Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 25 záznamů.  předchozí6 - 15další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.04 vteřin. 
Natural Vax Refining by Liquid/Liquid Extraction
García, A. ; Heyberger, Aleš ; Procházka, Jaroslav ; Canete, R. ; Vinals, M.
The separation of sugar cane wax from resins with ethanol as solvent has been studied by means of a reciprocating plate extractor (VPE) 85 mm at pilot plant scale under pressure. In a fierst aproach experiments for the measurement of the equilibria were conducted in a 1 liter stirred extractor vessel under different temperatures (70-100 °C) in order to determine the influence of the temperature on the distribution coefficient (Mc) and on the removal of wax from the resins.
Application of Slurry Impregnation for Preparation of MoO3/Al2O3 Catalysts with Sharp Eggshell Mo Distribution
Kaluža, Luděk ; Zdražil, Miroslav
The present work was connected with our research of hydrodesulfurization, HDS, catalysts. The saturated catalysts with uniform Mo distribution were also prepared in order to compare the HDS activity of monolayer Mo species obtained by SIM method with Mo species in conventional commecial catalysts. The model reaction was HDS of thiophene at pressure of 1 MPa and temperatures of 300-400 °C. Itř was found that the activity of the SIM catalysts was the same or better than the activity of the reference sample.
Effect of Liquid Phase Viscosity and Type of Gas Distributor on Gas Phase Mixing in Bubble Column Reactor
Fialová, Marie
Results of experiments proved essential effect of liquid phase viscosity and type of gas phase distributor on gas phase mixing in bubble column.
Effect of Gas Distributor and Column Geometry on Bubbling Regimes and Gas Holdup in Bubble Column Reactors
Fialová, Marie ; Zahradník, Jindřich ; Růžička, Marek ; Drahoš, Jiří ; Řezníčková, J.
This article deals with effect of gas distributor and column geometry on bubbling regimes and gas holdup in bubble column reactors.
Molecular-Based Modelling of Equilibrium Fluid Properties at Superambient Conditions
Aim, Karel ; Lísal, Martin ; Pavlíček, Jan
The article deals with molecular-based kodelling of equilibrium fluid properties at superambient conditions.
Chromatographic Determination of Transport Characteristics of Porous Solids
Šolcová, Olga ; Schneider, Petr
The article deals with chromatographic determination of transport characteristics of porous solids.
P-V-T Behaviour of Liquid Alkane- 1-Chloroalkane Mixtures at Elevated Temperatures and High Pressures
Linek, Jan ; Morávková, Lenka
The article describes problems of P-V-T behaviour of liquid alkane- 1-chloroalkane mixtures at elevated temperatures and high pressures.
Temperature Dependence of Excess Molar Volumes of the Systems Heptane + 1-Chloroalkane and Octane 1-Chloroalkane
Linek, Jan ; Morávková, Lenka
The densities of octane- 1-chlorobutane, or -1chloropentane, or 1-chlorohexane systems were measured at temperatures 308.15, 318.15, and 328.15 K by means of a vibrating-tube densimeter. It was found that the deviations from ideal behaviou in the systems studied increase with increasing temperature.
Permeability of Polymer Membranes for Organic Vapors
Friess, K. ; Šípek, M. ; Hynek, V. ; Bohatá, K. ; Izák, Pavel ; Sysel, P.
In this work the permeability coefficients of saturated and non-saturated vapors through polymer flat membranes were determined. The diferential flow permeameter with thermal conductivity detection of vapor mixtures composition at 25 °C and atmospheric pressure has been used.
A Novel Viscometric Sensor for Measuring the Apparent Wall Slip Effect
Wein, Ondřej ; Večeř, Marek
In the present lecture, heory is given of a viscometric experiment for the liquids displaying the apparent wall slip effect. A software package for treating the viscometric data from HAAKE RheoStress rotational theometers is presented. Using of the theory to calibration with a Newtonian liquid and the concept of local data filtering are illustrated on new experimental data.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 25 záznamů.   předchozí6 - 15další  přejít na záznam:
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