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Alimentary Infection and Intoxication in the Region of České Budějovice
The incidence of alimentary infection is closely connected with the standard of living and the lifestyle. Even though hygiene and health education seem to be maintained at a high level, there is a yearly incidence of alimentary infections in the Czech Republic.The theoretical part of this Bachelor´s work summarises basic information of alimentary diseases as they are reported in professional literature. The attention is paid to different kinds of alimentary infections, their brief description and prevention essentials which were introduces as the 5 keys by the World Health Organisation. The aim of the practical part has been to find out how much are the inhabitants in the region of České Budějovice informed about safe handling of food and what they know about infection risks resulted from unsuitable or inappropriate food handling. There were three hypotheses stated at the beginning. A quantitative research method, a questionnaire, was used. The survey was realised in the region of České Budějovice and the research set was made up by randomly chosen respondents of both laymen and professionals (students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies). Three hundred respondents were asked to complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire data, statistically processed, have proved the hypotheses. The findings have shown that the common knowledge of safe food handling is not yet satisfactory in the region of České Budějovice. The Bachelor´s work can be used as a supportive material in health education realised by the state authorities or as a study material for students and general public.
Psychological intervention at medical care
Diploma thesis deals with the psychological care and psychological guidance and their potentialities and availability for people or their close ones, who need help in period of diseases or disease effects. There is only psychiatrist-consultation care of psychic condition of patients in most of medical centres, but all diseases affect the psychic condition, even for patient´s close ones. Good psychic condition linked up with changed social condition is very important for successful cure. If the patients have low stress tolerance there is a risk, that every disease causes the hard life situation. Psychological care and cooperation with the doctor, medical staff, rehabilitation and social workers also as the communication competence can highly increase the quality of life of patients and their relatives.
Quality of Life of seniors and Analysis their Satisfaction with Services in Český Krumlov.
HUSÁR, Imrich
The thesis is focused on the quality of life of seniors living in a retirement house with a day care service "Za Soudem" in Český Krumlov and analyzing their content with all provided services. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is based on an analysis of specialized literature and verified internet sources. It mainly deals with topics of aging and old age, with terms as health and sickness and the theoretical definition of quality of life. The practical part consists of the arranging and subsequent application of the intervention program. For data resourcing was used a qualitative research with methods of structured interview with open questions, a structured questionnaire entitled "The Social Health of the seniors" and involved (participatory) observation. The research aims to examine the quality of life of seniors in above mentioned facility, to find out seniors' satisfaction with the services provided to them in this facility and also whether the intervention program has positive benefits for seniors. The results show that seniors are satisfied with their quality of life, in most cases they are satisfied with the services provided and the applied intervention program had a positive response in the elderly.
Life quality of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis
A multiple cerebrospinal sclerosis is one of the most frequent neurologic diseases affecting individuals in the productive age, more often women. The thesis aims to describe the life quality of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. To detect whether due to the multiple sclerosis the qualities of life change. If this would be the case then the goal is to reveal which aspects the changes affect. Another objective was to establish whether the life quality of multiple sclerosis patients decreases depending on the period of time since the diagnosis was made, that is on the duration of the disease. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to describing the disease in general, signs, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment. I also deal with defining the term of life quality and its clarification, I also discuss the social-legal problems of the disease. The practical part of the thesis implements both qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method included a semi-standardized interview. The quantitative method incorporated interrogative research using a SF-36 questionnaire about the quality of life conditioned by health. The information detected from the semi-standardized interview (the qualitative part) served as the basis for defining hypotheses for the quantitative part of the thesis. The following hypotheses were defined: H1: ``The quality of life in patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is lower than in the general population" and H2: "The quality of life in multiple sclerosis carriers decreases in correlation to the period of time since the diagnosis was made, that is on the duration of the disease.{\crqq} Chapter ``Results{\crqq} contains the established information.
The retirements homes nurses´knowledge of how to provide the first aid as an assumption of decreasingt the mortality
The subject chosen by me is knowledge of first aid principles of nurses in Pensioner´s Houses as a precondition of death rate reduction, since first aid is the first, essential element of the rescue chain. First aid must be often provided also in number of health institutions, for example in Pensioner´s Houses. Pensioner´s Houses are home for old people, who are the most risky group considering injuries and acute sickness. In order to achieve the above objective a qualitative research has been applied in the form of asking open questions in interviews as well as observations. Data collection has been performed with nurses in Chýnov Pensioner´s House. Data collected during interviews were recorded in a record sheet providing space for answers to all questions. Observations were more of the type complementing and extending information on knowledge concerning resuscitation obtained from the interview. Observations focused on situation when nurses solved a practical task with a figurine used for first aid training. The target and subject group included ten nurses working in Chýnov Pensioner´s House, who may experience situations requiring their first aid skills. The research has been conducted between February and March 2008. Prior research initiation I have been granted permission of the Pensioner´s House´s management to perform this research in their institute. The objective of the work was to map knowledge of first aid principles of nurses in Pensioner´s Houses. This objective has been achieved. Nevertheless in my opinion nurses would benefit from training concerning new first aid practices. The following hypothesis have been defined on the basis of the completed research. H1 Nurses do have knowledge of first aid principles. H2 Nurses are not aware of new recommendations for resuscitation. The following research question may be formulated based on the achieved results: {\clqq}Wouldn{\crq}t it be beneficial to organize periodical fist aid training for health staff in Pensioner´s Houses?`` Results of this research will be provided to Pensioner´s House management to assist them in improvement of their care provided to old people. Chýnov Pensioner´s House will provide first aid training to nurses.
The need of sleep by patients with cardiovascular disease in ICU
Lately, attention has been focused on sleep problems. Poor quality sleep, insomnia or intentional sleep shortening are risk factors for cardiovascular disease development, overweight, diabetes and mental disorders. During hospitalization in the ICU the sleep quality in patients usually worsens not only because the disease itself but also owing to other factors, such as fear, anxiety, lack of information on the disease, unfamiliar environment or noisy monitors. The theoretical part is divided into five basic chapters as follows: sleep characteristics, the issue of sleep, cardiovascular disease, meeting sleep needs in patients in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit and the intervention of a nurse in meeting sleep needs in the sleep laboratory. I set two objectives in my thesis: The first objective: to learn if sleep needs in patients in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit are met. The second objective: to identify factors influencing the fulfilment of sleep needs in patients in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit. Two hypotheses were suggested: The hypothesis I: sleep needs in patients hospitalized in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit are not met, The hypothesis II: the most percieved factor influencing sleep in patients in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit was the change of environment. To achieve the objectives I used the questionnaire method. The research set included patients hospitalized in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit in the České Budějovice hospital, Inc. The obtained data analysis shows that sleep needs in patients hospitalized in the cardiologic Intensive Care Unit are not met. The most stressful factors are: the change of environment, monitor noisiness, lights switched on at night, uncomfortable beds and anxiety. The hypotheses were confirmed. The objectives of my thesis were accomplished. In the closing part of my thesis I suggest some solutions to improve patients´ feelings and meet their sleep needs, such as dim lights at night, turned down monitoring apparatuses alarm, patients activation during the day, a calming dialogue with the patient, bed making and airing the room before night. I also enclose some attachments treating the issue of sleep needs.
The bachelor thesis deals with issue of lonesome mothers in emergency conditions. It is splitted in two sections. The theoretic section describes the term ``lonesome mother{\crqq} and points out that the number of half-families rises fast all the time. There are given information on threatened family types and the risky parts of their lives. Furthemore the thesis deals with particular reasons, which often cause loneless mothers{\crq} difficulties. It describes the causes as a disease, job loss, long-term unemployment, current divorce or domestic agression, from which the woman or her children suffer. Considering the broad issue, the domestic agression was given most part of the theoretic section. There is state the list of the most significant Czech organizations which provide aid to mothers in emergency conditions at the end of that part. The research which is focused on the monitoring lonesome mothers{\crq} health and social situation is described in the practical section. Questioning was used as a research method, questionnaire as a technique. The sample is created of lonesome mothers in emergency conditions {--} lady clients of sanctuary houses.
Care for the Dying in Hospice Facilities
This Thesis deals with the issue of illness and dying, and the care for the dying in different hospice facilities. In describes typical features of palliative medicine, it´s practical use in hospices and also the lack thereof in current Czech Medicine. The legislative side of this issue is discussed in this thesis as well.
The quality of nutrition during pupilage
Our nutrition significantly influences our healthy development, quality of our life and mainly our health condition in general. No one discredits today the fact that faults in our nutrition result in emergence and further development of illnesses. On the contrary there is enough evidence on a very positive effect of changes in nutrition on a single person, group of people or the whole generation. The objective of my diploma thesis was to find out the quality of food consumed by school-age pupils. I used quantitative research for my diploma work. Data aquisition was carried out in the form of question-forms in order to address as many respondents as possible. Questions {--}forms were alloted for pupils at primary schools. There were three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1: Czech pupils consume fuel food overly rich in sugars. This hypothesis was proved.. Hypothesis 2: Czech children consume less than 30g of fibre a day. The hypothesis was also proved. Hypothesis 3: In pupils´ ingestion of food there is more than 300 mg of cholesterol a day. This hypothesis was not proved at all. It is obvious from the results that Czech pupils do not consume recommended healthy food.The results of my diploma thesis could be used as a basis for improvement in eating habits of school-age children. Bad parental approach to healthy nutrition is one of the key factors that contribute to the growth of obesity and other serious deseases. Parents should be informed about bad and wrong eating habits of their children and at the same time they should be advised how to make a healthy and suitable daily menu for their children. Parents could be kept informed by various informative leaflets distributed at schools or there might be held special lectures aimed at this broad issue. Because we are one of the states where obesity is a big problem even for a younger population. I am sure that all these activities could be useful for gradual improvement in changes concerning bad unhealthy eating habits of pupils, their better health condition and even restricition of obesity.
Diseases and pest of potatoes - information databases
Aim of thesis was create electronic database in form of internet pages with externalization in diseases and pests of potato. Besides summary informations (taxonomy, morphology, evolution, meaning, host plants, appearances, ekology, methods for regulation, photodocumentation, et al.) about individual pests and causal agent are mentioned abiotic diseases in thesis too. The part of database a list of chemical preparations which are permited in potatoes and symptomatic key to determination diseases and pests of potatoes.

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