National Repository of Grey Literature 38 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Role of the Gold in the Central Banking
Kluzová, Denisa ; Bažantová, Ilona (advisor) ; Dupáková, Lenka (referee)
Role of gold in central banking Abstract The first chapter is devoted to the characteristics of central banks as institutions that have a monopoly on the issue of cash money, conduct monetary policy and regulate the banking system. The first central banks emerged in the 17th century. However, they differed from the contemporary central banks. Their primary task was to provide financial resources to the sovereign. They gradually gained more power over time and became the central banks that exist today. Contemporary central banks usually have powers such as issuing cash money, conducting monetary policy, regulation and supervision of the banking sector. Central banks compile their balance sheets, which are statements of the amount and structure of assets and liabilities. Gold is among the items that appear on central bank balance sheets. The second chapter is important for understanding how the gold standard function. It explains concepts such as the pure standard and the modified gold standard, which covers the gold bullion standard, the gold reserve standard and the gold exchange standard. The third chapter describes the evolution of the gold standard since the 1930s when monetary blocks, consisting of states with similiar views on the continuation of the gold standard, were formed. These included the gold...
The Czech National Bank, its legal position and scope of activities
Filípková, Olga ; Bakeš, Milan (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
The Czech National Bank, its legal position and scope of activities This diploma thesis evaluates the legal position and scope of activities of the Czech National Bank through the analysis of the current legislation, literature and other sources. Partial aspects affecting the legal position and activities of the Czech National Bank are described separately, but due to their mutual connections it is important to see them as a part of the whole context. The thesis also points at questionable issues and offers both expert's as well as author's attitudes. This diploma thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter characterizes central banking itself, defines the role of the central bank in the banking system, shows the differences in conception of central bank and outlines the methods of establishing of central banks. The second chapter briefly describes the evolution of central banking in our country, focusing on the importance of historical events, which contributed to the creation of the Czech National Bank, as we know it today. Historical excursion begins with a period of Austro-Hungarian Empire and continues to the present. The third chapter consists of logically organized overview of particular aspects of the legal position of the Czech National Bank, including relations with other...
The legal status and activities of the Czech National Bank
Prokop, Tomáš ; Vondráčková, Pavlína (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
Legal status and content of activities of Czech national bank This thesis deals with legal issues of Czech National Bank. The aim of this work is the analysis of the basic institutes, the most important and the most controversial statutory provisions and also to introduce the most important activities of the central bank to the reader and explaining him why are these activities needed and what is their function in the system. Due to limited range of this thesis the author took considerable volume of this topic in account, that's why some chapters aim merely the most important information to explain the issue correctly and to help the reader to understand the contexts. This work is divided to seven chapters (including the Inroduction) and to the Conclusion, list of used shortuts, literature and attachments. In the Introduction the author acquaints the reader with reason, why has he choosen right this issue as the topic of his thesis and lays out the targets to be accomplished by his work. In the second chapter is the reader acquainted with the historical development of central banking on the territory of present Czech Republic - since the Austro-Hungarian monarchy to the evolution of current Czech National Bank. In the conclusion of this chapter the author analysis the possibilities of the immediate future...
The central bank, its legal status and scope of activities
Blažková, Jana ; Kotáb, Petr (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
The Central Bank, its Legal Status and Scope of Activities Central banks are very powerful institution and central banking is a very complex discipline. Monetary policy, the most important activity of central banking, has become the key instrument of macroeconomic stabilisation. The aim of my paper has been to analyse all the areas of central banks' operations, aiming especially at monetary policy and its instruments, and also to tackle the recently emerged doubts about what the main objective of central banks should be. I also provide a review and an analysis of the current legal status of the Czech National Bank from the independence and accountability point of view. The first chapter of my work is dedicated to the history of central banking. Second chapter examines the individual functions that central banks carry out, with third chapter analysing the most important of them, the monetary policy. The last chapter is dedicated to the Czech National Bank (CNB) and is subdivided into four parts: the first one is outlining the history of CNB, the second one gives us the detailed overview of the individual functions of CNB, its main target and instruments CNB uses to reach the target. The third one is devoted to CNB relations with European Union and the fourth part focuses on the legal status of CNB...
The Czech National Bank, its legal status and scope of activities
Kočová, Olga ; Bakeš, Milan (advisor) ; Kohajda, Michael (referee)
Title: The Czech National Bank, its legal status and scope of activities Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current status of legislation of the Czech National Bank, its content operations and powers with regard to the historical development of this institution, focusing on the banknotes and coins, monetary policy, financial stability, financial market supervision and possible impacts of euro adoption in the Czech Republic. The first part of the thesis will be devoted to the historical development and fundamental characteristics of the Czech National Bank as the central bank and its organizational structure, management and independence will be determined as well as the objectives pursued. The following chapters will deal with particular areas of activities which the Czech National Bank practices in accordance to its primary objective. More detailed focus in the thesis is on the emission function, the conduct of monetary policy and its instruments, analysis of financial stability and supervision of individual financial market segments. The last part of the thesis will be devoted to the issue of adopting the common European currency in the Czech Republic and to the changes which would be connected to that currency adoption. Keywords Czech national bank, central banking, monetary policy,...
The Determinants of central banking transparency: An Empirical Analysis
Ulrich, Tomáš ; Horváth, Roman (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Jakub (referee)
This thesis examines the central banking transparency and financial stability communication. The main goal is to find the determinants of the updated Monetary policy transparency index and the index for financial stability trans- parency, which cover 110 countries during the period 2000-2011. We analyse the individual components of transparencies and perform regression models with the set of economic and political variables in order to find drivers of all aspects of transparency. As a basic observation we verified the increasing trend in both types of transparencies during last two decades. We found out that economi- cally well developed countries with flexible exchange rates, quality government and stable political institutions tend to be more open about their monetary policies. Moreover, high degree of monetary policy transparency and the occu- rance of past systemic banking crisis implies higher openness of central banks about financial stability issues. The drivers of Financial stability transparency index components display significant variations, especially variables like rule of law or past financial distress. It is concluded that financial stability trans- parency is still a young field of study and many central banks are still in the developing phase of learning. Keywords central banking,...
The Czech National Bank, its legal status and scope of activities
Hudcovic, Timoteus Jan ; Bakeš, Milan (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
The Czech National Bank, its legal status and scope of activities Abstract The theme of this thesis is the Czech National Bank, its legal status and scope of activities. The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the development of central banking and to evaluate current legal status of the Czech National Bank. Due to the volume of the Czech National Bank's activities, the work is focused only on the supervisory activities of the Czech National Bank and on the examination of the functioning of the unified supervision system. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part deals with theoretical issues of the emergence of central banking and with the functions of central banks. The following part deals with the development of central banking in the Czech lands from the time of the Austrian Empire until the establishment of the independent Czech Republic. The third part of the thesis describes legal status of the Czech National Bank, its establishment in the Constitution of the Czech Republic, its tasks, objectives and its independence. Furthermore, the thesis describes bank's relationship with other constitutional institutions, its organizational structure, management and regulatory activities. The fourth part of the thesis deals with the supervisory activities of the Czech National Bank. At the...
Status and role of central banks in history
Jirsová, Tereza ; Bažantová, Ilona (advisor) ; Dupáková, Lenka (referee)
1 ABSTRACT STATUS AND ROLE OF CENTRAL BANKS IN HISTORY This diploma thesis describes and compares the regulation and status of two central banks in our history, the central bank of the independent Czechoslovak Republic and the central bank of the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to present and compare selected aspects of both central banks through the method of analysis and comparison. The hypothesis is that both banks, as central banks of democratic states, are similar in their regulation and status. The intention is to verify this hypothesis and find out whether the Czechoslovak Republic legislation was a source of inspiration for the creation of central banking legislation when the Czech Republic was established. The first part of the thesis describes the banking system, the characteristics and origin of central banking in the world and the Czech region. Subsequently, the circumstances of the establishment of the National Bank of Czechoslovakia and the Czech National Bank are presented. The second part deals with the constitutional and legal regulations of both central bank and the objectives of their activities. The third part characterizes the status of both central banks as regards legal form, bodies and degree of independence. Differences have prevailed in the compared aspects of central...
Measurement of Clarity of Financial Stability Reports
Mišák, Vojtěch ; Horváth, Roman (advisor) ; Jakubík, Petr (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to measure and investigate the clarity of Financial stability reports from 27 European central banks. Using unbalanced panel data from 2004 to 2017 we found out variables that determine the level of clarity of Financial stability reports. Clarity indices are calculated by Flesch-Kincaid readability tests. Based on our results, we claim that the clarity of the Financial stability report is affected by the level of independence of the central bank and by non-housing macroprudential policy index. Furthermore, the clarity of Financial stability reports changes among years and especially during the financial crisis. According to spatial models, the distance between central banks really matters in the terms of the clarity of Financial stability reports.

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