Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
EV charging station control and management utilizing LPWA technologies.
Mačina, Martin ; Mikulášek, Michal (oponent) ; Dvořák, Radim (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis deals with the transmission of OCPP (Open Charge Point) protocol using LPWA (Low -- Power Wide Area technology). At the beginning of the theoretical part is described the OCPP protocol, where the emphasis is put on the security of the protocol. Next, the LPWA technologies and their parameters are described. In the practical part, the communication between the OCPP client and the OCPP server was introduced and the key elements are described mediating this communication. It further discusses the completion of the implementation of the OCPP protocol in Python and the completion of the measurement using the BG77 module. The practical part results in a completed measurement using the LPWA module on the sites that are shown on the generated map. The result of the work is a description of the measured values and an evaluation of the use of LPWA technology for OCPP protocol transmission.
EV charging station control and management utilizing LPWA technologies.
Mačina, Martin ; Mikulášek, Michal (oponent) ; Dvořák, Radim (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis deals with the transmission of OCPP (Open Charge Point) protocol using LPWA (Low -- Power Wide Area technology). At the beginning of the theoretical part is described the OCPP protocol, where the emphasis is put on the security of the protocol. Next, the LPWA technologies and their parameters are described. In the practical part, the communication between the OCPP client and the OCPP server was introduced and the key elements are described mediating this communication. It further discusses the completion of the implementation of the OCPP protocol in Python and the completion of the measurement using the BG77 module. The practical part results in a completed measurement using the LPWA module on the sites that are shown on the generated map. The result of the work is a description of the measured values and an evaluation of the use of LPWA technology for OCPP protocol transmission.

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