalé invaliditě. Častými následky po poranění mozku jsou mimo Jlne deficity kognitivních funkcí, zvláště pozornosti. Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na možnost využití metody EEG biofeedback při tréninku pozornosti u pacientů po poranění mozku, Jednou z terapeutických aplikací metody EEG biofeedback jsou právě poruchy pozornosti. Metoda EEG biofeedback je mnohými opěvovaná a jinými zase zatracovaná. Využívána je při léčbě celé řady onemocnění. Původní projekt této disertační práce musel být změněn. Měla být ověřována efektivita metody EEG biofeedback u vzorku dětí s diagnózou ADHD, u...

Rekombinace a reakce iontů v plazmatu
Varju, Jozef ; Glosík, Juraj (advisor) ; Kaňka, Adolf (referee)
One of the most interesting questions in contemporary interstellar chemistry is the HCN/HNC abundance ratio observed in dense interstellar clouds. The observed ratios vary from 80:1 to 1:5 depending on the object under observation. These ratios represent a striking deviation from thermochemical equilibrium. Dissociative recombination of HCNH+ has been invoked to explain these observations. It is suggested to study details of this recombination using FALP apparatus equipped with NIR Cavity Ringdown Absorption Spectrometer (IR - CRDS). In the presented work we have developed kinetic model describing formation of HCNH+/e- plasma and consequent production of HCN and HNC. Analysed and discussed are conditions of experiment and applicability of IR - CRDS for the proposed study. To confirm our analyses the preliminary experiments were carried out using microwave discharge cell equipped with IR - CRDS. Studies of H3O+ and H2D+ ions were carried out to put together the experiment. The absorption spectra in a plasma containing He/N2/CH4 were measured in order to determine transition frequencies for study of products of recombination of CNH+ ions.