Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by polychlorinated biphenyls: inhibitory potencies and screening for potential mode(s) of action
Bláha, L. ; Vondráček, Jan ; Upham, B. L. ; Machala, M.
The aims of the present study were to determine potencies of a series of environmentally relevant PCB congeners to inhibit GJIC invitro, and to screen for intrcellular signaling pathways potentially involved in GJIC downregulation by PCBs. It was found that a number of nonplanar PCB congeners are efficient inhibitors of GJIC in vitro, and that a model compound, PCB153, does not act via activation of PKC or ERK1/2, which is contrast with the effects of protoypical inhibitors of GJIC, such as TPA or EGF.

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