Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Slit geometry microreactor for light induced photocatalysis with graphite carbon nitride thin films
Dolai, Susmita
We have demonstrated a facile, controllable, scalable and efficient new method for synthesizing carbon nitride materials with morphology and optimizing their catalytic performance in microreactor and cuvette. History and different structures and classification of carbon nitride materials also properly explained in this review. Different organic pollutant degradation and hydrogen generation performance are shown for carbon nitride materials, as per as their catalytic activities and properties.
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Solvent Assisted 2D Mesoporous g-C3N4 Modification for Catalytic Application.
Dolai, Susmita
Here we show a facile and scalable new approach for the synthesis of ordered CN materials with an excellent photoactivity, which consists\nof supramolecular interfacial preorganization of monomers at the interface of two non-miscible solvents. Molecular dynamic simulations\nsupported by experimental results reveal that appropriate mono-mers and solvents choice lead to the formation of a supramolecular assembly solely at the interface of the solvents. As a proof of concept, we show the chemical and physical properties of the g-C3N4 materials after thermal condensation in various temperature. The advantages of the new method are demonstrated here through the tuneable morphologies and surface area, the formation of new electronic junctions and high activity as a photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and pollutants degradation of the g-C3N4 materials.
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