Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Ambiguity in Stochastic Optimization Problems with Nonlinear Dependence on a Probability Measure via Wasserstein Metric
Kaňková, Vlasta
Many economic and financial applications lead to deterministic optimization problems depending on a probability measure. It happens very often (in applications) that these problems have to be solved on the data base. Point estimates of an optimal value and estimates of an optimal solutionset can be obtained by this approach. A consistency, a rate of convergence and normal properties, of these estimates, have been discussed (many times) not only under assumptions of independent data corresponding to the distributions with light tails, but also for weak dependent data and the distributions with heavy tails. However, it is also possible to estimate (on the data base) a confidence intervals and bounds for the optimal value and the optimal solutions. To analyze this approach we focus on a special case of static problems depending nonlineary on the probability measure. Stability results based on the Wasserstein metric and the Valander approach will be employed for the above mentioned analysis.
Average Reward Optimality in Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Costly Interventions
Sladký, Karel
In this note we consider semi-Markov reward decision processes evolving on finite state spaces. We focus attention on average reward models, i.e. we establish explicit formulas for the growth rate of the total expected reward. In contrast to the standard models we assume that the decision maker can also change the running process by some (costly) intervention. Recall that the result for optimality criteria for the classical Markov decision chains in discrete and continuous time setting turn out to be a very specific case of the considered model. The aim is to formulate optimality conditions for semi-Markov models with interventions and present algorithmical procedures for finding optimal solutions.

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