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Epidemiological situation of scabies incidence in the Czech Republic within period 2003 - 2012
Theoretical part of dissertation was written on the basis of studying professional literature. It provides overview of Scabies disease, its epidemiological incidence, transmission, clinical course, diagnostics and also of its treatment. Practical part was formed retrospectively by qualitative research and secondary data analysis. These data were collected from different publications from the State Health Institute in Prague and the Health Information and Statistics Institute in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this dissertation was analyzing the trend of scabies incidence in the Czech Republic within ten years period (2003 2012). Moreover the practical part of this dissertation contains information related to trends of scabies incidence in individual districts of the Czech Republic depending on age, sex, team, seasonal index, or epidemiological scabies incidence as occupational disease. Linear regression was used to assess the incidence trend. Subsequently correlations were ascertained by using method of correlation coefficient calculation. In the research it was found that registered scabies incidence seems to more likely be decreasing from the beginning of followed period (i.e. from the beginning of 2003). According to the seasonal index the most common incidence of this disease within followed period was in October. On the other hand the lowest scabies incidence was in June. The highest sickness rate was recorded in the district Ústí nad Labem with almost 50 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. Scabies as occupational disease belongs to the most common recorded transmissible and parasitic disease in the Czech Republic, mainly at nurses in the hospitals, attendants in retirement homes, in internal wards and in social care institutes. The highest incidence rate was notified in age categories from 5 to 9 years. There exists strong positive linear correlation between scabies incidence and age. Epidemiological scabies incidence in the Czech Republic had two main peaks during period 1965 2012, in 1970 and 1993.

The Conclusion of a Contract under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in Comparison with Czech National Legislation
Krčálová, Kristýna ; Boháček, Martin (advisor) ; Levý, Jan (referee)
This Master's thesis focuses on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), better known as the Vienna Convention. The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate conditions for application of this international treaty and to assess the contracting process under the CISG including the similarities and differences with the Czech national legislation. Finally, it seeks an answer to the question, which of these rules (international or national) are more advantageous for a Czech contractual party with respect to concluding a contract. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first one represents an introduction to the CISG, its origin and the Czech Republic's attitude to it. The second part identifies the conditions for application of the CISG and therefore defines a subject and an object of an international contract of sale under the CISG. Both third and fourth parts gradually introduce two phases of the contracting process (offer and acceptance) including the relevant case-law. The last chapter strives to complete the contracting process with an analysis of the exact moment, when a contract is concluded, as well as with an analysis of a potential battle of the forms and its impact on a contract conclusion.

Benjamin Britten - Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for Oboe solo op. 49
Dedičová, Monika ; SEQUARDTOVÁ, Liběna (advisor) ; BROŽKOVÁ, Jana (referee)
This thesis deals with the personality of the English composer Benjamin Britten and is also focused on his composition Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe op. 49. It also includes information about the life and work of Publius Ovid Naso. Part of my work is interpretive analysis of the composition.

Inhibiční látky v mléce a způsoby jejich detekce
Mrázková, Martina
The bachelor work deals with occurrence of inhibitory substatnces in milk and thein detection. They pose a gray concern since they cause problems during the milk processing procedures as well as they may reprepresent possible health risk. There are described individual groups of the inhibitory substances in the milk in this thesis, identified possible sources of contamination and their possible effect. Further on there are discussed possible sources of contamination, including usage of medication, maximal residual limits and prevention of milk contamination in general. Last part deals with detection methods of the inhibitory substances categorized in variol ways.

Velkoměsta České republiky podle sčítání 2011
Český statistický úřad
Česká republika má hustou sídelní síť s mnoha menšími městy a vesnicemi. Zastoupení velkoměst v sídelní struktuře je relativně nízké. Pouze šest měst má více než 100 tis. obyvatel. Jediným městem s více než milionem obyvatel je Praha. Druhým největším městem z hlediska počtu obyvatel Brno, následované Ostravou a Plzní.
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Věková struktura obyvatel podle dat sčítání lidu
Český statistický úřad
K základním výstupům ze sčítání lidu patří zjištění věkové struktury obyvatelstva. Ta je výsledkem dlouhodobého demografického vývoje, změn v úrovni porodnosti, úmrtnosti a zahraniční migrace. Hlavním činitelem ovlivňujícím věkovou strukturu populace České republiky byla měnící se intenzita porodnosti v průběhu 20. století, která spolu s trvalým zlepšováním úmrtnostních poměrů vyústila v tzv. stárnutí populace.
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Úroveň vzdělání obyvatelstva podle výsledků sčítání lidu
Český statistický úřad
Dosažená úroveň vzdělání patří mezi základní charakteristiky sloužící k posuzování kulturní úrovně a kvality lidského kapitálu u různých skupin obyvatelstva. Sčítání lidu je jediným zdrojem dat o dosaženém vzdělání za celou (dospělou) populaci, navíc s možností kombinovat je s dalšími údaji za osoby.
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Revitalization study for 4th order catchment
This diploma thesis examines the state of the Lisov stream and its basin. It also suggests the way of revitalization of the whole riverbed in given places. For better solution of this problem, the stream was divided into several sections, which are analysed both separately and as a whole. The basic information for the purposes of this diploma thesis were gained primarily from the survey of the given area. The evaluation was realized according to the findings and other maps which are freely available on the Internet. Thereafter there is a suggestion of the revitalization works which was made together with individual revitalization objects. This suggestion includes also the possible way of financing all these revitalization actions. There were several slopes set in the basin and the soil removals caused by water erosion were calculated for these slopes. The reason for including these data is that this diploma thesis puts emphasis also on the river sediments which are forming the riverbed of the stream too. At the same time there was another survey completed. It is related to the flood protection and the suggestion how to build up these necessary flood protections.

Pick´s disease and the specifics of the nursing care of a patient with this disease
Pick's disease is a degenerative-atrophic process that primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Besides Alzheimer's disease, it is a lesser known form of dementia which affects people of younger age. Although the exact range of Pick's disease occurrence varies in the literature, the average reported age is between 50-60 years. The disease can change eating habits, cause emotional swings, inappropriate behaviour and sloppy appearance of the patients. The behaviour to others is often selfish, the patients are unable to listen to others and ignore their surroundings. Pick's disease is also characterized by inappropriate sexual behaviour. Globally, the number of dementia patients is still growing and according to expert guesses the increase will continue. Nursing care for patients with dementia is therefore becoming a very actual topic as dementia is called a quiet epidemic of our century. Nurses in their departments quite frequently encounter patients suffering from dementia of various origins at different stages of disability and the staff at healthcare facilities often regard these people as a burden. The aim of this thesis, which is called Pick's Disease and Specifics of Nursing Care for Patients with this Disease, is, based on the theoretical knowledge, to map definitions and diagnosis of Pick's disease, to define the needs of such a patient, and to list the most common problems in the nursing care. It focuses on people with dementia within medical facilities. For proper understanding of the problem, the thesis starts with the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the description of cognitive functions which are affected by the dementia syndrome and the definition of dementia. Based on the studied literature, dementia is divided according to various criteria. It has been found out that dividing dementia is not entirely uniform, but the essential facts and overall opinions of the authors do not diverge. Pick's disease belongs to a group of frontotemporal dementia and its position in this group has changed over time, as it is recorded in the literature. The thesis includes recommendations resulting from the studied literature in the approach to patients with dementia and emphasizes personal communication with the patients and empathetic and humane approach. Although medicine cannot prevent dementia, an early diagnosis of a specific type of dementia and correctly targeted treatment can increase the quality of life not only of the patients but also of their families. I have chosen this topic because I find it very current and interesting. During my nursing practice at the Surgery Department and Aftercare Department, I have met patients suffering from dementia and I did not know how to properly and efficiently communicate with them. For the theoretical part of my work, the methods of explanation, synthesis and induction on the basis of Czech and foreign information sources have been used. The most frequently quoted Czech authors in my thesis are doc. MD. Roman Jirák, PhD., the head of the center for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's disease at the psychiatric clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague, the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. This thesis can serve as an informational and educational source both for nurses and the general public who may experience the disease within their families. It would be considered a great success if it helped nurses or family members to diagnose Pick's disease or other dementia at an early stage.