National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Contemporary thinkers of the European far right: a comparative analysis
Olšáková, Martina ; Charvát, Jan (advisor) ; Guasti, Petra (referee)
The thesis deals with the political thinking of contemporary intellectual representatives of the extreme right, as well as the thinkers who built the ideological foundations for the modern extreme right. In the first part of the thesis, the basic concepts with which the far-right scene works and also the methods of its organization are presented. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on important founders of extreme right-wing thought, Julius Evola, Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt and Ernst Jünger. The next part of the work is devoted to the characteristics of the contemporary extreme right, the introduction of ideological pillars, the introduction of the French New Right and the identitarian movement. In the last part of the work, the opinions on selected topics of the main representatives of the intellectual far-right scene of today, Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye, Renaud Camus, Dominiqua Venner, Götze Kubitschek, Markus Willinger, Armin Mohler, Alexander Dugin, Franco Freda and Tomislav Sunić are examined and compared. The work primarily aims to describe how the intellectual far-right scene tried to adapt its ideological and political thinking so that it became acceptable in society and the political environment after the Second World War, and what are the common and different features of the selected...
Content analysis of the Stř website
Olšáková, Martina ; Charvát, Jan (advisor) ; Jüptner, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis provides a comprehensive insight into the content of the far-right website Stř The work tries to reveal which topics, which are also typical topics for far- right, are dominant for the website as a whole and at the same time for each of the tree examined section separately. The three main sections are Home Front, World and Fortress Europe. In the theoretical part, the work briefly introduces far-right movement, its ideology and current development. In the practical part of the thesis, the method of content analysis of selected articles published on the website in 2017 and 2018 is preformed, which revealed the main topics dominant on the website. After the compilation of dataset and the coding scheme, seven categories were created, which represented individual topics important within the far right, and into which the text were sorted, after these steps it was possible to proceed to the coding process. The results of the content analysis discovered that the main topic of the site is resistance to multiculturalism. For all of the three sections in both years, the dominant topic was the same. The analysis revealed that the second most emphasized topic on the website is racism. Resistance to multiculturalism and racism are connected, and coding units have been...

See also: similar author names
1 Olšáková, Marie
2 Olšáková, Markéta
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