Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Model of E-commerce
Krejčířová, Lívia ; Ing. Razack Koubay, Ph.D (oponent) ; Dvořák, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
My master thesis is focused on creating of own e-commerce, not only as a tool of management in competition, but it is also useful for improving and pointing society. Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of company, it specifies changes in management and proposal of model e-commerce and components related to e-commerce.
Model of E-commerce
Krejčířová, Lívia ; Ing. Razack Koubay, Ph.D (oponent) ; Dvořák, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
My master thesis is focused on creating of own e-commerce, not only as a tool of management in competition, but it is also useful for improving and pointing society. Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of company, it specifies changes in management and proposal of model e-commerce and components related to e-commerce.

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