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Architectural elements of Baroque gardens in Bohemia
Kubíčková, Tereza ; Vaněk, Jan (advisor) ; Havlová, Martina (referee)
Bachelor´s thesis aims at the characteristics of composition principals, vegetational, constructional and architectural elements of chosen baroque gardens. The literary research analyses origins of the Baroque period and how this era impacted Europe and Bohemia. There is a description of basic compositional principals of the baroque gardens and differences between the French and Italian gardens are described. The description of a composition of a baroque landscape i salso attached. The Vallenstein Garden and a baroque landscape of the town Jičín were chosen as a part of methodology of the research. The thesis is comparing the original solutions to a today´s status quo and the views on revitalization of these landmarks. A map of current condition with compositional analysis and photo documentation were put together for this thesis.

Determination of content substances for selected species and varieties of roses.
Slavíková, Eva ; Sus, Josef (advisor) ; Súkeníková, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor's work is focused on comparing the most significant content substance, vitamin C, in fruits of chosen rose kinds species and varieties. Herbal products are often seen by people as products of "second choice", when failure of allopathic treatment occurs, which is focused especially on suppressing symptoms of illness, but it ignores health of the human body as whole. That's why are herbal products often alternative for therapy of chronic diseases. The base of this work is extensive literary research and results of laboratory measurings. Literary part of this work includes description of botanical classification of rose plants. There is stated basic characteristic of individual rose species and their morphological features. In following chapters is composed overview of effective substances in rose fruits and their effect on human health. In practical part of this work are included results of laboratory tests for determining ascorbic acid content for chosen samples of rose species and it also includes results of weighing and measuring of fruit samples of chosen rose species. There are also stated chosen rose species and shortly their origin and description, in the beginning of practical part. For practical part were chosen samples of species. Results of practical part are compiled into statistic tables and graphs and it confirms high content of ascorbic acid in rose fruits. This content is in range of cca 300 - 900 mg.100 g-1. Due to growing interest in alternative treatment options and "clean" natural product, it can be assumed, that many plants of Rosaceae family will keep its place in treatment practice. Those plants will be used not only for treatment of acute and chronic diseases, but also for cosmetic products production, thanks to its large effects and process options.

Comparison of the Views and Attitudes of Pupils at Secondary Vocational Schools in the Field of Substance Abuse
Mazánková, Michaela ; Jirsáková, Jitka (advisor) ; Miroslava, Miroslava (referee)
Bachelor thesis entitled Comparison of the views and attitudes of pupils at secondary vocational schools in the field of substance abuse deals with a comparison of opinions and attitudes of pupils at secondary schools and vocational schools Obchodní akademie a Hotelová škola Havlíčkův Brod. The first part is devoted to general characteristics of risky behavior, causes of its origin, different types and prevention of risk behaviors . Analytical part is devoted to evaluation of the questionnaire and the results are compared opinions and attitudes of students of graduation schools and vocational schools, and point to the simultaneous occurrence of risk behavior studied in high school. Based on data evaluation are at the end of the work proposed specific preventive measures specifically for students of graduation schools and vocational schools.

Red Mary, making of opera
Klánský, Daniel ; HAJÓSSYOVÁ, Magdaléna (advisor) ; DOLEŽAL, Vladimír (referee)
Opera Red Mary, fascinating and original piece from young composer and conductor Jan Kučera. This thesis is about the story of opera, music but alsow about making of the performance.

Robert Schumann and Concertpiece for four horns
Černá, Barbora ; DIVOKÝ, Zdeněk (advisor) ; BABORÁK, Radek (referee)
Robert Schumann and Concertpiece for four french horns, op. 86. The thesis is dividend into three chapters. The first chapter deals composer's life, the second chapter deals concertpiece for four horns, it is origin and formal analysis. In the third chapter I compare interpretation of this concertpiece and biographies of interprepts, that recorded this concertpiece.

New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (referee) ; Steininger, Andreas (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Při vývoji současných číslicových systémů, např. vestavěných systému a počítačového hardware, je nutné hledat postupy, jak zvýšit jejich spolehlivost. Jednou z možností je zvyšování efektivity a rychlosti verifikačních procesů, které se provádějí v raných fázích návrhu. V této dizertační práci se pozornost věnuje verifikačnímu přístupu s názvem funkční verifikace. Je identifikováno několik výzev a problému týkajících se efektivity a rychlosti funkční verifikace a ty jsou následně řešeny v cílech dizertační práce. První cíl se zaměřuje na redukci simulačního času v průběhu verifikace komplexních systémů. Důvodem je, že simulace inherentně paralelního hardwarového systému trvá velmi dlouho v porovnání s během v skutečném hardware. Je proto navrhnuta optimalizační technika, která umisťuje verifikovaný systém do FPGA akcelerátoru, zatím co část verifikačního prostředí stále běží v simulaci. Tímto přemístěním je možné výrazně zredukovat simulační režii. Druhý cíl se zabývá ručně připravovanými verifikačními prostředími, která představují výrazné omezení ve verifikační produktivitě. Tato režie však není nutná, protože většina verifikačních prostředí má velice podobnou strukturu, jelikož využívají komponenty standardních verifikačních metodik. Tyto komponenty se jen upravují s ohledem na verifikovaný systém. Proto druhá optimalizační technika analyzuje popis systému na vyšší úrovni abstrakce a automatizuje tvorbu verifikačních prostředí tím, že je automaticky generuje z tohoto vysoko-úrovňového popisu. Třetí cíl zkoumá, jak je možné docílit úplnost verifikace pomocí inteligentní automatizace. Úplnost verifikace se typicky měří pomocí různých metrik pokrytí a verifikace je ukončena, když je dosažena právě vysoká úroveň pokrytí. Proto je navržena třetí optimalizační technika, která řídí generování vstupů pro verifikovaný systém tak, aby tyto vstupy aktivovali současně co nejvíc bodů pokrytí a aby byla rychlost konvergence k maximálnímu pokrytí co nejvyšší. Jako hlavní optimalizační prostředek se používá genetický algoritmus, který je přizpůsoben pro funkční verifikaci a jeho parametry jsou vyladěny pro tuto doménu. Běží na pozadí verifikačního procesu, analyzuje dosažené pokrytí a na základě toho dynamicky upravuje omezující podmínky pro generátor vstupů. Tyto podmínky jsou reprezentovány pravděpodobnostmi, které určují výběr vhodných hodnot ze vstupní domény. Čtvrtý cíl diskutuje, zda je možné znovu použít vstupy z funkční verifikace pro účely regresního testování a optimalizovat je tak, aby byla rychlost testování co nejvyšší. Ve funkční verifikaci je totiž běžné, že vstupy jsou značně redundantní, jelikož jsou produkovány generátorem. Pro regresní testy ale tato redundance není potřebná a proto může být eliminována. Zároveň je ale nutné dbát na to, aby úroveň pokrytí dosáhnutá optimalizovanou sadou byla stejná, jako u té původní. Čtvrtá optimalizační technika toto reflektuje a opět používá genetický algoritmus jako optimalizační prostředek. Tentokrát ale není integrován do procesu verifikace, ale je použit až po její ukončení. Velmi rychle odstraňuje redundanci z původní sady vstupů a výsledná doba simulace je tak značně optimalizována.

Simulace a protiřetězce pro efektivní práci s konečnými automaty
Holík, Lukáš ; Černá, Ivana (referee) ; Jančar, Petr (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Cílem této práce je vývoj technik umožňujících praktické využití nedeterministických konečných automatů, zejména nedeterministických stromových automatů. Jde zvláště o techniky pro redukci velikosti a testování jazykové inkluze, jež hrají zásadní roli v mnoha oblastech aplikace konečných automatů. V oblasti redukce velikosti vycházíme z dobře známých metod pro slovní automaty které jsou založeny na relacích simulace.  Navrhli jsme efektivní algoritmy pro výpočet stromových variant simulačních relací a identifikovali jsme nový typ relace založený na kombinaci takzvaných horních a dolních simulací nad stromovými automaty. Tyto kombinované relace jsou zvláště vhodné pro redukci velikosti automatů slučováním stavů. Navržený princip kombinace relací simulace je relevantní i pro slovní automaty.  Náš přínos v oblasti testování jazykové inkluze je dvojí. Nejprve jsme zobecnili na stromové automaty takzvané protiřetězcové algoritmy, které byly původně navrženy pro slovními automaty. Dále se nám podařilo použitím simulačních relací výrazně zefektivnit protiřetězcové algoritmy pro testování jazykové inkluze jak pro slovní, tak pro stromové automaty. Relevanci našich technik pro praxi jsme demonstrovali jejich nasazením v rámci regulárního stromového model checkingu, což je verifikační metoda založená na stromových automatech. Použití našich algoritmů zde vedlo k výraznému zrychlení a zvětšení škálovatelnosti celé metody. Základní myšlenky našich algoritmů pro redukci velikosti automatů a testování jazykové inkluze jsou aplikovatelné i na jiné typy automatů. Příkladem jsou naše redukční techniky pro alternující Büchiho automaty prezentované v poslední části práce.

Dynamics of mouse sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction
Dvořáková-Hortová, Kateřina ; Frolíková, Michaela ; Děd, Lukáš ; Šebková, Nataša
Capacitation followed by the acrosome reaction (AR), is a very complex event of molecular changes, including acrosome matrix rearrangement and actin polymerization, which mammalian sperm must undergo in the female reproductive tract in order to obtain the ability to penetrate and fertilize the egg. CD46 and β1-integrin belong to specific proteins, which are predicted to interact during molecular reorganization of capacitating sperm. The IZUMO1 as the primary fusion protein of the mammalian sperm is also involved in this dynamic network. We investigated the relationship between the Izumo, CD46 and β1 integrin relocation in the sperm head during the capacitation and AR in vitro. We have already successfully monitored by immunofluorescent labelling the dynamics of proteins CD46 and β1-integrin. The changes in the localization of these proteins associated with the AR and their mutual co-localization was observed. The original β1-integrin location in the freshly released epididymal sperm is in the acrosome and it relocates during the AR further through the sperm head compartments into the equatorial segment and over the whole sperm head. Its density over the equatorial segment is decreasing with the extended time of the AR. Also its presence in the perforatorium of the mouse sperm head is very prominent. The pattern for protein CD46 is extremely similar if not identical in both aspects such as compartment localization and time progress during capacitation and AR in vitro. The molecular interaction of CD46 and β1-integrin was investigated using the Proximity Ligation Assay and Super resolution microscopy STED. The data were statistically analysed. The newly obtained results from CD46 and β1-integrin relocation are in correlation with IZUMO1 dynamics and giving a substantial knowledge on the studied protein network rearrangement during capacitation and AR in mouse spermatozoa.

The Use of the Addictive Drugs by the Seniors
The bachelor thesis deals with using addictive substances by senior citizens. The age cathegoty 60+ should not be omitted when speaking of using addictive substances. Even senior citizens are users of some addictive substances, especially drugs. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and explorative one. There are four chapters in the theoretical part (Old age and ageing, Substance addiction, Addictive substances and their classification, Usage of addictive substances in the old age) and summarizes the knowledge from recent literature about this topic. First, the old age and ageing are described. This chapter deals with ageing and old age of the human. This work describes the right mental hygiene, too. Multi-factorial manifestation of the old age (biological, psychological and social) is mentioned as well. In the second chapter there are described the factors that increase probability of the addiction origin. These factors can be genetic, biological, and psychological. There are mentioned some system models of the formation, development and maintenance of addiction, dependence and definition of the signs that addiction manifests. The third chapter divides addictive substances between legal and illegal. There are their effects, impacts on the human organism decribed. The group of legal addictive substances are included tobacco, alcohol, drugs and certain foods. Illegal substances represented here by cannabis, hallucinogens, stimulants, opiates. The last fourth chapter focuses directly on the addictive behaviour of the senior citizens. Seniors are also users of substances with addictive potential. At first alcoholism is mapped, other chapters devote addiction to nicotine, drugs and narcotics. The main goal of the thesis is to determine whether seniors use an addictive substance. A partial goal of is to find out the extent and cause of using addictive substances by the senior population. To find out these goals there were used the principles of quantitive research. To collect the data there were used questionnaires, created all by the author. The questionnaires were created with open and closed questiones and used in the printed form. The research has been conducted in Sušice and its close surroundings in February 2015. Respondents were the people with the least age limit of 70 years. These were 40 people living in their households or home for elderly. The results show that also amongst senior citizens can be found those ones who use the addictive substances. Current problem are by the doctor prescribed drugs. Today´s senior citizen uses drugs regularly, very often also combination of more drugs. Seniors often use medication to relieve the pain because the pain occurs more frequently. They use drugs to help them sleep better, too. The next group of addictive substances, which this chapter deals with, are drugs with a shoothing effect. There are smokers between the senior citizens who bare this bad habit from their midlife. Some research shows that cannabis helps people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer´s disease. Seniors do not use cannabis for these purposes because it is not legal. Alcohol is drunk by older people on occassion, on the other hand there are also people who drink such an amount that is not considered as not-risky. Seniors do not drink so much on one occasion, compared to the young generation. In the thesis this problem is described more detailed. Results of the research can be used by lay public to understand issues of addictive substances better. This thesis can be source of information for students of healt-social fields of study and it can improve the awareness about reasons of using addictive substances amongs senior citizens.

The reflection of František Bakule's work in a relation to a current special educational practice
František Bakule was a significant Czech teacher during the first half of the 20th century. He was known as the first director of the "Jedlicka Institute in Prague" as well as the founder of so-called "Bakule´s Institute" as well as one of the few representatives of the "Czech alternative approach towards education" which is very well recognized all around the world. His legacy and teachings, however, are currently not being developed on the systematic level and neither they are being put into practise by Czech professional mainstream educational community. We also need to mention that is not used by even the stream of special education, in contrast to many foreign alternative pedagogical trends, which are gaining popularity and are generally applied with success. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyse the work of Frantisek Bakule through the prism of contemporary school educational environment with emphasis on the education of students with disabilities. The first chapter is devoted to outlining the life journey of Frantisek Bakule, particularly focusing on the major milestones that influenced the formation of his personality, his ideas, inspiration and motivation which was reflected in his teachings and then in his very own coherent concept of education. To be specific, we are introduced to his family background and a significant part is then devoted to description of Frantisek´s experience as a teacher, including stages of operating in Jedlicka´s Institute and in his own "Bakule´s institute". The second part is then focused solely on Bakule´s specific educational concept. First, the core principles of the concept are defined. Later parts then talk about Bakule´s original curriculum and a his proposal of an ideal classroom environment. The text also contains a detailed description of how Bakule approached several subjects, which were at the core of his teaching concept, namely "Work activities", "Music education" and "Arts". Original teaching practices are analysed by using current teaching methodology and terminology. Due to the identified aim and goals of the thesis, the third chapter analyses the current concept of education of the above, according to Bakule´s core areas and principles. The text is designed specifically to be subsequently reflecting the work of Frantisek Bakule from the perspective of today's teaching methods, namely the methods of special education. The idea is to define common points and possible differences and uncover hidden inspirational potential, which is then the main content of the fourth and final chapter. Based on the analysis and all its subsequent reflections, the final chapter tells us that although Bakule´s educational goals don´t differ too significantly from the current concept embedded in the relevant framework of educational programs, to achieve such goals we are currently using very different techniques and methods in comparison to Bakule´s ways. Even though Bakule himself tested and verified all of his concepts in practice, which can be very simply described as "do not teach students about life and work, but through life and work", and these concepts also have been proven correct by various subsequent results of psychological researches, the current system still doesn´t draw from them too much. From all the above it is quite obvious that the legacy of life´s work of Frantisek Bakule is currently not utilized nor it is being appreciated by our professional pedagogical community. On the other hand, we need to note that it may also be due to the level of fragmentation in which his concept and materials were preserved to the present days.