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Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungus \kur{Metarhizium anisopliae} against different hosts
Entomopathogenic fungus \kur{Metarhizium anisopliae} is one of the most common species used in biological control against pests. The thesis is analyzing effectiveness of original strains and continuously passaged strains of \kur{M. anisopliae} through nutrient substrates and different developmental stages mealworm \kur{(Tenebrio molitor)}. For original and continuously passaged strains were also evaluated the growth and spore production at different temperatures cultivation. In this thesis was investigated the efficacy of the original strains of \kur{M. anisopliae} on selected economically important pests. Strains were tested on populations of adults Pollen beetles \kur{(Meligethes aeneus)} and Cabbage seedpod weevil \kur{(Ceutorhynchus obstrictus)} and the eggs of Colorado potato beetle \kur{(Leptinotarsa decemlineata)} in laboratory conditions. Other entomopathogenic fungi were tested on the eggs of Colorado potato beetle eggs.
Confirmation of \kur{Beauveria caledonica} occurence in Šumava National park by molecular markers
BINDER, Richard
Biological plant protection against insect pests is an important alternative to chemical protection. One of the most important group used in the biological plant protection against insect pests are the entomopathogenic fungi. Entomopathogenic fungi are microscopic fungi that are able to induce a primary disease to insect pests. It is a very heterogeneous group of species. Worldwide there were isolated and described more than 750 species of entomopathogenic fungi. Genus Beauveria is considered one of the most important genera of entomopathogenic fungi. In the Czech Republic there has been confirmed species B. bassiana, B. brongniartii and now, on the basis of this work, B. caledonica. This study is aimed to confirm the occurrence of B. caledonica in National Park Šumava. To confirm this occurrence, I used analyzes based on the methods of molecular markers. Molecular markers are an indispensable part of science in the field of mycology, for example the strain characterization, population genetics, detection and identification of fungi, phylogenetic studies and evolutionary biology. For this study there were used sequence analysis of ITS, EF1- and LSU regions. The output data of these analyzes were used to create phylogenetic trees. The result of my thesis is taxonomical classification of studied isolates on species level.
Genetic variability of \kur{Isaria} genus in Czech Republic
My diploma thesis deals with genetic variability of entomopathogenic fungi of the Isaria genus encountered in the Czech Republic. Individual representative of the genus can be found in soil where they attack all developmental stages of insects, giving preference to larvae and pupae. The Isaria fungi find application first and foremost where plants have to be provided biological protection. In case of mitosporic fungi is the precise identification very difficult, taxonomy is often unclear in many genera, including the genus Paecilomyces/Isaria to demonstrate their polyphyletic nature. The fungi are classified primarily with reliance on morphological studies. The most common markers used to identify fungi are the shapes and sizes of their conidia and the biological properties (germination of spores, tests of biological efficiency). Identification made in consideration of the morphological markers is inaccurate and very variable. To overcome those accuracies, there are very useful molecular DNA markers, which can be relevant in ecology, biology and in fungi genetics. This paper relies on applying the ITS region (Internal Transcribed Spacer) as a molecular marker. ITS regions are partial constituent rDNA carrying no code - that is why the regions are likely to accumulate evolutionary changes in the DNA sequence, which makes them suitable for extensive use in taxonomic analyses of many organisms. The study results in a phylogenetic trees constructed by comparing different sequences of ITS regions obtained from the samples of entomopathogenic fungi of the Isaria genus gathered in the Czech Republic during the monitoring stage 2013 to 2014. Thereunder detection of Isaria sp. occurring in the Czech Republic.
Entomopathogenic fungus \kur{Metarhizium anisopliae} - biological characterization
Entomopathogenic fungus \kur{Metarhizium anisopliae} is one of the most common species used in biological control. Fungus \kur{M. anisopliae} occurs in humid and warm environments. Fungus is able to cause the primary diseases of insect living in soil or on the soil surface. The fungus is widely polyphagous and parasites on a wide range of insects belong to more than 50 orders (Orthoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera). The bachelor´s thesis is focused on a detailed description of the fungus \kur{M. anisopliae} and also characteristic of the other six major genera of fungi used in biological control (\kur{Beauveria, Hirsutella, Isaria, Nomuraea, Paecilomyces, Lecanicillium}) including description of development cycle of entomopathogenic fungi. The thesis also contains a detailed description of the four commercially available biological products based on this fungus \kur{M. anisopliae} (Met52, Green Muscle?, BioCane and BIO-Blast) and examples of practical use of biopreparate Met52 on the selected host.
Entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea
Entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea is among the species of entomopathogenic fungi used in biological control. Species I. fumosorosea has wide host range of insects in which is able to cause the primary diseases. Fungus I. fumosorosea most often infects greenhouse pests, such as aphids, thrips and mealybugs. I. fumosorosea is a pathogen, which naturally occurs in whiteflies populations, especially greenhouse whitefly T. vaporariorum and cotton whitefly B. tabaci. The Bachelor´s thesis is focused on a detailed description of the fungus I. fumosorosea and also characteristics of the other major genera of fungi (Beauveria, Hirsutella, Metarhizium, Nomuraea, Paecilomyces, Lecanicillium) including description of development cycle of entomopathogenic fungi. The thesis also contains a detailed description of the commercially available biological products based on I. fumosorosea (PFR-97, PreFeRal? a PreFeRal, NoFly) and their advantages and disadvantages, efficacy and general application of biological products on European market.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of chosen strains of entomopathogenic fungi in individual application and in application of more strain mixture
This diploma theses focuses on comparison of natural and intentionally inducated supressiveness of environment induced by application of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Isaria fumosorosea a Lecanicillium muscarium. In tests were evaluated the in vitro parameters as well as the effectiveness in vivo biotests on insect host larva Tenebrio molitor. The species of entomopatoghenic fungi were applied in suspensions, single strains and also in combination of two strains. In the in vitro conditions the possibilities of objective evaluation of the supresivity level were tested by using the CFU test (Colony Forming Units) on three different nutrient media (PDA, PDA + A , PDA + D), as one of the basic evaluation parameters. Further the germination tests were evaluated according to GI (Germination Index), determination of radial growth (comparison of median cultures) and interaction of strain suspensions on nutrient media PDA. In the in vivo biotests were watched the epizooties from suspensions of these entomopathogenic fungi on insect larva Tenebrio molitor in competitive test of strains according to FDI (Fungl development index) evaluation scala. Chosen larva covered by fully sporulating mycelium from epizootie were further evaluated in CFU test. The result were dominant strain/s on the larva from applied suspensions.
Entomopathogenic fungus \kur{Beauveria bassiana }- biological characteristics
This literature compilation focuses on current knowledge in the biological characteristics of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana, with emphasis on the influence of abiotic factors on the development and its effectiveness in selected species of harmful insects. Knowledge of abiotic factors is important for a successful outcome to protect plants against harmful agents this entomopathogen. There are also set out the specifics, benefits and examples of using the aforementioned entomopathogen in biological plant protection. In conclusion, the possibilities are assessed using the entomopathogenic fungi B. bassiana in plant protection in the Czech Republic and other aspects concerning the practical use and distribution.
Entomopathogenic fungus \kur{Beauveria bassiana} - use in biological plant protection
Entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is one of many species of entomopathogenic fungi used as a biological protection against plant pest. Compared to other species this one is spread worldwide, long known and one of the most studied species. This work describes besides a detailed description of the Beauveria bassiana also other six important fungal species used for biological protection (Hirsutella, Isaria, Metarhizium, Nomuraea, Paecilomyces, Verticillium) and provides a detailed description of four available commercial biopreparations, namely BotaniGard 22WP, BotaniGard EC, Mycotrol O, Naturalis L which can be practically used for pest suppression. The work also provides information about two products developed in the former Czechoslovakia, Boverol and Boverosil. The conclusion brings practical examples of the use of these products while protecting against the European spruce bark beetle, the Colorado beetles and the Cherry fruit fly.
Use of entomopathogenic fungi in biological control against greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci
Diploma Thesis concerns with usage of entomopathogenic fungi in system of biological control against greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodoes vaporariorum and sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The Aim of diploma thesis was through in vivo and in vitro experiments determinated the basic evolutional and vegetative characteristics of selected entomopathogenic fungi and compare their effectivity in completed system {\clqq}plant - pest - pathogenic``. All experiments and results are demonstrated in the tables and the graphs. The photo-documentation of the method used during founding and interpretation of experiments is the part of the thesis.
Evaluation of effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana using a standard laboratory bioassay
In laboratory bioassays, the efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against the yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) was tested under various temperature conditions. Six different strains of fungus B. bassiana was investigated. The evaluation was based on vitality bioassays including germination and growth index assessment and the bioassay of virulence based on target organism T. molitor was also assessed growth and yield of conidia different strains of fungus B. bassiana on natural substrates and artificial nutrient substrates.

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