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Hospodářství v době laténské
Rozsypal, Jan ; Salač, Vladimír (vedoucí práce) ; Frank Danielisová, Alžběta (oponent)
V této práci jsem se zaměřil na dílčí otázku široké problematiky hospodářství doby laténské, konkrétně na problém výživy oppid. V našem bádání je tato otázka součástí většiny hospodářských modelů pro dobu laténskou, přičemž jsou uplatňovány značně odlišné přístupy, přinášející nesourodé výsledky. Výrazný rozdíl mezi závěry jednotlivých badatelů je jedním z hlavních předmětů této práce. Cílem práce není nový model ani vyřešení otázky obživy oppid, nýbrž srovnání a rozbor přístupů prezentovaných v jednotlivých modelech, jejich testování z perspektivy studia směnných vztahů, včetně aplikace novějších poznatků o směně z ostatních humanitních věd. Klíčová slova La-Tène, hospodářství, oppidum, směna, multidisciplinární
Physiological and biochemical responses to cold and drought in the rock-dwelling pulmonate snail, Chondrina avenacea.
We assessed the capacity of rock-dwelling snail, Chondrina avenacea to tolerate environmental stress during seasonal alterations of activity and dormancy. We examined whether hibernation and aestivation share some physiological and biochemical traits, which can underlie potential development of cross-tolerance (i.e., high cold tolerance during estivation or high drought tolerance during hibernation). For this purpose, we recorded seasonal changes in the levels of cold, drought and anoxia tolerance and changes in basic physiological and biochemical parameters which are linked to dormancy and stress tolerance such as supercooling capacity, mass and hydration, rate of exchange of respiratory gases, total amount of proteins, lipids and glycogen, and metabolomic composition.
Insect overwintering: physiological and biochemical adaptations to low temperatures
Complex experimental data on insect adaptation for survival at low temperatures, with special reference to overwintering in temperate climate zone, are presented in this thesis. The cold tolerance strategies were examined in four species: the codling moth (Cydia pomonella), the bark beetle (Ips typographus), the red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), and the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Two of these species, C. pomonella and I. typographus, are serious pests and knowledge on their overwintering biology is of great importance for development of pest management programs. Numerous physiological and biochemical parameters, such as supercooling point, thermal hysteresis between melting and freezing points, survival in supercooled and frozen states, osmolality of hemolymph, water and energy reserves, and detailed metabolomic composition of hemolymph and tissues were studied during cold season in the field-collected animals or analyzed in laboratory-acclimated animals in order to assess the insects' capacity for winter survival.
Experimentální výzkum diskriminace predátorů v laboratorních podmínkách
Great tits (Parus major) and blue tits (Parus caeruleus) were tested, whether they can recognize different forms of sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) as a predator. Responses to stuffed sparrowhawk, wooden dummy and a photograph of sparrowhawk projected on plasma TV were tested. Tits treated both stuffed and wooden sparrowhawk almost equally. Reactions to photograph on TV did not differ significantly from control. Wooden dummies of adequate design seem to be suitable for use in experiments with birds. On contrary, photograph did not elicit appropriate response and it cannot be used at least with untrained birds.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
8 Rozsypal, Jakub
1 Rozsypal, Jaroslav
2 Rozsypal, Josef
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