National Repository of Grey Literature 168 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.05 seconds. 

The positive effect of physical fitness exercise on a group of probands with sedentery lifestyles
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the positive effect of physical fitness exercise on a group of probands with sedentery lifestyles. The theoretical part contains closely related terms with the topic of this work, such as healthy lifestyle, physical activity and physical condition. The practical part of this work describes testing methods used in research, like Kasch Step-test, Push-up test and methods of posture evaluation. The research compare input and output data, which are evaluated in the end.

Healthy physical exercise for people with sedentary occupation and its impact on health
SMOLOVÁ, Michaela
SMOLOVÁ, M. Healthy physical exercise for people with sedentary occupation and its impact on health. České Budějovice 2015. Bachelor Thesis. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Faculty of Education. Department of Health Education. Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Pospíšilová, Dis. This bachelor thesis describes influence of health physical education, here compensation exercises, on health of population with sedentary lifestyle. Theoretical part deals with sedentary lifestyle as a characteristic of nowadays and consequence of poor seating and posture. It focus on compensation exercise, its segmentation and influence on health. The empirical part presents the intervention program in the form of motion health physical exercise for people with sedentary lifestyle. The program focuses mainly on momentum weakened system. Verification assumptions and efficient of intervention provides input and output measurements. As testing methods were used posture by Klein, Thomas modified by Mayer, evaluation by Matthias and tests on muscle shortening by Janda.

High normal pressure and hypertension of children and adolescents
KRÁLOVÁ, Kateřina
In children and adolescents, high normal blood pressure is often present. People with high normal blood pressure show a short time prerequisite to the formation of arterial hypertension. Hypertension occurs most often in children as asymptomatic. Increased blood pressure in children is most often discovered during preventive examinations by a general practitioner for children and adolescents. This thesis contains information about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, a blood pressure measurement sister, evaluation of blood pressure, high normal pressure, high blood pressure in children, the role of nurses in primary care pediatricians in the area of communication and education, and treatment of high normal pressure and hypertension. Objectives The first goal was to explore how children adhere regime measures for the prevention of high normal pressure and hypertension. It used this research question: How children adhere regime measures for the prevention of high normal pressure and hypertension? The second objective was to determine the role of nurses in the care of children with high normal pressure and hypertension. The second research question is: What is the role of the nurses in taking care of children with a normal high pressure and hypertension? Methods used In the research part of the thesis, we used the method of qualitative research, questioning method and technique-depth interviews. The interviews were recorded on a Dictaphone and then transcribed literally. Four sisters and three mothers did not wish to be recorded, so they were interviewed at polling literally written on paper. For research, two research files were created. The first sample consisted of six nurses, who were working in GP surgery for children and adolescents in the South Region. Second survey consisted of six people selected from among parents of children with high normal pressure and hypertension, also from South Bohemia. Results The transcribed interviews were investigated by open coding method, pencil and paper. Resulted in 9 categories: Cardiovascular disease, role of the nurse, pressure measurement, blood pressure, hypertension, pressure measurement, recommendation, Lifestyle, Leisure. Individual categories were assigned to subcategories, which are encoded core data. Conclusion The first research confirms nurses working in a pediatrician's office for children and adolescents, the most common cardiovascular disease in the general hypertension. They argue that the role of nurses in primary care pediatricians is properly measure blood pressure and make the education of children and parents in the area. The respondents concurred in the principles of how to properly measure blood pressure measurement are available for at least three cuff sizes. Informants have basic information about high normal pressure and hypertension, and said that, in the offices of primary care pediatricians to conduct checks blood pressure of preventive examinations or troubled child. Informants reported that blood pressure control and education on blood pressure occurs, but in the second research study showed that children and adolescents do not comply with the recommended recommendations in this area, perhaps because they are less motivated. Neither sister nor the parents have not mentioned, they would receive educational aids such as brochures and sample menus.The second research showed that parents most often found elevated blood pressure in primary care pediatricians, either for reasons of preventive examinations or difficulty a child. On the control measurements came at least three times. Respondents agreed on the recommendations they received in the office GPCY such as reducing the weight of the child, regular physical activity, restriction of salt and proper diet the child, but not all children and adolescents comply with these recommendations. The research results will be provided to the journal Pediatrics practice.

Nutritional care of children at pediatric clinics and hospitals
The main goal of this work called Nutritional Care in Children's Hospital and Hospital facilities is to verify whether the nutritional standards created for older child patients meet the needs and are checked and if their physiological needs are fulfilled in chosen hospitals. The next objective is to evaluate the satisfaction of the hospitalised patients with the meals given to them by hospitals. The theoretical part of this work deals with nutritional care, therapeutic care and nutritional needs of adolescents. It further deals with nutritional risks and marginally mentions technological processes regarding meal preparation. The method of qualitative research was used by using questionnaires filled in by chosen children patients who were then interviewed. Children aged 10 to 14 were supposed to be on diet number 13, half of them were boys and the other half were girls. The research was conducted in the children's ward in the hospital in Jindřichův Hradec in December 2015 and in the same type of ward in the hospital in České Budějovice in February 2016. The initial number of respondents was five patients in each ward, then using snow ball sampling method their number increased into ten in each ward. The weekly menu according to which the meals were distributed was obtained from the catering facilities of the hospitals. By using the program "Nutriservis Profi" the contents of nutrients in the meals were obtained. The results gathered from the program "Nutriservis Profi" were compared with recommended values for particular age group defined by The Czech Society for Nutrition, so meeting the physiological needs of the patients could be evaluated. From the results it was found that both hospitals have problems with supplying enough fibre content, phosphorus and calcium in meals for children's patients. There is also sodium, potassium, cholesterol and vitamin C surplus in the menus. Thanks to the internship in both hospitals in Jindřichův Hradec and České Budějovice meeting the physiological needs of the children could be evaluated. Considering the fact that the previous evaluation revealed some imperfections, therapists from both hospitals should concentrate more on checking nutritional values in meals, consequently it was recommended to focus more on the variety of the menus and their improvement. There were also inadequacies in attendance at the children's ward. There was a comparison of the results from both hospitals, based on questionnaires and interviews from the children's point of view. Based on the data, children hospitalized in Jindřichův Hradec were more satisfied with the meals. In the conclusion there is a summary of the research and suggested suitable improvements for hospitals. There is a model menu for diet number 13 in the attachment which could be used by hospitals.

View of value orientation of modern university students.
The diploma thesis is of theoretic-empirical character with focus on values and value system of university students these days. First part deals with following concepts: adolescence, cognitive changes, emotionality, identity, sexuality, socialization, generational conflict. Further it specifies and explains what is value, its types and historical background, then evaluation and attitudes. The last part of theoretical section discusses young generation of today, covers moral and value development, future objectives, summarizes the overall view of youth of today with regards to executed research. It also reflects value changes of German adolescents. The practical section was carried out through questionnaire survey. Obtained information served for comparison of value system between students of Pedagogical Faculty at University of South Bohemia and university students from Augsburg, Bayreuth and Braunschweig. The goal of this thesis is thus to compare the value system between Czech and German university students.

Attitude to Prophylactic Check-ups among Nurses and Midwives
Abstract The thesis focuses on an insight into the attitude to prophylactic check-ups among nurses and midwives. The theoretical part deals with health, prevention, prophylactic check-ups, characteristics of attitudes and education. The role of nurses and midwives in prevention, definition of competences and lifestyle problems in relation to healthcare job performance is not omitted. The aim of the thesis was to find out whether nurses and midwives themselves regularly have prophylactic check-ups and how they approach the information on necessity of prophylactic check-ups in the public. Quantitative method was applied to the research. An anonymous questionnaire research among nurses and midwives working in primary care and in hospitals was used as the data collection technique. The total number of questionnaires returned from the respondents was 270, 91 were returned from primary care and 179 from hospitals. None of the questionnaires had to be rejected for incompleteness. A pilot study was performed within the research, where 10 questionnaires were handed out evenly to the primary care sector and to the hospital sector to verify whether no serious problems with their completion occured. Thanks to their correct completion they were included into the main research. The monitored hypotheses were statistically evaluated by means of the Pearson's Chi-Square Test and Fisher?s Test with low values in contingency tables. The fact whether participation of nurses and midwives in prophylactic check-ups differs with age was evaluated. The frequency of regular prophylactic check-ups was 62 per cent at the age below 40 and 98 per cent at the age over 40. Age has significant influence on medical prophylactic check-up attendance. Education level does not have statistically significant influence on prophylactic check-up attendance. The research has not completely refuted difference in prophylactic check-up attendance according to workplace type. Nurses and midwives working in hospitals have prophylactic check-ups less regularly than those working in primary care. Nurses and midwives in primary care are demonstrably older and they go to prophylactic check-ups more regularly. The difference in approach to prophylactic check-ups among nurses and midwives according to workplace type was monitored. Nurses and midwives have positive attitude to prophylactic check-ups regardless of the type of their workplace. They belong to the most frequent activities they apply to maintenance and improvement of their health condition. Nurses and midwives are first of all motivated to regular visits of prophylactic check-ups by the care of their own health. Statistical level was achieved in the tests for the total number of nurses and midwives regularly attending prophylactic check-ups and educating patients. The research has confirmed that nurses and midwives that regularly visit prophylactic check-ups have more positive approach to providing information to clients-patients than those that do not undergo the prophylactic check-ups. Nurses and midwives in hospitals pay more attention to the disease itself and to prevention of possible complications in patients than to general prevention and prophylactic check-ups in their educational activities. With regard to the set goals the final evaluation of the research has confirmed that nurses and midwives have positive approach to prophylactic check-ups and try to visit them regularly. Respondents from the primary care are older and visit the prophylactic check-ups more regularly. Prophylactic check-ups have priority in health condition support and maintenance for the respondents. The research has shown that the respondents working in primary care as well as those from hospitals educate themselves in the field of prevention and prophylactic check-ups and are knowledgeable about legislation applicable to prophylactic check-ups.

The Quality of Life in Children Homes for Children Aged 10 - 18
LIBROVÁ, Markéta
My bachelor thesis is concerned with quality of life in Children´s homes for children from 10 to 18 years old in Zlín region. In a theoretical part, it deals with a division and characteristics of target group of pubescents and adolescents and describes children's basic needs and needs as such. Moreover, it describes also quality of life, health and circadian rhythms connected to quality of life, institutional care and Children´s home and Children´s home with a school, which fall into institutional care. This thesis briefly mentions a history of Children´s homes and also those in a Zlin region. Furthermore, it focuses on risks of institutional care, deprivation syndrome and also on related subdeprivation. General target of this thesis is to discover quality of life of children living in a Children´s home. Specific target is to discover those children's quality of life in particular fields of quality of life, such as health, satisfaction, and circadian typology. In order to find out data, I used adjusted and translated standardized questionnaire Cummins (1997) ComQoL-S5 and few questions were selected from circadian typology CIT Harada, Krejčí questionnaire. Considering extensiveness of the questionnaire, only some fields of life were selected for an evaluation, such as health, satisfaction, and circadian typology according to which was quality of life evaluated. Results show that quality of life, concerning health and satisfaction, is the same and positive concerning pubescents and adolescents. Children aged between10-18 evaluate their field of satisfaction as positive. Regarding circadian typology, pubescents incline to an evening type.

Healthy lifestyle of young population
Vargová, Andrea ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis investigates the healthy lifestyle of the youth generation. It consists of two parts. Theoretical one and practical one. The first part of the thesis examines the basic terms connected to the healthy and balanced lifestyle. More precisely, the terms of healthy lifestyle are predominantly concerned with preschool children. This part delivers a comprehensive framework about what unconditionally belongs to the healthy lifestyle and at the same time it indicates the recommended nutrient values and the correct amounts of specific nutrients in preschool childrens diet. The second part of this thesis sheds light on the selected kindergarten. This institution is analysed from its economic, financial and nourishing point of view together with the selection of sports and activities. Moreover, the kindergartens engagement in the development of the healthy lifestyle is scrutinised. In the end of the thesis the overall evaluation and interpretation of the outcome is presented. The results are derived from the data and observations carried out during the internship and interviews conducted with the employees of the selected kindergarten.

Health assistance for a employees in a social Device
The topic of my bachelor thesis is "Support of health of employees in social facilities". Men and women spend more than one half of their productive life in their jobs and work environment, and for this reason it should affect positively the work as well as the health of persons. The Health support programs support this principle. The target of thesis is mapping the life style of (para)medical employees in social facilities, i.e. their alimentation habits, physical activities/sport, relationship to smoking, subjective health troubles and prevalence of overweight in the selective group in comparison with the population of the Czech Republic and also subjective perception of influence of work conditions. The research part is based on quantitative research methods and focuses on mapping the alimentation habits and lifestyle of employees, their work conditions and subjective health problems. The necessary data were acquired by means of anonymous questionnaire investigation. The selected group for research consisted of (para)medical employees employed in social facilities Senior Homes in district of České Budějovice. Selected facilities having participated in the research wished to remain anonymous. The questionnaire included 30 questions. The questionnaires were distributed in selected social facilities to head nurses, having submitted them for the time of three weeks for filling in to the medical and nursing staff. In total 120 questionnaires were distributed. 97 of the were returned in filled-in form, the return rate was 80,83 %. In connection with the target of the thesis, two hypotheses were set. Hypothesis No. 1.: "Predominant risk factor of work conditions during the work in social facilities is physical load" and hypothesis No. 2.: "Employees of social services are informed of possible risks associated with executed work". It follows from questionnaires based on the analysed data that the alimentation and life style of employees are satisfactory. However, it follows from the comparison of the measured BMI values of employees with the results of the general population of the Czech Republic of 2013 that the research file suffers from overweight much more often. Hypothesis 1: "Predominant risk factor of work conditions during the work in social facilities is physical load". This hypothesis was not confirmed. It turned out that the physical load is not a predominant risk factor during the work in social facilities. The psychological load achieved the same level. I.e. it follows from the results that the employees do not consider the physical load as predominant risk factor of work conditions. Hypothesis 2: "Employees of social services are informed of possible risks associated with the executed work". This hypothesis was confirmed by the research. Information level of employees is more than satisfactory. It follows from the questionnaires that only in one facility the information level was unsatisfactory. A remedy was agreed there. Based on the indicated deficiencies, remedies were suggested in the form of the proposal of particular principles of preventive programme for selected workplaces of social services. This proposal has a form of a short leaflet and will be distributed into individual social facilities.

Health related quality of live as the evaluation instrument of the Nordic walking procedure impacts and effects
Chronic disorders of the locomotion organs belong to serious civilization diseases deteriorating the quality of human life. Medical literature generally accepts the opinion that the way of life is responsible for 50 % of our physical condition. Healthy lifestyle requires that we move regularly. Perceived as a kind of physical exercise, locomotion activities are expected to meet certain criteria - they should be attractive, easy to do, time unlimited, not expensive, and generally available. These criteria seem to be satisfied by what is known as Nordic Walking, an activity recently much promoted. This diploma paper uses a sample of 43 patients / clients suffering locomotion problems to evaluate the effect that Nordic Walking, as applied at the Rehabilitation Spa Sanatorium at Vráž, may have on the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), and it assesses the NW for its suitability of inclusion into the spa treatment as a part of group physical exercises. The sample of respondents comprised Czech patients having completed full spa treatment no shorter than 21 days, and German clients of the Spa, who paid for 3-week treatments between 1 July 2007 to 30 November 2007. The practical section of the paper relied on a quantitative method applied through the questionnaire technique, specifically the SF-36 HRQoL Questionnaire and the EDUTOOL Questionnaire. The SF-36 Questionnaire was used to investigate the health-related quality of life in eight principle areas, namely the physical functions; physical limitation of roles; emotional limitation of role; physical and emotional limitation of social functions; pain; mental health; vitality; and overall perception of the state of own health. The ninth area of investigation, employed primarily for internal supervision, rested in the changes of own health. The EDUTOOL Questionnaire (its balneology version designed to assess the basic nutritious, regimen and movement habits) was used to review the results of the educational interventions into the health & social sphere, and specify the period of their effectiveness after the balneology procedures were completed. The paper identified the procedure of Nordic Walking as an activity fit to be incorporated into the spa treatment, and proved it to be capable of improving the health-related quality of the patients' lives. Hypotheses formulated: a) Nordic Walking will enhance the health-related quality of life - confirmed b) The results will depend on proper observance of instructions and consistent application of stereotypes and habits instilled by the education - confirmed c) The German-speaking clients will be more consistent in the application of what they were taught than the Czech-speaking patients - confirmed The diploma paper can be a useful tool of social education suitable to enhance the awareness of this topic.