Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Reducing operational risks in a construction company using project management
Miháliková, Andrea ; Bohumel, Imrich (oponent) ; Nový, Martin (vedoucí práce)
The work is focused on the analysis of operational risks in a construction company, which are associated with the implementation of constructions. In the individual chapters, I focused on the definition of operational risks and counter-risk measures. I defined the project, types of projects, project management and principles of project management. I described the construction company, its organizational structure and operational activities. I analyzed the risks in the construction company, risk management and risk control. Finally, I listed the criteria and options for achieving the goals and success of the construction company. The output of the work are recommendations of procedures to eliminate risks and achieve business goals. The benefit is an increase in the company's competitiveness.
Pricing of engineering activities in construction
Miháliková, Andrea ; Comorek,, Martin (oponent) ; Nový, Martin (vedoucí práce)
The work is focused on setting the prices of engineering activities. In the individual chapters, I discussed the division of engineering activities. I defined individual activities. I explained what project management of buildings is, and I analysed the various forms of projects. I defined the participants in the construction process and the relationships between them. I also focused of choosing the right supplier. Finally, I explained the concept of price, divided in into different types, and compared pricing methodologies. The output of the work is the determination of the price of engineering activities based on the method of recommended minimum and maximum prices.
Reducing operational risks in a construction company using project management
Miháliková, Andrea ; Bohumel, Imrich (oponent) ; Nový, Martin (vedoucí práce)
The work is focused on the analysis of operational risks in a construction company, which are associated with the implementation of constructions. In the individual chapters, I focused on the definition of operational risks and counter-risk measures. I defined the project, types of projects, project management and principles of project management. I described the construction company, its organizational structure and operational activities. I analyzed the risks in the construction company, risk management and risk control. Finally, I listed the criteria and options for achieving the goals and success of the construction company. The output of the work are recommendations of procedures to eliminate risks and achieve business goals. The benefit is an increase in the company's competitiveness.
Pricing of engineering activities in construction
Miháliková, Andrea ; Comorek,, Martin (oponent) ; Nový, Martin (vedoucí práce)
The work is focused on setting the prices of engineering activities. In the individual chapters, I discussed the division of engineering activities. I defined individual activities. I explained what project management of buildings is, and I analysed the various forms of projects. I defined the participants in the construction process and the relationships between them. I also focused of choosing the right supplier. Finally, I explained the concept of price, divided in into different types, and compared pricing methodologies. The output of the work is the determination of the price of engineering activities based on the method of recommended minimum and maximum prices.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
2 Miháliková, Anna
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