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Nutrition and other factors, which have influence on the formation and prevention of colorectal cancer
The full title of my bachelor thesis is Nutrition and Other Factors Influencing the Development and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer. In the theory section of the paper I have concentrated on clarifying the term "colorectal cancer", its epidemiology, and furthermore, on diet and other risk factors concerning the development and prevention of this disease. In this theory section I have included information about screening tests for occult bleeding. I have addressed the key objectives in the practical section of the thesis. I had set two key objectives. The first was to research how well respondents were informed concerning diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer, and the second objective concentrated on assessing the respondents' behaviour in relation to the information they had acquired. The research questions were formulated thus: "How well are people informed about diets aimed at preventing colorectal cancer?" and "Do people behave according to information thus gained?" The qualitative research method a semi-structured interview was used for the research section. Ten male respondents over the age of 45 took part in the interview. Five of these males were Dr Ilona Paseková's outpatients all with a genetic disposition to colorectal cancer, with most experiencing problems related to this disease. The other five respondents were without any predispositions. After receiving answers to the questions posed to the respondents, I wanted to compare both groups in order to ascertain whether those with a genetic predisposition showed a greater interest in this disease. Furthermore, I wanted to find out whether those respondents were actively seeking information concerning the prevention or treatment of colorectal and anal cancer. All those interviewed were very open and willing to answer questions. Collection of data was carried out from January 2014 to March 2014. The conclusions of this thesis show that public awareness of colorectal cancer and its prevention is inadequate. Public awareness of diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer is markedly poor, even among high-risk respondents. Having observed this lack of awareness, I proceeded to question respondents as to their dietary and lifestyle habits. Furthermore, the respondents were asked if they were aware that colorectal cancer screening was available in the Czech Republic. The results showed that some respondents, however unaware of diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer, follow a healthy diet, thus fulfilling dieticians' recommendations concerning the prevention of this disease. When asked about preventive foods, respondents most often mentioned brassicas broccoli and cabbage, etc. Conversely, the most often mentioned foods said to increase the risk of disease were smoked meat and red meat. One respondent mentioned the preventive affects of shark cartilage. I was very surprised by this assertion and subsequently searched the internet for information relating to shark cartilage. To my surprise, I found that the respondent was indeed not mistaken, and that statements to that effect can be found on websites promoting dietary supplements containing shark cartilage extract. According to these sources sharks do not suffer from cancer and therefore, their cartilage is closely studied and dietary supplements containing its extracts are produced. Furthermore, I intended to compare two groups of respondents those with genetic dispositions and those without. After carrying out the respective interviews, their comparison appeared to be futile. In both groups I identified respondents who followed a healthy diet and lifestyle as well as those who did not. I found that there is no relation between high-risk habits and predisposition to colorectal cancer. Whether a respondent with such a predisposition decided to follow a healthy diet or change his dietary habits and lifestyle or not was purely a question of his personal preferences.

ATI and The Promotion of Czech Theater Abroad
Rainová, Zuzana ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Daniela (referee)
This bachelor thesis examines the presentation of Czech theatre abroad mediated by the Arts and Theatre Institute (ATI), the state-funded organization of Ministry of Culture. It aims to map the possibilities which are by the ATI. The first part of the thesis contains the abstracts of the state strategic document which supports the presentation of the Czech culture and theatre in the foreign land. The second part the thesis summarizes the activity of the ATI and the International Cooperation and PR Department whose aim is the presentation of the Czech theatre outside the country. The third part of the thesis is the information based on the practical experience of the ATI and Czech Centers employees as the organizers of the presentation, and the Drak Theatre and the Naïve Theater Liberec employees as the representatives of the puppet theatre regarded by the ATI as the “export leaders”.

Men's awareness about the issue of testicular cancer.
Theoretical solution Testicles are the primary male sexual organs producing testosterone. They not only make sperm but also secondary sexual features and the whole personality. We should mainly pay attention to testes in oncology because there are more occurrences of tumors with the men of younger age. These men might be very sensitive about the problems concerning sexual system and that is why the bachelor thesis deals with the issues of men's knowledge of testicular cancer. There is basic information in the thesis about organs anatomy, factor of disease, diagnostics and medical treatment. The thesis is further focused on secondary preventive measures and method of self-examination of testicles. It helps to recognize the problem in time which is in this kind of cancer very crucial. There is also mentioned the role of nurses and their instruction to men about the prevention of testicular cancer, medical care of the patient during the diagnostics, pre-operative preparation, postoperative care and other healing process. Aim of the Thesis Aim 1 Find out how much men are aware in the field of testicular cancer? Aim 2 Find out the change of behavior of men to their health after the operation of testicles? Research Question n. 1 How much men are aware about the problem in their risk age? Question n. 2 How much men are aware of self-examination methods? Question n. 3 In what field has changed the men's behavior to their health after the operation of testicles? Methodology To be able to find out necessary data, qualitative method was picked. To the collection of information was used method of half-standard interview with the questions to the concrete issues. Five respondents in a risk age were approached to the research in the case of malignant tumors origin on testicles and five respondents who had already undergone the treatment of this disease. Information was analyzed, consequently put to the categories and finally evaluated. Results Results of the research showed that men are mostly aware of the problems of testicular cancer. They usually underestimate this disease because they are not informed about the issue enough. Men usually know about the symptoms but most of them have wrong idea about the age occurrence and medical treatment. Preventive method of self-examination is for men usually unknown. Respondents who underwent operation of malignant tumor of testicles are about this method properly instructed. Frequently, according to the results, they make light the return of the disease and also do not practice the self-examination method regularly. Results also revealed that this disease is still somehow a taboo. Some respondents with the successful cure admitted that they were ashamed for this diagnoses. Conclusion The research showed us that men are not informed enough about the malignant tumor of testicles. This also confirms the fact that healthy men do not know the self-examination method. According to the results men who underwent the treatment of testicular cancer are now more informed but they usually underestimate the necessity to do the self-examination regularly. They also admitted in the interview that they were not informed enough before the disease. If they were, their health problem could have been discovered earlier and the high risk of metastasis could have been lower. For all this there is a need to increase the knowledge of the malignant testicle tumors in population which will influence the regular usage of self-examination method and it can also change the attitude of men to their health. Bachelor thesis contains pamphlet about the origin of testicular cancer. It is intended for men who are in risk age and it will be offered as a practical usage in medical facility.

Folk culture in memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century
Horová, Kateřina ; STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela (advisor) ; FRIČOVÁ, Marie (referee)
This thesis is focused on memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century about traditional folk culture. It is focused on observing original traditions and celebrating traditional festivities and what sense had these traditions for them and how they ment it. First part of this thesis is focused on narratives life stories. Second part is about memories of traditional customs and habits and how was changing their way of celebrating during prewar period, war and in time of socialism. Last part is dedicated to dancing. Storytellers spoke about dancing opportunities, their own dance experience and dance perofrmances in the theatre.

In vitro methods for the culture of freshwater mollusks of the family Unionidae druring larval stage
Nosková, Kateřina ; Douda, Karel (advisor)
In this work I would like to describe methods of in vitro culture of glochidia of freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae. Part of my work will contain a experiment with glochidia Anodonta anatina.

Epidemiological study of obesity in populations of different racial, cultural, economic and dietary background
Zelenková, Miroslava ; Lukešová, Daniela (advisor) ; Martin, Martin (referee)
Cílem práce bylo zjistit a zhodnotit, zda provedení adjustabilní žaludeční bandáže (bariatrická léčba) u morbidně obézních pacientů (BMI>35) vede k signifikantnímu snížení hodnoty BMI a dále na základě vybraných kritérií zhodnotit současnou situaci v oblasti obezity ve světě. Byly stanoveny dvě hypotézy: H1: provedení adjustabilní žaludeční bandáže morbidně obézním pacientům vede k signifikantnímu snížení BMI a hypotéza H2: existují rozdíly v hodnotách BMI v závislosti na geografick&eacu te;m původu, pohlaví, kulturních a ekonomických odlišnostech. Sledování se uskutečnila v klinickém centru ISCARE I.V.F. a. s. v Praze na pracovišti Centra pro léčbu obezity. Byla statisticky zpracována a zhodnocena data 159 obézních pacientů (BMI>35) operovaných v rámci bariatrické chirurgie metodou adjustabilní gastrické bandáže (věk, pohlaví, stupeň dosaženého vzdělání, hodnota BMI před operačním výkonem, 1. týden po operaci, 1 měsíc po operaci, 3 měsíce po operaci, 6 měsíců po operaci, 1 rok po operaci a komplikace související s výkonem a léčbou) a dále data WHO o hodnotách BMI podle geografického regionu, pohlaví, kulturních a ekonomických odlišností. Hypotéza H1 byla potvrzena. Po adjustabilní žaludeční bandáži dochází u pacientů k statisticky významnému poklesu (P<0,05) hodnoty BMI (ze 42,27 - + 5,58 na 35,13 - + 6,0). Pokles hodnoty BMI není závislý na věku pacienta ani na pohlaví pacienta, avšak je signifikantně (P<0,05) ovlivněn stupněm dosaženého vzdělání. Nejlepších výsledků bylo dosaženo u vysokoškolsky vzdělaných pacientů. Procento komplikací (4,4%) po operačním zákroku bylo vzhledem k počtu provedených zákroků nízké. Také hypotéza H2 byla potvrzena. Byly prokázány rozdíly v z& aacute;vislosti na geografickém regionu, pohlaví, kulturních a ekonomických odlišnostech. První místo v dosažené hodnotě BMI zaujímá Severní Amerika, naopak nízké hodnoty BMI vykazují státy Subsaharské Afriky, u evropské populace byl zjištěn vyšší BMI u mužů nežli u žen v porovnání se zbývajícími hodnocenými oblastmi. Muži Severní Ameriky zaujímají první místo svou hodnotou BMI, zatímco u žen je to Střední Východ a Severní Afrika. Byl zjištěn pouze statisticky nevýznamný nárůst BMI v jednotlivých oblastech světa. Existuje signifikantní rozdíl (P< 0,05) v hodnotách BMI mezi ekonomicky vyspělými a ekonomicky méně vysp ělými státy. V ekonomicky méně vyspělých zemích existují rozdíly mezi BMI žen a mužů, kdy ženy mají průkazně vyšší (P< 0,05) hodnoty BMI oproti mužům. Obecně nejvyšší BMI vykazují státy s křesťanskou kulturou, poté státy s kulturou islámskou a nakonec státy ovlivněné buddhismem a hinduismem. U ekonomicky méně vyspělých států je dosahováno nejvyššího BMI u křesťanských států, naopak z ekonomicky vyspělých států mají nejvyšší hodnotu BMI státy s islámskou kulturou.

Non-invasive methods for sex and steroid homones determination in gibbons of the genus Nomascus
Bolechová, Petra ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The gibbon primates of the family Nomascus are classified as critically endangered species, and, to date, basic understanding and information about their biology is missing. With regard to the status of these animals in the wild and captive populations in zoos, being familiar with their reproduction, may improve captive breeding programs. Data collection in this study was to be carried out by the practical use of non-invasive methods (polymerase chain reaction for DNA extraction and enzyme immunoassays), using faecal samples for analysis. The first method, polymerase chain reaction, was used for sex determination in juveniles, because of their coat colour and visual similarity of secondary sex characteristic in both sexes; it is not possible to determinate sex without handling the animal. Another main purpose of this study is to try and answer the hypothesis regarding the ovarian cycle of females, factors influencing their hormone concentration and also the onset of sexual maturity in females and the timing of their fur colour change. Hypotheses were checked by monitoring the concentration of progesterone and oestrogen faecal metabolites and by evaluation of the composition of breeding groups of gibbons with the ZOO influence. During a four year period (from 2010 till 2014), there were a total of 51 animals analysed from 16 different zoos with a faecal sample count totalling 1618 samples. The results confirmed the use of noninvasive methods for sex determination, and thus ensuring the maximum welfare standards. Endocrinological analysis confirmed the hypothesis of the influence of the environment (ZOO) to the hormone concentrations and female´s pregnancy effect in conjunction with her age on the final results of the male - father hormone concentrations. The initial information in this study is the confirmation of the onset of ovarian cycle in young females without connection to their fur colour change and a significant factor of a mother´s impact and her territoriality. This study is the first to present a long term monitoring of ovarian cycles in females and hormone concentrations of other individuals, both male and female, and from various age groups. The results allow us to understand the possible impact of zoo environments on the reproductive status of these gibbons and contribute to the general improvement of breeding management.

Single particle analysis of size-segregated aerosol in Prague city center
Marvanová, S. ; Skoupý, Radim ; Kulich, P. ; Bendl, J. ; Hovorka, J. ; Machala, M.
Particulate matter (PM) is omnipresent pollutant in the ambient air known to cause cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (WHO 2004). Recently, outdoor air pollution and particulate matter in outdoor air pollution were classified as carcinogenic to humans, Group 1 (IARC 2015). Especially, ambient PM of aerodynamic diameter < 100 nm, ultrafine particles, appears to be of great importance due to its high specific surface area and high number concentration (Hughes et al. 1998). Ultrafine particles also easily enter and are being transferred in organisms, and interact with cells and subcellular components (Oberdorster et al. 2005). As the evidence of ultrafine PM significance increased, size-fractionated PMs sampled by various cascade impactors have been employed into the toxicological studies on cell cultures or isolated cells, using the organic extracts of size-fractionated PMs (Topinka et al. 2013, Topinka et al. 2015) or directly the size-fractionated particles (Becker et al. 2003, Ramgolam et al. 2009, Reibman et al. 2002, Loxham et al. 2013, Jalava et al. 2006, Thomson et al. 2015, Jalava et al. 2015). The aim of this study was to evaluate shape and composition of size-segregated aerosol particles, sampled by high volume cascade impactor, using electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).

Reader's diary and ICT - a traditional teaching method in the content of modern technologies
GRÚZ, Michael
The thesis Reader´s diary and ICT a traditional teaching method in the context of modern technologies is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with general principles of literature, literature reception and reader´s motivation. The attention is also paid to literary and reader´s education of children at school and in their free-time, including so-called pre-reading period as well. The main focus is on the impact of modern technologies on teaching literature and the method of a reader´s diary. The exploratory part includes outcomes of two questionnaire-based researches. The first one was designed for Czech language and literature teachers at secondary and lower level grammar schools, and its aim was to describe their attitude towards assigning, checking, evaluation and further use of readers´ diaries in literature lessons. The second questionnaire was focused on the pupils´ attitude towards assigned reading in relation to so-called online literature guide-books.

Acceleration of Object Detection Using Classifiers
Juránek, Roman ; Kälviäinen, Heikki (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Detekce objektů v počítačovém vidění je složítá úloha. Velmi populární a rozšířená metoda pro detekci je využití statistických klasifikátorů a skenovacích oken. Pro učení kalsifikátorů se často používá algoritmus AdaBoost (nebo jeho modifikace), protože dosahuje vysoké úspěšnosti detekce, nízkého počtu chybných detekcí a je vhodný pro detekci v reálném čase. Implementaci detekce objektů je možné provést různými způsoby a lze využít vlastnosti konkrétní architektury, pro urychlení detekce. Pro akceleraci je možné využít grafické procesory, vícejádrové architektury, SIMD instrukce, nebo programovatelný hardware. Tato práce představuje metodu optimalizace, která vylepšuje výkon detekce objektů s ohledem na cenovou funkci zadanou uživatelem. Metoda rozděluje předem natrénovaný klasifikátor do několika různých implementací, tak aby celková cena klasifikace byla minimalizována. Metoda je verifikována na základním experimentu, kdy je klasifikátor rozdělen do předzpracovací jednotku v FPGA a do jednotky ve standardním PC.