National Repository of Grey Literature 119 records found  beginprevious110 - 119  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Risk Child in a own Family
In my work I try to give the reader the information on the topic of endangered child in his / her own family {--} the child maltreated, abused and neglected. Next I speak about other phenomena connected with domestic violence committed on children and their consequences. I try to argue against some myths that are rooted in our society. From all the range of the case studies, which I acquired in Educational Centre in Jindřichův Hradec, Diagnostic Centre in Přestavlky, Psychiatric Hospital in Červený Dvůr, Old People´s Home in Chrast and in Slatiňany and Magistrate in Chrudim, I have chosen these which are typical for the above-mentioned topic.
Application of the Kathryn Barnard nursing care model to the physically handicapped child
Physical disability/physical handicap is an affection that is manifested by either temporary or permanent problems in motor diathesis of children. Physically disabled children may suffer from physical disability either from their birth or may acquire physical disability in the course of their lives. These problems may act in a negative manner on children perception and feeling and the same holds good for their near relatives. Problems come into existence in parent-physically handicapped child interrelation. The nursing model of Ms. Kathryn Barnard focuses on mutual interaction between parents and their children. In her model Ms. Kathryn Barnard points out the importance of the aforementioned parent-physically handicapped child interrelationship. On the basis of evaluation of the parent-child interactions based on three main factors: a child, mother, environment, a general child development is determined. The parent-child interaction affects a child development, child{\crq}s health, growth and development of a child. The aim of nursing care is to assist in finding a proper way of parent- physically disabled child interaction so that the nursing care may act on general development of a child in a positive manner. In this diploma work the following goal has been set: to find out and identify the most important problems existing in the parent-physically disabled child relation, and to evaluate possibilities of nursing care in solving problems arising at the parent-physically disabled child interaction. For the purpose of meeting these goals the following research questions has been established: What are the most important problems in the parent-physically handicapped child interaction? How can nursing care help in the parent-physically handicapped child interaction? What is the proper procedure for the nursing care of a physically disabled child and his/her close relatives? After carrying out research examinations the answers to the above-specified questions are as follows: 1. The most important problems lying in the parent-physically disabled child interaction are as follows: parent to reconcile himself/herself with his/her child's diagnosis, more frequent occurrence of stress situations, excessive emotional ties of the physically handicapped child with his/her nursing personnel. 2. The nurse can help by means of nursing process in an active manner solve the above-specified problems in interrelation between parent-physically handicapped children. On the basis of information having been gained by the study of professional literature and pieces of information obtained from the answers of the parents of physically disabled children a nursing documentation has been made in accordance with the Kathryn Barnard interaction model as well as nursing care standard of physically handicapped children. By finishing it both the third and fourth aims have been accomplished. Nurses providing care for physically disabled children have used the nursing documentation and it has proved useful and nursing personnel declared it satisfactory. The nursing documentation and the standard should help nurses in providing quality nursing care of physically handicapped children.
Specifics of nursing care in children with cystic fibrosis
The topic of the thesis is ?Specifics of nursing care about children with cystic fibrosis?. Cystic fibrosis, in some countries known as mucoviscidosis, occurs as a part of a complex disorder. It is a hereditary, incurable disease, which may occur at any time during the life. Timely diagnostic of this disease is very important for maintenance of good condition of an affected child. As a late diagnosis involves frequent visits to doctors or hospitals, it leads to complicated examinations with anxiety in the family and postponement of efficient therapy. This is why infant screening is performed in all maternity wards nowadays. The research was performed in the University Hospital Praha Motol. Qualitative research in the form of interviews with 4 nurses from the ward for children with cystic fibrosis, with 5 parents of children affected by cystic fibrosis and with 6 children with cystic fibrosis was applied. Nurses from an anthropologic and spirometry departments and from a department for adults suffering from cystic fibrosis were also interviewed. The responses from the interviews were processed in the form of case studies.
Specifics of nursing care of a child patiens with oncological pain.
The topic of the thesis is: Specifics of nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain. Children{\crq}s pain is a phenomenon surrounded by many myths and false information. It is also not sufficiently assessed and treated and often bagatelized by both nurses and doctors. Nurses play irreplaceable role in pain treatment, they are with the child patient more frequently then the doctor and are in close touch with the child{\crq}s parents. The care of a suffering child is a serious task in nursing. Treatment of a patient in pains requires a complex, holistic approach. Nurses, even if they diagnose pain properly, do not set an adequate nursing care plan and do not carry it out. Nurses have to defend interests of the sick child and must not let him/her suffer. The data was obtained by quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research was carried out by the technique of anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire was made for the parents of children with oncologic disease. The qualitative research was carried out by the technique of semi-structured in-depth interview. The research sample consisted of nurses working at the Department of children{\crq}s oncology One of the aims of this thesis was to outline the problems in nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain from the point of view of the parents. We observed if the parents had been informed about their child{\crq}s pain, if they know what symptoms they should watch in their child, if they know all the aspects of pain to be assessed and treatment methods to relieve the pain and also how nurses respond to their child{\crq}s pain. For this aim, a following hypothesis has been set forth: The parents of children patients with oncologic pain are educated about the possibilities of nursing care focused on relieving the pain. This hypothesis was confirmed by statistic testing. Another aim of this thesis was to find out the specifics of nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain. Nurses think that the specifics of nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain are not different from any other care of a child in pains. They just state that an oncologic disease is associated with pains caused by the disease itself or by diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Therefore they consider a specific feature the fact that the pain is observed more intensively and the staff is more precise in relieving the pain. It is obvious from the research that it would be effective for both parties, both for the nurses and the parents, to use educational materials on pain intended for them. I suppose that if there were such materials available, the parents would not need to contact nurses repeatedly. There was also a positive finding in the research that 92.5% of parents stated that nurses respond to children{\crq}s pain within 10 minutes. Further, that nurses believe that the child has pains, which was stated by 98.2% of the parents.
Shaken baby syndrome problems and prevention from the nurse retrospective view
Abstract {--} Shaken baby syndrome problems and prevention from retrospective nurse point of view The dissertation objective on the theme {\clqq}Shaken baby syndrome problems and prevention from retrospective nurse point of view`` is to process an entire literature and outline the shaken baby syndrome problem. Further to find out the shaken baby syndrome knowledge at nurses and parents by way of analysis and questionnaires evaluation. The third aim of this thesis was to develop the simple educational material for the parents within this work. To meet these objectives the dissertation is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical one devotes to entire available literature processing related to shaken baby syndrome. The practical part focuses on the quantitative knowledge extent finding out at nurses and parents referring to shaken baby syndrome above all and concentrates on the parents education from nurse side, especially in the field of the baby cry as the main shaken baby syndrome initiator. The data of the quantitative research part have been learned by means of questionnaire disquisition. There were used two kinds of questionnaires, the first for nurses and the second one for parents and home nurses. Both of them were anonymous. The simple developed information material for parents concentrating mainly on correct ways of cry soothing related to shaken baby syndrome is the part of results. Three hypothesises have been set for work needs. Hypothesis 1 {\clqq}There are many sources of the professional literature concerning shaken baby syndrome in the Czech Republic`` hasn´t come true. Hypothesis 2 {\clqq}The parents and health workers knowledge about shaken baby syndrome is wanting`` has come true. Hypothesis 3 {\clqq}Shaken baby syndrome primary prevention doesn´t exist in the Czech Republic`` has also come true. The nurses and parents poor knowledge about the shaken baby syndrome was the important fact found out within research disquisition. With respect to serious consequences of shaken baby syndrome which can be sometime fatal for children there is a need to meet nurses this syndrome and enable them to be familiar with recognition and determination of the shaken baby syndrome risk factors both from the parents and children side. Thus this work could also serve as a source of more information about mentioned problems. The developed information material for parents could have another utilization during their care of child.
The Status of a Child in Systems of Social Security
Various aspects of a children's status in social security systems in the Czech Republic is still an area untreated in a complex and detailed way, while it is very important and necessary. The Czech Republic guarantees to individuals many specific rights and entitlements under its social security system in defined social situations. A child, that is to say a person until 18 years of age, is often an important beneficiary of the social security system, mainly because of their physical and mental immaturity. This prevents children to be fully individual and independent entities that would be able to deal with, for example, an unsatisfactory financial or social situation. Legislation governing children's status in social security systems is not uniform, but it is defined in many legal norms often also of varying legal force. The aim of this diploma paper was, based on an analysis, comparison and synthesis of existing legislation, to map the legal status of children in various social security systems, to create a comprehensive overview of rights, possibly also children{\crq}s obligations, in social security, and, on the basis of gathered data, to highlight the pros and cons of current legislation. To achieve the set objectives, a qualitative analysis of documents, the technique of content analysis of laws was used. Through work on the objectives an overview of children's rights in the social security system in the Czech Republic was created. This may contribute to greater clarity and consequently also enhancement of the legal certainty children as a population group that, due to their vulnerability, should enjoy increased protection. As far as the obligations of children in social security are concerned, no special ones, different from those set for adults, have been found. It has also been found that legislation in the children's status in social security is incomplete, inconsistent (as regards terminology as well) and little transparent. Remedy by amending the existing legislation, or by adopting an entirely new regulation, is desirable even though it is a long-term process. The resulting findings may serve as a primary comprehensive source of information for clients as well as for all those involved in the application of rights (privileges) of children in social security by virtue of their professions.
Child Sexual Abuse
My thesis deals with the problems of sexual abuse of children. It is divided into nine chapters, each of which has a subhead. In the first part, I focused on the term of child sexual abuse. In the second part, I focused on the problem of sexual abuse of children by family members. In the third part, I explained the term of commercial sexual violence committed against children. In the fourth part, I focused on the victims of sexual abuse and in the following part, I focused on the perpetrators. In the sixth part, I described the consequences of the abuse and in the seventh part, I described the therapy. I put a stress on the eighth part which deals with the sexual abuse prevention. The thesis ends with the ninth chapter where I described the moral crimes.
Cooperation parent, nurse, child in nursing process
This thesis concentrates on the problems of the cooperation between nurses and parents being hospitalized together with their ill children in a hospital. The factors influencing the experience of the illness by the children as well as the aspects in connection with the hospitalization of the parents and their children are described. Furthermore, specificities of the nursing process at the children´s ward and the possibilities of the cooperation between nurses and parents in different areas of the childcare are discussed. Moreover, this work determines the quality of the cooperation between nurses and parents being hospitalized together with their ill children in a hospital. In addition, it discovers the drawbacks of this cooperation and compares the involvement of the parents into the nursing process from the nurses´ point of view and from the parents´ point of view.
Comlex rehabilitative care for pre-school children passing curative stays
KREJČÍ, Andrea
Complex rehabilitative care for pre-school children undergoing c urative stays is the care of which the main task is to promote the health of a child as a whole or, if impaired, to bring it back to normal. A child sanatorium is a health care facility providing long-term preventive care for child patients through its complex therapeutic and rehabilitative methods during the child{\crq}s entire curative stay. It strives for reaching the optimum health condition of a child and for the elimination of possible fallouts. Curative stays are recommended by pediatricians. Generally, curative stays are designed for children between 3 and 15 years of age. They are covered by all health insurance companies. The aim of the thesis was to find out the current possibilities of the use of curative stay offers in the Czech Republic and how the offer of such stays is used, specifically in the mountainous climatic conditions. Also, the work aimed at the factors leading to the fact that some children use the curative stays repeatedly. In order to gather the necessary data to define the aim of the thesis, the method of questionnaire was used and the technique of written questionnaire was used to collect the data. The research used parents and other relatives of the pre-school children who at least once participated in the curative stay together with their child or children. The research was conducted at the Child Sanatorium of Javorník in Šumava during the months of January and February 2007. The hypothesis based on the presumption that the opportunity to use the offer of curative stays for pre-school children is influenced mostly by socio-economic factors was not confirmed. It has been detected that the physicians play an important role in this field. The second hypothesis concerning the repetitive use of the curative stays offer as not being directly linked to the curative effect of the previous stays was also not confirmed because the reasons leading the guardian escort to the decision to send the child or children for a repetitive curative stay are directly linked to the fact that the recently undergone stay has helped the health condition of their child or children.
The life quality at family members of clients with drug addiction depending on their sex
The National Strategy for Antidrug Policy for the period 2005 to 2009 is a key document nowadays. Situation in the field of drugs remains stable. Cannabis products and ecstasy are illegal substances used in most cases. Two basic appliances {--} questionnaires and interviews {--} were used in the research of this bachelor thesis. The investigated complex comprised 37 parents and 22 siblings. The sample was determined with random selection. The aim of the research was to define the period of the worst stress at family members of clients with drug addiction. Just the discovery of a family member{\crq}s drug addiction was indicated the worst stress period. Changed appearance, telling lies and change of friends were described as the main indication leading to the conclusion of a family member{\crq}s addiction. Depending on the discovery of problems with drugs the family contentment is changing considerably. It turned out that men solve their family situations connected with drug addiction of a member in a completely passive way. That is why there is a very bad cooperation with curative institutions. The research shows that respondents-siblings were informed on their sibling{\crq}s addiction much earlier than their parents.

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