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Why development aid failed and how can it be improved: the case of Lesotho
Blažková, Laura
This Bachelor Thesis deal with failures of development aid. The main objective is to analyse failures of development and illustrate the case of Lesotho by James Ferguson (1990). The main factors of aid failures will be discussed by development theory by Arturo Escobar and critical view on development practice by William Easterly. The result of this thesis explains why development aid fails in development practice and how it can be improved.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
27 BLAŽKOVÁ, Lenka
12 BLAŽKOVÁ, Lucie
27 Blažkova, Lenka
1 Blažková, Lea
27 Blažková, Lenka
2 Blažková, Linda
12 Blažková, Lucie
1 Blažková, Ludmila
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