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The analysis of growing of legumes in selected farm and recommendations for it´s improvement
KASÍK, Jakub
The bachelor thesis deals with the cultivation of the main clover crops in the Czech Republic, which are alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and meadow clover (Trifolium pratense L.). In the first part of the thesis, the importance, characteristics, environmental requirements, agrotechnical measures and forage quality of these clovers are presented. The advantage of alfalfa is its hardiness and drought tolerance; it is still more damaged by waterlogging than by drought. In contrast, meadow clover has lower heat requirements and is better able to tolerate temporary waterlogging than a lack of moisture. Because of its slow initial growth, clover is often established in cover crops to compensate for forage yield in the year of establishment while suppressing weeds. The most suitable cover crop appears to be pea tendrils or a mixture with other crops, but in practice cereals are most commonly used. The second part focuses on the actual monitoring and evaluation of forage stands of meadow clover and alfalfa sown within the Zemědělské družstvo Čížová farming in the South Bohemian Region (potato-growing area). The method of establishment, number of plants per 1 m2 and yield of newly established stands of meadow clover were monitored in the operational plots. Meadow clover and alfalfa stands sown in the first crop year were also evaluated. Alfalfa had the highest dry matter yield (8.8 t ha-1), while clover had a slightly lower yield (8.2 t ha-1). The cover crop accounted for 60 % of the total dry matter yield of the established clover stands. It was found that at a stand density of 170 plants for alfalfa and 160 plants for clover, there should be no weeds in the stand.
Vliv organického a minerálního hnojení na zlepšení degradovaných travních porostů v Národním hřebčíně Kladruby nad Labem
Rakova, Tatiana
The aim of the work was to find out the influence of mineral and organic fertilization on the change of the quality of forage and to change the botanical composition and the yield of the forage on the poor stand in the National stud farm Kladruby N. L. In Kladruby n. L. in the autumn of 2014 on land 9502 a small-scale experiment was set up to verify the effect of fertilization on botanical composition and the production of forage grass with low yields of forage. The application of fertilizers was carried out in autumn 2014 and autumn 2015 on parcels measuring 4.0 x 4.0 with three variants in three replicates. After application of fertilizers botanical composition of stands and production of forage on the area of 1 m2 in the middle of the parcel before the 1st harvest in 2015 and 2016 was evaluated. The production of forage was evaluated together with the botanical evaluation of the stands. After the drying of the forage and its grinding on the laboratory mill, the quality of the forage was evaluated. According to the composting results, the yield of forage in 2016 to 10.2 t/ha and the quality of forage quality positively affected. Grass meadow was dominated by grassland in fertilized mineral fertilization and compost of parcels, compost fertilization also supports the occurrence of dicotyledonous herbs. Mineral fertilization promotes the occurrence and growth of grasses. mineral fertilization, organic fertilization, forage quality, forage production.
Vliv odstupňovaných dávek živin na produkci a kvalitu píce travního porostu
Říha, Tomáš
The aim of the diploma thesis was to assess the effect off ertilization on floristic changes, production and quality of semi-natural grassland. The experiment was solving on the experimental area Kameničky (Vysočina region) between years 2015 – 2017. The intensity offertilization was evaluated in variants: non-fertilization, P30K60 kg.ha-1, N90P30K60 kg.ha-1, N180P30K60 kg.ha-1 in three cutting system. Agrobotanic groups (grasses, legumes and herbs), share of valuable species, primary forage production and grassland quality with content of organic nutrients were evaluated. Nitrogen fertilization (N180P30K60) had a significant effect on proportion grasses (P<0,05). Legumes and herbs were suppressed by nitrogen (P<0,05). The best share legumes were after doses by P30K60. Nitrogen fertilizationin creased the share of valuable grass species in the grassland (P<0,05), in particular Alopecurus pratensis L., Poa pratensis L. a Festuca rubra agg. Also the dose N90P30K60 increased the share of Bistorta major S. F. Gray. The biggest share Sanguisorba officinalis L. was after fertilization P30K60. The less valuable species were suppressed by fertilization. Fertilization increased the yield of dry matter and green forage (P <0.05). The dose N180P30K60 increased the yield of dry matter by 50% and green forage by 55.7% compared with the non-fertilized variant (P <0.05). Non-fertilized variants had the lowest EGQ quality (31,2), by fertilization increases the quality of the grassland at the expense of species diversity. After the dose N180P30K60, the forage had the highest value NL (158.04 and WSC (46.48 The NEL concentration was in the optimal range of 5.34-5.47 All fertilized variants showed a higher crude fiber content in the forage, the most influence the content dose of N180P30K60 (254.31 Higher value so fash meaned the contamination of forage with soil during a harvest.
The senzorical evaluation of quality of fodder grassland biomass by different way of conservation
Bachelor thesis in the first part deals with the characteristics of prominent legumes and grasses, their importance in the cultivation of coarse fodder. Describes methods of harvesting and conservation of grassland biomass. Sensory, nutritional and technological quality of coarse fodder. Factors that affect it and its importance in livestock nutrition. It also deals with technological processes in the production of hay and silage from grassland, causes impaired their quality and their impact on the income of livestock. The second part of the thesis is focused on the sensory quality evaluation conserved forage in different ways of preservation - haybales, hay and silage in silagepits on land of agricultural cooperative Opařany.
Vliv hnojení na kvalitativní a kvantitativní charakteristiky polopřirozeného travního porostu
Šplíchal, Zdeněk
Topic of the thesis deals with the influence of fertilization on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of semi-natural grassland. The aim is to assess the effect of fertilization, timing of grass cutting (1st cutting, 2nd cutting, 3rd cutting) and a use of plants (double-cut, triple-cut) on organic nutrient content (crude protein, crude fibre, water soluable carbohydrate, digestibility of crude protein), ash plants, diversity of the species and yields of semi-natural grassland. Research was done in the years 2011 and 2012. Intensity of fertilization is graded as following: Not Fertilized, Fertilized 30P+60K, Fertilized 45N+PK, Fertilized 90N+PK, Fertilized 135N+PK and Fertilized 180N+PK. Semi-natural grass is based on a station in the area of Zdarske Vrchy. Lowest yields were assessed on unfertilized grassland and on the other hand the highest yields were assessed on the fertilized grassland 180N+PK. Major differences (P<0,05) in crude protein and digestible of crude protein were in between the cuttings during 2011 and 2012. Hill's diversity index showed higher values at triple-cut grassland. The highest values of fertilisation had the PK type of fertilisation. The fertilisation had some positive influence on (P<0,05) occurence of Alopecurus pratensis L., Poa pratensis L. in the grassland. The fertilisation subdued occurence of Ranunculus acris L., Carex spp., Anthoxanthum odoratum L. and other less nutricious species. The quotient of clover was increased (P<0,05) after the application of PK. However it was decreased (P<0,05) after the application of nitrogen.
The influence of different way of grassland management on botanical composition and biomass production of grass stand
ŠOBROVÁ, Martina
This thesis summarizes the results obtained from a study of long-term field trials with permanent grassland, which based on Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice between years 2010 - 2013. Permanent grasslands are managed in different ways (mowing, mulching, fallow) and the intensity of exploitation (harvested 1 - 3 times a year, fertilization). The work was focused on the evaluation of changes in growth composition, biomass production and dry matter content of hay variants. Also were evaluated biodiversityand grazing value of the crop stand. Before each harvest (mowing or mulching) was evaluated growth composition of experimental grasslands on an area of 20 m2. Plant species coverage of individual agro botanical groups was estimated by the reduced projective dominance (% D). Harvested biomass of grassland was considered and sample mown every variantof the experiment was dried (dry matter content). Species diversity was expressed as the number of species and species diversity was expressed in the form of Simpson's index. It was also calculated value describing the quality and productivity ofthe crop stand.
The analysis of pastures in selected farm and recommendation of suitable grazing system and intensity
TICHÁ, Pavlína
This thesis at first discusses the importance of permanent grasslands, establishing and revival of pastures, further dividing agrobotanical groups, homogeneity of pastures and the treatment and fertilization of grasslands. The second part focuses on the breeding of cattle, commercial properties and targets in breeding herds. It deals with the Aberdeen angus beef, that is kept at monitored sites. In addition, the organization and the division of pastures. The third part contains observational monitoring of grassland. The effects of different grazing systems on pasture vegetation were observed at the selected pastures areas. Forage crop characteristics were measured and the suitable grazing system was designed and system of usage and treatment of pasture vegetation was designed. The observation was greatly complicated because of the excessive rainfall (floods) in the first third of the grazing season.
The influence of way and intensity of grazing on sward composition, homogenity and productivity of permanent grassland
TICHÁ, Pavlína
Abstract: This thesis deals with the first part fytocenologickými and production characteristicsof grasslands. Importance and influence of different ways and intensities of grazingon the formation of stand composition and homogeneity of pasture vegetation. It alsodeals with the productivity of pastures and nedopasků in different ways and intensity of grazing. There are different compared to literature data. The second part deals with the materials and methodology of his own observation,when the farm was chosen areas of permanent grassland with different ecological conditions, with different management practices were evaluated and their vegetationcomposition, productivity, biodiversity and grazing value.

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