National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The issue of nursing children with percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy
Praksová, Martina ; Pohlová, Andrea (advisor) ; Bláhová, Květa (referee)
Pereutaneous Endoseopie Gastrostomy {further on PEG} has heen peďonned for the first time in USA in June 1979. At tbat time it was recived as a very risky metbod. Fortunatelly it did not last a very long time and this new metbod has ehanged in a ski11ed and very needed aceomplishment. In Czeeh Republie this method appeared later - in 90th years of 20th eentury. But soon it has got in eonseiousniss of doctors and other medical statI. And very promptly beeame a eomponent of tbe programme in all of tbe major hospitals. I am as an endoseopical nursing sister at tbe gastroenterologieal departmant of tbe pediatrie clinie of FN Motol. At our workplace we are engaged in tbe PEG method since the year 1996. Sinee this time we have introdueed 134 PEG's and have earried out 42 interehanges. The working processes do not significantely methodiealy distinguish at tbe pediatrie and adults patients. Aeeordingly to tbe age and namely to tbe weight of the patient it is necessary to choose the needful instruments {an endoseop and gastronornieal set}. It is possible to introduce tbe PEG sueeessfully into small ehildren. Our smallest pediatrie patient, into which we have introdueed tbe gastronomieal sound was 3 months old girl, witb weight 4 kg. At some of our pediatrie patients we have alredy realized one or more...
Ethical aspects of treating the ill professing Islam focused to women during their pregnancy
Šuralová, Emilie ; Nikodemová, Hana (advisor) ; Pohlová, Andrea (referee)
My work is based on the relation srup to the pacients in multikultural care with attaution on Islamic culture. This work has two main parts - theoretical and practical. In theoretical part I was conceutrating an multicultural care which I based on Islam. In this part I worked out single differences of Islamic culture relat d on pacients, separatetely on woman. Here I discused how medical persona) moud care about muslim pacients and what they should know about Islam. In practical part I figured out by Questions list for pacients - muslim women how this theory is working in practice. After the research was finished I worked out the results. I think that this work is noting and waking attention on weakness points in multicultural care with attention on islam culture. There is important that medical persona! is much more in formed about multicultural care and about the right care about different cultures. Powered by TCPDF (
The issue of nursing children with percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy
Praksová, Martina ; Pohlová, Andrea (advisor) ; Bláhová, Květa (referee)
Pereutaneous Endoseopie Gastrostomy {further on PEG} has heen peďonned for the first time in USA in June 1979. At tbat time it was recived as a very risky metbod. Fortunatelly it did not last a very long time and this new metbod has ehanged in a ski11ed and very needed aceomplishment. In Czeeh Republie this method appeared later - in 90th years of 20th eentury. But soon it has got in eonseiousniss of doctors and other medical statI. And very promptly beeame a eomponent of tbe programme in all of tbe major hospitals. I am as an endoseopical nursing sister at tbe gastroenterologieal departmant of tbe pediatrie clinie of FN Motol. At our workplace we are engaged in tbe PEG method since the year 1996. Sinee this time we have introdueed 134 PEG's and have earried out 42 interehanges. The working processes do not significantely methodiealy distinguish at tbe pediatrie and adults patients. Aeeordingly to tbe age and namely to tbe weight of the patient it is necessary to choose the needful instruments {an endoseop and gastronornieal set}. It is possible to introduce tbe PEG sueeessfully into small ehildren. Our smallest pediatrie patient, into which we have introdueed tbe gastronomieal sound was 3 months old girl, witb weight 4 kg. At some of our pediatrie patients we have alredy realized one or more...
Nursing process in ill with anorexia nervosa
Vacová, Mária ; Pohlová, Andrea (advisor) ; Kocourková, Jana (referee)
My graduation project is about mental anorexia (anorexia nervosa). There are two sections: theoretical and practical. In theoretical part I described mental anorexia- causes, diagnostics, complications and formsof treatment. In practical part I wrote about positive way of nursing at the patient with mental anorexia. I aimed to give informations about an individual nursing pian. The nurse can contribute with her way of caring to successful treatment. She cooperats with patienť s family and a1l members of nursing team. I used technical literature and my experiences from practise to write trus project. Powered by TCPDF (
Nursing process in ill with diabetes mellitus with a complication by diabetic gangrene of left lower limb
Müllerová, Marcela ; Pohlová, Andrea (advisor) ; Štěpán, Jan (referee)
Nursing process in ill with diabetes mellitus with a complication by diabetic gangrene of LLE. Powered by TCPDF (
Cataract in diabetics in the operating theatre Thomayerova teaching hospital with polyclinic
Hrazdílková, Barbora ; Pohlová, Andrea (advisor) ; Hložánek, Martin (referee)
Diese Diplomarbeit beschaftigt sich mit der Diabeteskatarakt. Sie zeigt die bisherigen Erkenntnisse uber die Entstehungszeit, Pathologie und Therapie der Erkrankung. Diese Diplomarbeit besteht aus zwei Teilen. Der erste Teil behandelt die Theorie und beschreibt die Einzelteile des Auges. Er beschaftigt sich dann weiter mit der Kran.kheit Diabeteskatarakt. Die Katarakt ist eine Komplikation der metabolischen Kran.kheit Diabetes mellitus. Es wird die Entstehungszeit, die lmplikation in der postoperativen Pf1ege und díe Fakoemulzifikazion behandelt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit belegt die Theoríenhypothese anhand empiríscher Daten von Patienten des Operationssaal der Unikliník. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Entstehung der Erkrankung Diabeteskatarakt, dem Alter und dem Geschlecht des Patienten sowie dem Typ der Diabetes wird dargestellt. Es wird beschrieben welchen Einf1uss auf die Katarakte aus den Komplikationen der Diabetes mellitus resultiert. Die Faktoren der perope{ationen Komplikationen werden beschrieben und die Harte der Augenlinse auf der Fakoemulzifikazion dargestellt. Powered by TCPDF (
Coeliac disease and gluten-free diet
Sejkorová, Tereza ; Pohlová, Andrea (advisor) ; Kotalová, Radana (referee)
Co liac disease is an auto-immune disease, which means that the body produces antibodies that attack its own tissues. For people with coeliac disease this attack is triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. This gluten-intolerance causes an inflammatory response that damages the gut. When the gut lining is damaged, the body cannot absorb a11 the n cessary nutrients from food. Because of this lack of nutrients, people with undiagnosed coeliac disease can have a wide range of symptoms and can suffer from nu tritional deficiencies. The symptoms are v ry individual but can include stomach and bowel symptoms, tiredness, anaemia, diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort, weight loss and vomiting, so it can take some hrne before an accu rate diagnosis is sought. Both adults and children can have this disease. There is evidence to suggest that the p revalence of coeliac disease is 1 in 200-300 people in The Czech republic. The most people with this disease is found in Europe and USA, in Africa and A ia the disease occurs very far ly. The only treatment is to be on a gluten-free diet for alllife. In this thesis I tried to find out how much the restaurant facilities in Liberec region pay a ttention to a gluten-free diet. Powered by TCPDF (

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