National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Identification of cadavers and skeleton findings
Voráčová, Kateřina ; Krupička, Jiří (advisor) ; Konrád, Zdeněk (referee)
Abstract/Summary The discovery of a cadaver or skeletal remains (hereinafter the "Remains") raises a number of questions, one of which is the matter of the identity of the remains. The answer to this particular question can be found through forensic identification and utilization of one of the methods thereof. The aim of my thesis is to provide a brief overview of the methods which are currently most commonly used for the purposes of identifying Remains and introduce the reader to their basics, options and limitations. In order to ensure a better understanding of the subject, I have included a section concerning the Remains and the post-mortem changes thereof. In this thesis, I will focus only on those parts of scientific fields, which are relevant for identification of the Remains, and, similarly with respect to information systems, I target only the information being collected and analyzed by such systems in cases of Remains whose identity is not know. In this thesis, I have chosen to proceed from general terms, division of forensic identification, activities being carried out upon the discovery of the Remains, to the individual methods of identification, information system and practical case studies. The thesis is divided into ten chapters. In the first chapter, I address the subject of general terms...
Screening Cyanobacteria for Apoptosis Induction in Human Cancer Cell Lines: Discovery of a Novel Compound Nocuolin A
VORÁČOVÁ, Kateřina
Cancer-related diseases are mostly associated with reduced or inappropriate cell death. This thesis focuses on secondary cyanobacterial metabolites which induce apoptosis in human cancer cells in vitro and thus may serve as potential drug hits. Screening and selection of active natural extracts clearly precede activity-guided isolation of a bioactive compound itself. Summarizing the results of phenotypic screening of cyanobacterial extracts for inducers of apoptosis, I show that adjustment of measurement the activity of key apoptotic enzymes, caspases, per cell significantly enlarges the pool of detected hits. This could be of particular importance, since this correction is relevant for complex natural extracts as well as chemical libraries of pure compounds, and moreover applicable all the way from small-sized screens to high-throughput ones. Further, I investigated the apoptosis inducing activity of nocuolin A (NoA) a new cyanobacterial compound isolated and described by our group. NoA shows remarkable characteristics regarding its structure (1,2,3-oxadiazine heterocycle), biosynthetic origin and also its biological activity. It induces caspase-dependent apoptosis and shows potency against a panel of nine human cancer cell lines, which makes NoA a pharmaceutically interesting compound. I also bring the first insights into elucidation of its mode of action in cancer cells in vitro.
Identification of cadavers and skeleton findings
Voráčová, Kateřina ; Krupička, Jiří (advisor) ; Konrád, Zdeněk (referee)
Abstract/Summary The discovery of a cadaver or skeletal remains (hereinafter the "Remains") raises a number of questions, one of which is the matter of the identity of the remains. The answer to this particular question can be found through forensic identification and utilization of one of the methods thereof. The aim of my thesis is to provide a brief overview of the methods which are currently most commonly used for the purposes of identifying Remains and introduce the reader to their basics, options and limitations. In order to ensure a better understanding of the subject, I have included a section concerning the Remains and the post-mortem changes thereof. In this thesis, I will focus only on those parts of scientific fields, which are relevant for identification of the Remains, and, similarly with respect to information systems, I target only the information being collected and analyzed by such systems in cases of Remains whose identity is not know. In this thesis, I have chosen to proceed from general terms, division of forensic identification, activities being carried out upon the discovery of the Remains, to the individual methods of identification, information system and practical case studies. The thesis is divided into ten chapters. In the first chapter, I address the subject of general terms...
Isolation of intact plastids of the secondary alga \kur{Chromera velia} and treatment of the alga with rifampicin
VORÁČOVÁ, Kateřina
Photosynthetic organism Chromera velia was discovered recently. Thanks to the fact that it is harmless algae but close relative to apicomplexan parasites it could be used as a helpful-tool for basic research. Apicoplast serves as a target of some antimalarial agents, so my first task was to isolate pure fraction of plastid organelle. And next to apply antibiotic rifampicin at the same doses that are working in Plasmodium falciparum to see whether it would be possible to use C. velia as a model organism in first screening of new antimarial drugs.
Evolution of selected enzymes of the shikimate pathway and the haem biosynthetic pathway in Rhodophyta (class Florideophyceae)
VORÁČOVÁ, Kateřina
Diatoms derived their plastid from red algae through the secondary endosymbiosis. Most of the endosymbiont genes have been transferred from the engulfed alga to the secondary host nucleus, therefore evolution of these genes correspond to the evolution of plastids rather than to the evolution of the host organisms. Similarly, genes coding for ferrochelatase and DAHP synthase from diatoms are closely related to those from plants and green algae. Contrary to this, red algal genes do not cluster within this clade. I tried to amplify and sequence genes coding for ferrochelatase and DAHP synthase from representatives of the class Florideophyceae to investigate their phylogenetic position.

See also: similar author names
5 VORÁČOVÁ, Kateřina
2 Voráčová, Kristina
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