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Frequency and causes of injuries of children in pre-hospital emergency care
Injuries represent the greatest danger for children and the most frequent cause of their death. A certain dangerous situation precedes every injury and as such it can always be prevented. Emergency rescue teams provide professional urgent pre-hospital care. Based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience of a member of a rescue team providing pre-hospital urgent care, two research objectives were determined. Objective no. 1 was to map out the number of children{\crq}s injuries in the regional centre of České Budějovice between 2004-2008. Objective no. 2 was to analyze the situations in which children of various ages get injured. Three hypotheses were determined. Hypothesis no. 1 ``Children living in towns get injured more frequently than children in villages``, was not confirmed. Hypothesis no. 2 ``Children up to 6 years of age most frequently suffer injuries when they are at home and their parents are not cautious enough``, was confirmed. The last determined hypothesis ``Children between 6 {--} 18 years of age get injured during active sports and traffic accidents most frequently``, was confirmed. It is more efficient to invest in preventative activities that reduce the number and seriousness of injuries in children. If we take measures to prevent injuries, the number of fatalities will go down.
Nursing diagnostics and nursing diagnoses in Pediatrics
Children´s nursing has its particularities, whether in differences between child care during individual development stages or in the range of illnesses and their clinical manifestations. Nurses taking care of a child patient should observe all particularities of pediatric nursing which surely makes the nursing diagnostics diffucult and demanding. The theoretical part of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis {\clqq}Nursing diagnostics and nursing diagnoses in pediatrics`` opens with a description of pediatrics alongside with an outline of history and development in pediatric nursing. The following part of the thesis describes the current state of child care. The main operating method used by nurses who take care of hospitalized children complies with the Section 4 (1) of the decree No. 424/2004 concerning the nursing procedure. Nursing diagnostics is one of the stages described in the nursing procedure. The following parts of the thesis include detailed accounts of the theory of nursing diagnostics, taxonomy of nursing diagnoses, and particularities of the nursing diagnoses in pediatrics. The survey was based on quantitative method by way of questinnaires. Also, the data content analysis was utilized in order to complete the data acquired. The aim of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis was to find out whether the nurses addressed knew the nursing diagnoses used in pediatrics, if they use such diagnoses in practice, and what is the biggest obstacle when performing nursing diagnostics in pediatrics. The outcome from the data collected proves all three hypotheses correct. Hypothesis 1 is: Nurses have a good command of nursing diagnostics in pediatrics. Hypothesis 2 is: Nurses utilize individually the nursing diagnoses in pediatrics. Hypothesis 3 is: Lack of time is considered to be the biggest obstacle while using the nursing diagnostics in pediatrics by nurses. The survey has also found out that there are utilized different taxonomies for nursing diagnoses with respect to differences at various age and other particularities, which certainly respects the child as an individual human being but makes the diagnostics more time demanding. Therefore it is suggested to unify the used terminology within individual departments with respect to a number of published books on nursing diagnostics in pediatrics and make otherwise time demanding nursing work a little easier.
Nursing in children with diarrhoeal diseases
This thesis deals with the problems of nursing in children with diarrhoeal diseases. Diarrhoea ranks the second most common disease in children and is often the reason for hospitalization because of its serious complications. Apart from the basis disease, admission to hospital represents a huge psychical stress for both a child and a family. Handling the situation depends also on the nursing personnel in a large extent. In the theoretical part you can find the division and specification of the most common causes, symptoms and basic treatment of diarrhoea. The theory is followed by the most common nursing problems developed during the nursing of children with diarrhoreal diseases. They include dehydration, pain, disrupted dermatic integrity, hyperthermia, loss of appetite, fear and anxiety. The possible causes of the occurence of nursing problems and their following solution are practically explained there. In the empirical part we dealt with the question if the presence of company leads to the hospitalization time shortening. For this purpose ten nursing records were noted. In five records the attention is paid to children hospitalized with the company of parents and further, five records of children hospitalized without the company of a close person are taken. After the analysis of the nursing records the following hypothesis resulted. Hypothesis 1: Permanent care to the limit of two nurses positively influences the adaptation of a child. Hypothesis 2: Presence of a company in a handicapped child leads to the hospitalization time shortening. Hypothesis 3: Nurses can influence the experience of children for their lifetime by their nursing. The nursing also includes the assesment and solution of nursing diagnoses. From the analysis of nursing documentation of hospitalized children (to the age of ten), the most common nursing diagnoses occuring in children with diarrhoeal diseases resulted. The presupposed hypothesis that the most often stated nursing diagnosis is the shotage of body fluids was proved. This result includes the fact that the need of fluids in babies and toddlers is considerably higher than in children and adults. Finally, it is possible to say that the results of the thesis advert to nursing problems which are solved during the care of children with diarrhoeal diseases. They can also help nurses realize the mistakes they make during the nursing of children with diarrhoeal diseases and improve the quality of nursing these children.
Organizations for children in crisis situation in the city of Zlín
The Bachelor thesis deals with crisis situations in the lives of children and young people, as well as with organizations that help them in such situations. Its partial aim was mapping the most frequent crisis situations and finding whether the children of the city of Zlín knew where to turn in the case of need. I made use of both quantitative and qualitative methods in elaborating the thesis. The technique chosen for the quantitative research was that of a questionnaire for children and young people; as to the qualitative research of professionals from organizations, I used the technique of semi-standardized interviews. The research confirmed the hypothesis that assumed that children and young people in the city of Zlín were informed insufficiently about the possibilities of help in the case of a crisis situation. Social workers warn that primary prevention is important {--} preventive programmes at schools, in the streets and in low-threshold facilities. Organizations in the city of Zlín offer a numer of both primary and secondary preventive programmes, from spare-time activities through lectures at schools up to psychological counselling. Such programmes enable children to gain better knowledge of their rights and duties as well as to acquire certainty in case they get into a hard-to-solve life situation. The results of the research proved that there was still considerable space for the education of primary school pupils in this respekt. The results processed were passed over to the professionals from thed organizations where the interview had taken place, and further they will serve as a feedback for their work. The Bachelor thesis may serve for re-evaluation of the effectiveness of programmes for primary school pupils and lead to an increase in numbers of lectures organized for the pupils at schools.
Crime and juvenile delinquency in basic schools in the Klatovy District.
BLÁHOVÁ, Václava
This dissertation looks at crime and juvenile delinquency in basic schools in the Klatovy District. The theoretical section gives a concise appraisal of Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on Juvenile Justice, as well as the internal and external factors potentially influencing the socially pathological behaviour of young people. The study examines current patterns of youth criminality in the Czech Republic and developing trends connected with the issue over recent years, which it then briefly compares to the wider EU experience. The possibilities for intervention work by government departments dealing with education, the police and the justice system with young people at risk is studied in the subsequent chapter. The overall aim of the dissertation is to map the occurrence of predominantly minor offences and juvenile delinquency at basic schools in the Klatovy District in terms of gender, as I suspect that this indicator will feature strongly in the structure of socially pathological youth behaviour. Research was used to determine young people{\crq}s awareness regarding liability for their actions, and what kinds of offences or delinquent activities they most frequently perpetrate. An anonymous questionnaire with 32 closed, half-open and open format questions was used to collect data, and was presented to 303 respondents in years 7, 8 and 9 at five different basic schools. Of the total number of students, 49% were female and 51% male. Schools were deliberately chosen to fulfil the task set by the dissertation, i.e. the question of gender was a primary concern. The aim of the questionnaire was to find out what kinds of socially pathological activities are perpetrated by youths at basic school, and based on the subsequent findings, to decide whether current intervention work with young people at risk in the Klatovy District is sufficient. The research itself corresponds in several areas with data available from the Youth Crime Prevention Officer. In particular, it confirms that delinquency often involves driving motor vehicles without driving licences and the consumption of alcohol. The survey investigation demonstrated young people{\crq}s ignorance of the various age thresholds of criminal liability for their actions, the ascendancy of petty theft, aggression towards classmates and the consumption of illegal drugs. The research points to the conclusion that intervention and work with these groups of young people at risk in the Klatovy District, in terms of preventing illegal drug use and therapy, is insufficient, which similarly applies to the prevention of petty theft, consumption of alcohol, bullying and driving without a valid licence. The elimination of such pathological behaviour will only be successful provided that closer contact is established between school students and prevention workers (school psychologists, counsellors, etc.), as well as other potential organisations, such as the Czech Police, anti-drug co-ordinators and social workers.
Current issues of judicature in juvenile matters
This thesis addresses the issues of judicature in juvenile matters, focusing on the criminality of children below 15 years of age and the specifics of judicial proceedings in cases concerning an offence punishable differently. The theoretical part outlines development of judicature in juvenile matters in the Czech Republic and the relating laws, the specifics of judicature in cases involving children below 15 years of age, cooperation of organizations acting within the given issues, and the currently discussed topics, such as lowering of the criminal liability age, development of juvenile criminality in the Czech Republic and evaluation of the act regulating judicature in juvenile matters after the several-year operation in practice. Due to their age and psychical immaturity, work with children as offenders committing offences punishable differently requires specific procedures aimed at correction of the offender and prevention of occurrence of further problems. The objective is also a fast solution of the situation, the lowest possible traumatizing of the child and protection of his/her rights. A large number of institutions, such as bodies of social-legal protection of children, the police, juvenile courts and the Probation and Mediation Service, are involved in the process. The objectives of the thesis were ascertainment of opinions of juvenile guardians on the issues, in particular on the operation of the act in practice and on its benefits and contingent drawbacks. A further objective was development of suggestions for amendment of the valid legal regulation on the basis of the respondents{\crq} answers. In connection with the set objectives, the research was conducted in the form of a structured interview with open questions. The respondents were workers of departments of social-legal protection of children under municipal authorities, and juvenile guardians. The questions were focused on the operation of the act in practice from the view of guardians, on benefits and drawbacks of the act and on the opinions of the guardians on some specifics of judicial proceedings involving children below 15 years of age. After processing the data obtained in the interviews, several suggestions for amendments of the act regulating judicature in juvenile matters were developed to
The Children´s Rights in Institutional Care.
The title of my diploma thesis is The Rights of Children in Institutional Care. It is composed of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with concepts such as the right, the child, a part deals with the characteristics of The Convention on the Rights of the Child or the Committee for the Rights of the Child. The research was carried out by means of the directed interview method (partly standardized method) applying a questionnaire created by professor Gary Melton and his team in Columbia, South Carolina. The questionnaire comprises identification questions (age, sex, class), four general questions dealing with conceptual understanding of law and twelve situations when the child adjudicates rights. The questionnaire was enhanced by 15 supplemental questions for children (created by prof. Dunovský and prof. Kovařík) delimiting the conceptual understanding of a ``good citizen{\crq}q. Further the questioning method was applied for the research by means of a questionnaire. The research file was made up by 80 children and 20 employees in total. Two goals were set in the paper. Goal 1: the paper aims at finding out whether children have their own rights. Goal 2: The paper checks whether rights of the child are respected in child care institutions. One hypothesis was set. H1: Legal awareness of children placed in children's homes is lower than legal awareness of children from a common primary school. I believe the goals have been fulfilled, however the hypothesis was not confirmed.
Legal Perception of Rights of Mentally Handicapped Children
The thesis is called The Perception of Rights by Children with Mild Mental Retardation and is composed of the theoretical and practical parts. In the first part I deal with the characteristics of mental retardation, its cause, classification, history, the education of these children and their relations with others. The second chapter is focused on significant documents concerning the rights of children and adults with mental retardation. The third chapter concentrates on the research of children{\crq}s rights at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies, South Bohemian University. The theory is followed by the practical part containing the results and discussion with authors. The research was carried out by the method of directed interview (partly standardized method), by means of a questionnaire, which was created by Professor Gary Melton and his team in South Carolina in Columbia. Through this method and also the methodology of A. Saporiti the researches of legal awareness in children of school age, Roma children and the children in institutional care have been in progress since 1999. The research of legal awareness and perception of rights has not been carried out in children with mental retardation yet. The questionnaire contains identification questions (age, sex, and grade) and twelve model situations, where an individual adjudicates rights or not. The interviews were carried out in 116 respondents from three special schools (Havlíčkův Brod, Třeboň, Soběslav). I compared the results with the research of Mgr. Jany Stejskalové, carried out in 2005. The objective and the hypothesis were stated. The objective was to find out the perception of rights by children with mild mental retardation. The objective was fulfilled. The hypothesis was: The legal awareness of children with mild mental retardation increases with the increasing education of their parents. The hypothesis was not proved.
Contemporary situation and possibilities of solving children´s smoking.
The paper has theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part involves information on smoking history, substances contained in cigarettes and it also focuses on smoking impacts to children health, adults, pregnant women and human fertility. Other sections focus on smoking and related legislation, a theory of addiction development and its treatments. The theoretical part ends with the detailed description of a juvenile smoking phenomenon focusing on prevention schemes, how to prevent children from starting smoking and why and when children start smoking.
Influence of family background on origin and development of childrens behaviour disorders.
Behaviour disorders are beside adequate behaviour in the certain age and in the certain social-cultural surrounding. An individual with behaviour disorders counteracts particular behaviour standards (moral or legal rules). Causes can be innate (hereditary), which are less serious, or as a result of upbringing (impact of people of the same age, family, gangs), when a young man in such a way emulates his or her surrounding. Behaviour disturbances can be generally characterized as a deviation in the area of socialization, when an individual is not able to respect the common standards of behaviour on the level corresponding his age.

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