National Repository of Grey Literature 14 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Long-term Natural Corrosion of Uranium Coloured Glasses
Procházka, Radek ; Goliáš, Viktor (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee) ; Helebrant, Aleš (referee)
klíčová slova: koroze skla, zvětrávání skla, přírodní alterace skla, přírodní analog, uran, experimentální loužení Historická skla barvená uranem byla vyráběna v řadě českých skláren přibližně mezi lety 1830 a 1945. Obsah uranu v těchto sklech se pohybuje v řádu desetin procenta. Materiál představuje vhodný analog tzv. nukleárních skel sloužících k imobilizaci radioaktivního odpadu. Vzhledem ke složitosti procesů předpokládaných v podzemním úložišti v době kdy se odpadní skla dostanou do kontaktu s vodou má materiál velkou vypovídací hodnotu pro posouzení dlouhodobé stability skla v přírodních podmínkách se zaměřením na chování uranu. V předložené práci jsou studovány změny historických uranem barvených skel vystavených až 150 let působení přírodních roztoků v exogenních podmínkách. Během této doby došlo na povrchu vzorků ke korozi. U draselných skel bylo při povrchu zjištěno preferenční vyloužení alkálií a vznik hydratované difúzní zóny o mocnosti až 0,6 mm. V této korodované části bylo pozorováno srážení novotvořeného kalcitu (CaCO3) patrně v důsledku zvýšeného pH. Oproti původnímu sklu byla ve vyloužené zóně potvrzena stabilní, v některých případech zvýšená koncentrace uranu. Ačkoli došlo k vyloužení až 17,5 % K2O a nahrazení prakticky veškerého draslíku ionty H3O+ z roztoku, uran zůstal ve...
Geochemical study of processes, relevant to safety assessment of deep geological repository: Uranium forms and enrichment scenario in a sedimentary system at the Ruprechtov natural analogue site
Havlová, Václava ; Jelínek, Emil (advisor) ; Pačes, Tomáš (referee) ; Zeman, Josef (referee)
U migration was studied in order to better understand to processes of safety relevant elements, particularly U. The rock sequence on the site can be analogous to a potential rock overburden of deep geology repositories. A multidisciplinary approach was undertaken in order to identify and characterise U mobilisation/immobilisation processes within sedimentary clayey rocks with organic matter enriched interlayers. Both conventional methods and modern sophisticated spectroscopic methods were combined. Sequential extraction, wet chemical method and even spectroscopic methods proved that U prevailed in the U(IV) form in low-oxidised samples. It moved towards more easily releasable fractions with sample ageing (oxidation). The combination of SE, µ-XRF and µ-XAFS results proved U to be unexpectedly associated with As and P, leading to the presumption that U(VI) from groundwater was reduced to U(IV) on As pyrite. The evaluation of the hydrogeochemical conditions and isotope analyses then brought the results into broader context: Sedimentary organic matter within the sedimentary layers was microbially oxidised, releasing dissolved organic matter and providing H+ in order to dissolve sedimentary inorganic carbonates. SO4 2- could be reduced under reducing groundwater conditions, thus causing FeS2 formation....
Contribution to arsenic solid phase speciation in soils and mine wastes
Filippi, Michal ; Pertold, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee) ; Chovan, Martin (referee)
N1ichó] F] ]ppi Abotract Sunrnrar 1, ,tf Dtssertdtron The presentď dlssertat|on attempts to contrlbute to the current know|edge on the arsen|c (As) m|n€ra|og|ca| spec|at|on |n diverse types of so||d materta|s, such as contam|nated solls and mlne wastes. . lntřoductory part of the d|ssértat|on prov|des a geneftr| |ntroduct|on to As chemlca| and physlcal characterlstlcs and to the behavlor In the environment, wlth the maln emphasls on As so||d phase spec|aíon ln so||s and m|ne wast€s. . Next part of thé d|ssertat|on summar|zes and br|efly eva|uates m|nera|ogka| Ínethods to the study of prlmary and secondary As-bearlng phases. The maln alm ts to help wlth better or|ental|on |n the app||cat|on of these methods. The ||terauJre rď|en, showed thát áhhough a rank of modem methods have been developed |n |ast years (HMDF-STEM, AFM, BFM, PÍxE, xAs techn|ques, ND, etc.), there rema|n severá| estab||shď rnethďs (xRD, sEM, etc.) as a startlng step br mlneraloglcal research. Some other group of methods has been found as posslble useful for the study of As solld phase spechtlon (e,9,, RS, DTA, TGA, Vts DRS, VMp), The ma|n part of the d|ssertat|on |s pr€s€nted as a s€t of three papeni on shllar subjccts pub||shed |n scienťflc Journa|s - Env|ronÍrEnta| Cieo|ogy, sc|ence of the Tota| Env|ronrnent and Geoderma, The fu||ow|ng...
Tremor diagnostics of tennis players using accelerometer
Škochová, Lenka ; Řasová, Kamila (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee)
remor is a rhythmic oscillating movement of body parts caused by alternating contractions of muscle agonists and antagonists. It is an involuntary movement occurring in healthy individuals as well as in individuals with neurological disabilities. Physiological tremor depends on several factors, including stress and response (fatigue). No one has monitored this connection so far, so I decided to find out whether tennis training affects the parameters examined with the accelerometer and on the muscular strength of the hand. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part describes the facts about tremor, then the metabolism of sport, the effects of vibration, the biomechanics of tennis and accelerometer-based methods. The second practical part describes the methodology of the thesis and presents the results of the experiment. The positives and weaknesses of the study are emphasized in the discussion. Healthy individuals who play tennis actively were included in the research. They were examined on the tennis courts of the HAMR Sport Braník complex before and immediately after the training unit. The examination included a medical history, a questionnaire about the range of hours played, subjective perception of pain using the Visual Analogue Scale, the force of a hand grip with the...
Analysis of acceleration in critically ill during vibration therapy
Škárová, Alena ; Řasová, Kamila (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee)
This thesis deals with measuring the effect of vibration with the Vibramoov® on the CNS of a critically ill patient. We hypothesized that vibration therapy could address the central nervous system and produce a targeted motor response. The predicted motor response was recorded with an accelerometer. The theoretical part summarizes the issue of a critically ill patient in the departments of intensive medicine, the possibility of early rehabilitation and related early mobilization. The work assesses the consequences of the patient's health after hospitalization in these wards and discusses the trend of device physiotherapy and their effects associated with early rehabilitation. Furthermore, the thesis deals with motion control and motor programs are analyzed, whose activation and expression are examined in the practical part. The practical part is conceived as a case report. Using the accelerometer, motor responses were detected during four vibration therapies using the Vibramoov® device. A 74-year-old man in a critical condition who was hospitalized after a craniotrauma caused by a fall of unclear etiology with the Glasgow coma scale 3-4 was observed. Data from the accelerometer were statistically processed. The presence of a motor response was demonstrated by Student's t-test at a significance...
Function of the musculus vastus medialis obliquus and its influence on patellofemoral joint at ice-hockey players from the perspective of physiotherapist
Sklenářová, Nikola ; Srbová, Radmila (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee)
The main objective of this bachelor thesis is to find out in adolescent ice hockey players whether the pain of patellofemoral articulation is caused by muscle dysbalance, especially by the weakening of vastus medialis obliquus. Methods: Ice hockey players from the HC Zubr Přerov hockey club who were approached by their coaches took part in this study. Participation in the study is entirely voluntary, so the choice of probands is random. The entry criterion for entry into the study was the age range of ice hockey players aged 15 to 18 years. Another criterion was that individuals should not have prior knee injury (ligament or meniscus rupture, fracture…), arthroscopic examination, or knee surgery. Results: 20 male probands were examined. The average age of the examined file is 16, 05 years. Of the 20 probands examined, 16 of them have at least one-sided weakening of vastus medialis obliquus, which is 80% of all examined. The relationship between the weakened vastus medialis obliquus and patellofemoral pain in ice hockey players has not been established. Comparison of statistical processing results of 0.02 with a critical value of 3.84 (p <0.05) is not statistically significant. Conclusion: H1 is therefore accepted as the presence of weakening of unilateral weakening of vastus medialis obliquus in...
Contribution to arsenic solid phase speciation in soils and mine wastes
Filippi, Michal ; Pertold, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee) ; Chovan, Martin (referee)
N1ichó] F] ]ppi Abotract Sunrnrar 1, ,tf Dtssertdtron The presentď dlssertat|on attempts to contrlbute to the current know|edge on the arsen|c (As) m|n€ra|og|ca| spec|at|on |n diverse types of so||d materta|s, such as contam|nated solls and mlne wastes. . lntřoductory part of the d|ssértat|on prov|des a geneftr| |ntroduct|on to As chemlca| and physlcal characterlstlcs and to the behavlor In the environment, wlth the maln emphasls on As so||d phase spec|aíon ln so||s and m|ne wast€s. . Next part of thé d|ssertat|on summar|zes and br|efly eva|uates m|nera|ogka| Ínethods to the study of prlmary and secondary As-bearlng phases. The maln alm ts to help wlth better or|ental|on |n the app||cat|on of these methods. The ||terauJre rď|en, showed thát áhhough a rank of modem methods have been developed |n |ast years (HMDF-STEM, AFM, BFM, PÍxE, xAs techn|ques, ND, etc.), there rema|n severá| estab||shď rnethďs (xRD, sEM, etc.) as a startlng step br mlneraloglcal research. Some other group of methods has been found as posslble useful for the study of As solld phase spechtlon (e,9,, RS, DTA, TGA, Vts DRS, VMp), The ma|n part of the d|ssertat|on |s pr€s€nted as a s€t of three papeni on shllar subjccts pub||shed |n scienťflc Journa|s - Env|ronÍrEnta| Cieo|ogy, sc|ence of the Tota| Env|ronrnent and Geoderma, The fu||ow|ng...
The Long-term Natural Corrosion of Uranium Coloured Glasses
Procházka, Radek ; Goliáš, Viktor (advisor) ; Zeman, Josef (referee) ; Helebrant, Aleš (referee)
klíčová slova: koroze skla, zvětrávání skla, přírodní alterace skla, přírodní analog, uran, experimentální loužení Historická skla barvená uranem byla vyráběna v řadě českých skláren přibližně mezi lety 1830 a 1945. Obsah uranu v těchto sklech se pohybuje v řádu desetin procenta. Materiál představuje vhodný analog tzv. nukleárních skel sloužících k imobilizaci radioaktivního odpadu. Vzhledem ke složitosti procesů předpokládaných v podzemním úložišti v době kdy se odpadní skla dostanou do kontaktu s vodou má materiál velkou vypovídací hodnotu pro posouzení dlouhodobé stability skla v přírodních podmínkách se zaměřením na chování uranu. V předložené práci jsou studovány změny historických uranem barvených skel vystavených až 150 let působení přírodních roztoků v exogenních podmínkách. Během této doby došlo na povrchu vzorků ke korozi. U draselných skel bylo při povrchu zjištěno preferenční vyloužení alkálií a vznik hydratované difúzní zóny o mocnosti až 0,6 mm. V této korodované části bylo pozorováno srážení novotvořeného kalcitu (CaCO3) patrně v důsledku zvýšeného pH. Oproti původnímu sklu byla ve vyloužené zóně potvrzena stabilní, v některých případech zvýšená koncentrace uranu. Ačkoli došlo k vyloužení až 17,5 % K2O a nahrazení prakticky veškerého draslíku ionty H3O+ z roztoku, uran zůstal ve...
Geochemical study of processes, relevant to safety assessment of deep geological repository: Uranium forms and enrichment scenario in a sedimentary system at the Ruprechtov natural analogue site
Havlová, Václava ; Jelínek, Emil (advisor) ; Pačes, Tomáš (referee) ; Zeman, Josef (referee)
U migration was studied in order to better understand to processes of safety relevant elements, particularly U. The rock sequence on the site can be analogous to a potential rock overburden of deep geology repositories. A multidisciplinary approach was undertaken in order to identify and characterise U mobilisation/immobilisation processes within sedimentary clayey rocks with organic matter enriched interlayers. Both conventional methods and modern sophisticated spectroscopic methods were combined. Sequential extraction, wet chemical method and even spectroscopic methods proved that U prevailed in the U(IV) form in low-oxidised samples. It moved towards more easily releasable fractions with sample ageing (oxidation). The combination of SE, µ-XRF and µ-XAFS results proved U to be unexpectedly associated with As and P, leading to the presumption that U(VI) from groundwater was reduced to U(IV) on As pyrite. The evaluation of the hydrogeochemical conditions and isotope analyses then brought the results into broader context: Sedimentary organic matter within the sedimentary layers was microbially oxidised, releasing dissolved organic matter and providing H+ in order to dissolve sedimentary inorganic carbonates. SO4 2- could be reduced under reducing groundwater conditions, thus causing FeS2 formation....

National Repository of Grey Literature : 14 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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2 Zeman, Juraj
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