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New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (referee) ; Steininger, Andreas (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Při vývoji současných číslicových systémů, např. vestavěných systému a počítačového hardware, je nutné hledat postupy, jak zvýšit jejich spolehlivost. Jednou z možností je zvyšování efektivity a rychlosti verifikačních procesů, které se provádějí v raných fázích návrhu. V této dizertační práci se pozornost věnuje verifikačnímu přístupu s názvem funkční verifikace. Je identifikováno několik výzev a problému týkajících se efektivity a rychlosti funkční verifikace a ty jsou následně řešeny v cílech dizertační práce. První cíl se zaměřuje na redukci simulačního času v průběhu verifikace komplexních systémů. Důvodem je, že simulace inherentně paralelního hardwarového systému trvá velmi dlouho v porovnání s během v skutečném hardware. Je proto navrhnuta optimalizační technika, která umisťuje verifikovaný systém do FPGA akcelerátoru, zatím co část verifikačního prostředí stále běží v simulaci. Tímto přemístěním je možné výrazně zredukovat simulační režii. Druhý cíl se zabývá ručně připravovanými verifikačními prostředími, která představují výrazné omezení ve verifikační produktivitě. Tato režie však není nutná, protože většina verifikačních prostředí má velice podobnou strukturu, jelikož využívají komponenty standardních verifikačních metodik. Tyto komponenty se jen upravují s ohledem na verifikovaný systém. Proto druhá optimalizační technika analyzuje popis systému na vyšší úrovni abstrakce a automatizuje tvorbu verifikačních prostředí tím, že je automaticky generuje z tohoto vysoko-úrovňového popisu. Třetí cíl zkoumá, jak je možné docílit úplnost verifikace pomocí inteligentní automatizace. Úplnost verifikace se typicky měří pomocí různých metrik pokrytí a verifikace je ukončena, když je dosažena právě vysoká úroveň pokrytí. Proto je navržena třetí optimalizační technika, která řídí generování vstupů pro verifikovaný systém tak, aby tyto vstupy aktivovali současně co nejvíc bodů pokrytí a aby byla rychlost konvergence k maximálnímu pokrytí co nejvyšší. Jako hlavní optimalizační prostředek se používá genetický algoritmus, který je přizpůsoben pro funkční verifikaci a jeho parametry jsou vyladěny pro tuto doménu. Běží na pozadí verifikačního procesu, analyzuje dosažené pokrytí a na základě toho dynamicky upravuje omezující podmínky pro generátor vstupů. Tyto podmínky jsou reprezentovány pravděpodobnostmi, které určují výběr vhodných hodnot ze vstupní domény. Čtvrtý cíl diskutuje, zda je možné znovu použít vstupy z funkční verifikace pro účely regresního testování a optimalizovat je tak, aby byla rychlost testování co nejvyšší. Ve funkční verifikaci je totiž běžné, že vstupy jsou značně redundantní, jelikož jsou produkovány generátorem. Pro regresní testy ale tato redundance není potřebná a proto může být eliminována. Zároveň je ale nutné dbát na to, aby úroveň pokrytí dosáhnutá optimalizovanou sadou byla stejná, jako u té původní. Čtvrtá optimalizační technika toto reflektuje a opět používá genetický algoritmus jako optimalizační prostředek. Tentokrát ale není integrován do procesu verifikace, ale je použit až po její ukončení. Velmi rychle odstraňuje redundanci z původní sady vstupů a výsledná doba simulace je tak značně optimalizována.

History of critical and intensive care - past and present
The title of the bachelor thesis is "History of critical and intensive care - past and present". Its main aim is to describe its origins in order to explore the history of providing critical and intensive care, both in the Czech Republic and in a global context, and also in comparison to the current state of the medical field. This work is focused on the period of development of intensive care, from the 50s to the 80s. It is a theoretical work done by detailed research of secondary and primary sources. It is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to intensive care and its global development and in the Czech Republic. The second part contains data about intensive care within the hospitals of South Bohemia, which I have gathered during the study of materials provided by the local archives. The first chapter and the second chapter is dedicated to the history of nursing, both worldwide and in the Czech Republic. It serves for better orientation in the next chapter. The third chapter deals with intensive care itself. It is described in many of its aspects and in its historical and global context. The fourth chapter brings us to the second part of the thesis, which is supplemented with information from archival materials found during the research in regional archives. The thesis includes some photos that were captured either during a visit to the Museum of the National Medical Library, or during visits to the archives.

The Use of the Addictive Drugs by the Seniors
The bachelor thesis deals with using addictive substances by senior citizens. The age cathegoty 60+ should not be omitted when speaking of using addictive substances. Even senior citizens are users of some addictive substances, especially drugs. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and explorative one. There are four chapters in the theoretical part (Old age and ageing, Substance addiction, Addictive substances and their classification, Usage of addictive substances in the old age) and summarizes the knowledge from recent literature about this topic. First, the old age and ageing are described. This chapter deals with ageing and old age of the human. This work describes the right mental hygiene, too. Multi-factorial manifestation of the old age (biological, psychological and social) is mentioned as well. In the second chapter there are described the factors that increase probability of the addiction origin. These factors can be genetic, biological, and psychological. There are mentioned some system models of the formation, development and maintenance of addiction, dependence and definition of the signs that addiction manifests. The third chapter divides addictive substances between legal and illegal. There are their effects, impacts on the human organism decribed. The group of legal addictive substances are included tobacco, alcohol, drugs and certain foods. Illegal substances represented here by cannabis, hallucinogens, stimulants, opiates. The last fourth chapter focuses directly on the addictive behaviour of the senior citizens. Seniors are also users of substances with addictive potential. At first alcoholism is mapped, other chapters devote addiction to nicotine, drugs and narcotics. The main goal of the thesis is to determine whether seniors use an addictive substance. A partial goal of is to find out the extent and cause of using addictive substances by the senior population. To find out these goals there were used the principles of quantitive research. To collect the data there were used questionnaires, created all by the author. The questionnaires were created with open and closed questiones and used in the printed form. The research has been conducted in Sušice and its close surroundings in February 2015. Respondents were the people with the least age limit of 70 years. These were 40 people living in their households or home for elderly. The results show that also amongst senior citizens can be found those ones who use the addictive substances. Current problem are by the doctor prescribed drugs. Today´s senior citizen uses drugs regularly, very often also combination of more drugs. Seniors often use medication to relieve the pain because the pain occurs more frequently. They use drugs to help them sleep better, too. The next group of addictive substances, which this chapter deals with, are drugs with a shoothing effect. There are smokers between the senior citizens who bare this bad habit from their midlife. Some research shows that cannabis helps people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer´s disease. Seniors do not use cannabis for these purposes because it is not legal. Alcohol is drunk by older people on occassion, on the other hand there are also people who drink such an amount that is not considered as not-risky. Seniors do not drink so much on one occasion, compared to the young generation. In the thesis this problem is described more detailed. Results of the research can be used by lay public to understand issues of addictive substances better. This thesis can be source of information for students of healt-social fields of study and it can improve the awareness about reasons of using addictive substances amongs senior citizens.

A historical view of the army nurse profession.
The thesis deals with the profession of a military nurse. We can assert that the official study of military, non-medical health-care related qualifications and its use in practice not only for military purposes dates back to the fifties of the last century. However, women as health care professionals, consequently in uniforms, have always been an actual issue. The development of health care activities always existed, however, we must not neglect influence of scientific and medical findings. The historical timeline of development of medical care in the battle field was recorded and ranges from pre-historical healing. The way of Christian medicine was negatively influenced by the Catholic Church. The dark period of the Middle Ages had actually wrested medical performance from the hands of specialists and the suffering were left to the "tender" mercies of the priests. The following part of the thesis concerns modern medicine where enlightenment reforms were exercised. Some of the original six-month courses for military surgeons were organised in this period of time; they weretransformed into Military Surgical Academy, out of which the famous Josefinum originated. A expression of humanity which supported a form of health care of war veterans was demonstrated by constructing buildings for invalid people. The second half of the nineteenth century is characterized by the phenomenon of the presence of nuns in military hospitals. This study goes further in depth of professionally organized healthcare right in the battle field, which dates back from the era of wars in the Crimea.This stage describes the transformation of caring into nursing which requires the necessity of specialized preparation of persons providing nursing practice. In addition, Henry Dunant engraved himself into the history of the profession of a nurse, as the founder of the Red Cross, who first trained health care professionals for working within armed intentions of the state. The continuation of this action sketches out the process of providing first aid in principal armed conflicts of the twentieth century. It describes the functioning of commander operated military health service of that time. WWI drove Czech medical staff to both sides of the front where they provided medical help to the injured. Nurses of the WWII already performed their duties in uniforms as the rightful members of the army. The thesis also mentions post-war usage of military health care professionals in secret foreign missions and their specialized erudition.Last but not least, it marginally discusses contemporary possibilities of modern health care service of the Army of the Czech Republic. The goal of the endeavours of writing this thesis was to chart out clearly the development of the profession of a military nurse within the historical context, focusing mainly on women coming from Czech regions. In order to make the history background concerning specific female participants of the world war conflicts understandable to the reader, this paper reports, in broader extension, peculiar medical and nursing findings, already from the era of prehistoric civilisations. The history study method were applied for the purpose of the theoretical thesis. The methodology is based on searching, studying, sorting and the consecutive systematic objective describing of the events from the past times with the intention to propose comprehensive report on the subject given. It was necessary to study inexhaustible amount of sources to obtain awareness of historical connections. Factual information was derived by analysing of primary and mainly secondary documents. The thesis sketches out histories of military health care and the profession of a military health care professional stemmed from the exploration of appropriate written sources and conclusion of the basic findings. The intentions of the work are not only to clarify the past but also to contribute to solutions of every-day issues.

Role of physical activity in the prevention of childhood obesity
The thesis deals with physical activity in the prevention of childhood obesity. It is focused on children, namely pupils of the eighth and ninith grades of elementary school. Obesity is responsible for more human lives than both of the world wars and if we want this epidemic of obesity and problems associated with inactivity minimized, we have to start where it is most efficient and that is with children. The main objective is to explore physical activity in a selected group of pupils. Partial aim is to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the investigated group of students using somatometric measurements in the selected location. Another objective is to determine how many of childrens parents did sports in the past or actualy do sports. The final goal is to prepare educational material for students about the importance of physical activity. The work is divided into two parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part was compiled as a secondary data analysis. Sources of data and information originated from the Czech Republic and abroad in the form of scholarly books, journals and electronic resources. The contents of the theoretical part is focused on explenation of terms such as obesity, its consequences, complications, ways to prevent obesity, physical activity, appropriate kinds of physical activity and its effects on the human body. Distinctive part is the chapter dealing with the myths of obesity some of them are really surprising. The second part is practical part and includes its own research. The investigation was conducted in a primary school Komenského alej in Žatec for pupils of the eighth and ninth grades. File featured 107 pupils. The research was conducted as a quantitative survey complemented by measurements of somatometric indicators. The data were collected using a custom non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 14 questions and two columns separated by line for recording the exact weight and height. We checked these data at pre-agreed periods.

Card of Cryptosporidium infections by humans and animals
The representatives of the Cryptosporidium genus are one of the causes of gastrointestinal tract diseases in humans and animals. In animals the host may even be a respiratory apparatus. The disease is called cryptosproridiosis. In majority of cases this infection can bypass without any major problems, but in immunosuppressed individuals it can cause serious health problems. Cryptosporidium has a monoxenous development cycle, which basically means that the entire development takes place in a single host. Exogenous stage is represented by oocysts, which are in case of a gastrointestinal disease excreted in faeces. In case of a respiratory disease the oocysts make they way out via respiratory and nasal secretions. This leads to contamination of the environment or water. In general, it is expected that Cryptosporidium isolates, which are present in one class of vertebrates, are not infectious to a non-specific host from other classes. It is also expected that cryptosporidia have low host specificity. But this does not exclude that some kinds have gradually extended its specificity to more species. It is also apparent that cryptosporidium infections are common in animals that inhabit the external environment, so even a human can be endangered by this zoonosis, although the incidence in the Czech Republic is low. The reason for the low numbers may as well be that parasitological examination is not performed very often, so the estimated prevalence in the population is probably much higher. Therefore to reveal the originator of this disease it would be appropriate to perform a parasitological examination in persons who are in contact with animals, this way the cryptosporidium infection would be excluded or proven.

Pick´s disease and the specifics of the nursing care of a patient with this disease
Pick's disease is a degenerative-atrophic process that primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Besides Alzheimer's disease, it is a lesser known form of dementia which affects people of younger age. Although the exact range of Pick's disease occurrence varies in the literature, the average reported age is between 50-60 years. The disease can change eating habits, cause emotional swings, inappropriate behaviour and sloppy appearance of the patients. The behaviour to others is often selfish, the patients are unable to listen to others and ignore their surroundings. Pick's disease is also characterized by inappropriate sexual behaviour. Globally, the number of dementia patients is still growing and according to expert guesses the increase will continue. Nursing care for patients with dementia is therefore becoming a very actual topic as dementia is called a quiet epidemic of our century. Nurses in their departments quite frequently encounter patients suffering from dementia of various origins at different stages of disability and the staff at healthcare facilities often regard these people as a burden. The aim of this thesis, which is called Pick's Disease and Specifics of Nursing Care for Patients with this Disease, is, based on the theoretical knowledge, to map definitions and diagnosis of Pick's disease, to define the needs of such a patient, and to list the most common problems in the nursing care. It focuses on people with dementia within medical facilities. For proper understanding of the problem, the thesis starts with the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the description of cognitive functions which are affected by the dementia syndrome and the definition of dementia. Based on the studied literature, dementia is divided according to various criteria. It has been found out that dividing dementia is not entirely uniform, but the essential facts and overall opinions of the authors do not diverge. Pick's disease belongs to a group of frontotemporal dementia and its position in this group has changed over time, as it is recorded in the literature. The thesis includes recommendations resulting from the studied literature in the approach to patients with dementia and emphasizes personal communication with the patients and empathetic and humane approach. Although medicine cannot prevent dementia, an early diagnosis of a specific type of dementia and correctly targeted treatment can increase the quality of life not only of the patients but also of their families. I have chosen this topic because I find it very current and interesting. During my nursing practice at the Surgery Department and Aftercare Department, I have met patients suffering from dementia and I did not know how to properly and efficiently communicate with them. For the theoretical part of my work, the methods of explanation, synthesis and induction on the basis of Czech and foreign information sources have been used. The most frequently quoted Czech authors in my thesis are doc. MD. Roman Jirák, PhD., the head of the center for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's disease at the psychiatric clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague, the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. This thesis can serve as an informational and educational source both for nurses and the general public who may experience the disease within their families. It would be considered a great success if it helped nurses or family members to diagnose Pick's disease or other dementia at an early stage.

Ability of dogs to discriminate human odor exposed to chemical detergent
Čajágiová, Martina ; Vyplelová, Petra (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
In the recherche part of our thesis we familiarize ourselves with the human odor, theories of its origin, definition, anatomy of human skin and odors, composition of individual human odors and with odor secretion. We also look closer on the topics of odor absorbent and its use in the world, the transmission of odors to odor sensors and securing of scents. This section of our thesis discusses the resistance and survival abilities of odor, scent identification method and its history, organic acids, and defines the application of laundry detergents and ultrasonic washers. Aim of our thesis was to verify the relevance of the use of chemical detergents in the purification process when working with scents. We tried to verify the ability of detergents to degrade the human scent on odor absorbents to such an extent, that specially trained dogs would not be able to identify it. Our experiment was following a precise determination methodology. In the first phase samples were collected from the hands of targeted persons to a scent carrier - a metal cylinder (extirpate odour), by one researcher. In the second phase samples were collected from the body to a textile carrier, by another researcher. The metal scent carriers were processed. Some of them were left as they were (control sample) and some were exposed to chemical detergents with and without usage of an ultrasonic washer. In the experiment where we tried to identify the odour samples, six bitches of German shepherd were used. They were specially trained for odour identification. Each dog was let three times to identify the target scent exposed to a detergent and three times to identify the target scent not exposed to a detergent. Target smell was randomly deposited between other samples and its position was changed, so that the handler did not know its position and thus was unable to affect the work of his dog. The indicator of positive identification was a sign the dogs were taught - to sit or lay in front of a sample. Any dog was unable to identify the scent which was exposed to chemical detergent and all dogs identify the scent unexposed to a chemical detergent. Our experiment has shown that the use of chemical detergents in the purification process when working with scents is relevant to the degradation of individual human scent.

Syndrome of the attention disorder connected with hyperactivity
Peterová, Miroslava ; Stolařová, Jaroslava (referee) ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor)
I have been working wÍth children for almost all my life as an educational supervisor and a teacher at the first grade of the basic school. I give tirne to the children even in the after-school activities in their free time. I have encountered many chiidren handicaped by the syndrome of a attention disorder linked with the hyperactivity (ADHD). I can teH from my practice how important handicap this disorder occurs and how it may Qbstruct the full development of a chilďs intelectual abilities. The handicaped person ís very often límíted even in the adult Iife. It originates in many previous uncontrollable behaviours linked with personal faiJures. I deal in my work with the theoretical determination of basíc concepts and definitions, with the attributes, the causes and the manifestations of the ADHD syndrome in Íts individual development stages, starting in prenatal life tilI the adulthood. As a first grade basíc schooI teacher I took aim at the sehool problematic of the ADHA syndrome. I inquire the expressions and the behaviours of children, I deaI with the their díagnostic and amendment. Further on with the possibilities of influencing those children by the right educational proceedings and by an adequate approach in school and at home. At the end of my work I think of severa} concrete pupils with the ADHD...

Reptiles-potential vectors of zoonoses
Chadimová, Kristýna ; Kubík, Štěpán (advisor)
Zoonoses are infectious diseases transmissible from animals to humans. There are currently more acute zoonotic disease and the number of people infected rising year after year. It is found that 75% of all emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. If untreated, the disease can have fatal consequences. In my work I focus on zoonoses, the carrier is a reptile. Reptiles, especially turtles and scaly, becoming a favorite exotic animals experienced breeders, but also beginners which brings many problems and the occurrence of zoonoses. Failure to comply with hygiene and buying reptiles from the wild, which has not undergone quarantine or veterinary examination, guarantees worries. In this work I deal with not only the description of frequent and serious zoonoses, the originator may be a reptile, but also the prevention of diseases and zoonoses consequence for humans.