National Repository of Grey Literature 601 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.30 seconds. 

Computational tool for design of heat storage tank filled with phase change material
Duška, Michal ; Hrubý, Jan
The report presents an outcome of a contractual research carried out for JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s.. Mathematical models solving the problems defined by the contract as "Design calculation of heat storage tank filled with PCM encapsulated in approximately spherical capsules..." and "Design calculation of rod heating element in water tank with forced convection" (later changed on natural convection) are described in chapter 1. An implementation of the mathematical models into the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with use of VBA is presented in chapter 2. The computational tools were handed over to the contractor on time. Alternative PCM for heat storage, especially materials based on paraffin waxes, and also additives to improve thermal conductivity and other properties are discussed in chapter 3.

Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období říjen - prosinec 2010
Konár, Ondřej ; Brabec, Marek ; Kasanický, Ivan ; Malý, Marek ; Pelikán, Emil ; Vondráček, Jiří
Zpráva obsahuje přehled činností v projektu GAMMA pro RWE GasNet, s.r.o. za období říjen až prosinec 2010. Jeho součástí je popis provedených prací spolu s výsledky analýz a doporučeními pro další postup. Je popsáno zpracování nově dodaných dat ze severočeských lokalit, vč. uvedení nalezených problematických hodnot. Na očištěných datech jsou otestovány modely GAMMA a TDD (typové diagramy dodávky). Modely jsou vyhodnocovány jak na denní, tak na měsíční bázi. V závěru jsou navrženy možnosti alternativních postupů pro detekci zvýšených ztrát.

Crisis of scientific communication: Fact or Fiction?
Haňka, Rudolf
Modern libraries have been around for hundreds of years and served us well with practically the same form of service. Today electronic publishing seems to be changing not only the form of service but the concept of a scientific library as such, as professionals for their work not only need access to the right publications but they frequently want it right now. At the same time some, if not all, modes of scientific communication are experiencing growing degrees of stress. We are faced with an almost exponential expansion of journal titles, many of them published only electronically. When we add to this the current tendencies to assess the scientific merit of an academic by the number of his publications or citations we see the basis for this ‘publish or perish’ culture we all are experiencing. On the other hand the emphasis on the ‘transfer of technologies’ is often forcing scientists to hold back publications of their results in order to protect their intellectual property. Indeed some results are never published or patented precisely because their commercial value is greater when their essential principles are not known. We see the gradual decline of telephone directories as our mobile telephone numbers are deemed to be too confidential to be published. Are we moving in the same direction with the scientific results of a real value?
Slides: Download fulltextPDF

Modely atmosférických radioaktivních úniků - na půl cesty k realitě
Pecha, Petr ; Hofman, Radek ; Kuča, P. ; Zemánková, K.
An overview of advance in modelling and input data improvement is given. Problems with local and global meteorology was discussed and an assimilation of model results with observations is demonstrated. Cooperation of 3 institutions on the grant project is described.

Optical fiber senzors to measurement length, pressure, tension, temperature and vibration
Mikel, Břetislav
We present new optical fiber sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings to measurement length, pressure, tension, temperature and vibration. We developed systems to monitoring several types of sensors. Measurement of length, tension, pressure and temperature is realized on the same principle of measurement spectral properties of sensors. We used optical filter based system to monitoring optical spectrum reflected from sensors in our system. Sensor with tilted fiber Bragg grating in tapered optical fiber we used to monitoring vibration. This ghost mode reflected from tilted fiber Bragg grating is recoupled into the fiber core in tapered prat of fiber. The measurement system can measure only optical power.

How to Create and Operate Consortium to Accessibility of Electronic Information Resources for Research and Development in Czech Republic
Žižková, Štěpánka
Příspěvek posluchačům stručně připomene, co jsou EIZ a přiblíží způsoby jejich zpřístupňování. Dále bude objasněn pojem konsorcia, jejich princip, funkce a modely zahraničních konsorcií spolu s příklady. Podrobněji se autorka zaměří na konsorcia v České republice a zevrubně probere jednotlivé programy podpory EIZ VaVal u nás. V poslední řadě nastíní návrhy budoucího postupu, které budou realizovány v rámci projektu Efektivní informační služby NTK.
Slides: idr-298_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-298_2 - Download fulltextMP4

Comparison of the latest methods for calculations water erosion
KOVÁŘOVÁ, Kristýna
The substance of this thesis is to explain erosion matters, mainly water erosion matters. The opening part explains the water erosion, its causes and consequences, and also possible antierosion measures, which can partly scumble the water erosion or at least reduce its consequences. The main goal of this thesis is to compare and contrast available methods of water erosion calculation. What is presented here are the methods of calculation of average annual soil wash-away and consequently the selected models which serve for calculation of immediate soil wash-away. Methods for calculation of average annual soil wash-away include USLE method and RUSLE method. Only the most available possible models of calculation the immediate soil wash-away were selected for the purposesof this thesis. The closing part of the thesis evaluates teoretical findings in the particular project of land consolidation. Convenience to a given drainage area was considered for individual models of immediate soil wash-away. While calculating the average annual soil wash-away the individual patterns of the USLE method were used. This method developed gradually and individual results were compared.

Nature protection analysis in the Czech Republic by GIS
MAREK, Michal
This thesis deals with geographical information systems, that are trying to in-depthly talk over and explain all of the requirements. It focuses on data models, particular programs or on required hardware that is needed to make it happen. Further is it dealing with landscape protection. It deeply looks for example at landscape character, czech legislation of landscape protection and few chosen projects such as cenia or inspire outside of regular description. And it finally decsribes web mapping applications in Czech republic. Examples of them are possibly MapoMat, server of KRNAP and Klíšťata.

Modelling of dynamical load by utilize the finite element method of Plaxis 2D programming system
Stolárik, Martin
Paper deals with search study themed modelling of dynamical load by utilize the finite element method of Plaxis 2D programming system. In this article, four dynamical model examples are presented, which represent natural and technical seismicity with different access to setting of own dynamic load into models.velocities detect existence of fissure in the granit specimen.