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Temporal gravity changes related to geodynamic phenomena and geomechanical processes
Mrlina, Jan ; Blecha, Vratislav (advisor) ; Novotný, Oldřich (referee) ; Pašteka, Roman (referee)
My Thesis is based on five papers dealing with gravity changes related to various geodynamic, geomechanical and hydrological processes and phenomena. In the first part of the Thesis the gravity changes are defined as a geophysical quantity. The two principal causative parameters are highlighted - variation in elevation of the earth surface, and temporal excess of mass (negative or positive) in the subsurface. I also discuss different groups of parameters and environmental phenomena disturbing the gravity measurements, as the data accuracy is an essential condition of gravity monitoring (4D gravity). I performed a special test with the LaCoste&Romberg D-188 gravimeter in a pressure chamber with notable result showing negligible impact of small and medium size air-pressure variations on this instrument. The calibration stability was proved during two world comparison/calibration campaigns of absolute and relative gravimeters in Sevres, France. The instrument's repeatability was evaluated as 2 μGal (0.02 μm/s 2 ). As well, calibration is being controlled by measurements on the Czech latitude calibration line between Prague and Dolní Dvořiště in South Bohemia. In order to achieve best accuracy we developed special software Drift to control the gravimeter's drift. In principle the software provides a...
Justification of ethical requirements of an employee in the concept of corporate social responsibility
Novotný, Oldřich ; Ovečka, Libor (advisor) ; Sládek, Karel (referee)
This work seeks to uphold the ethical relevance of the concept of CSR (corporate social responsibility - CSR), particularly with regard to employees as an important participant of the economic process, which the scope of the concept of CSR falls in. So first we will need to defend the importance and role of ethics in the economy in general, and then illustrate the relevance of ethical business conduct toward employees in the company's strategy, which will be based on the principle of the categorical imperative and the concept of natural rights of human as philosophical - ethical grounds. Then, at work, we will deal with a particular ethical claims stemming from philosophical - ethical defensibility of the concept, while the requirements for an employer to an employee will be critically reflected on the criteria of Christian social ethics. When instantiating the criteria of Christian social ethics will be based on the requirements of this discipline together with philosophical ethics and economic (business) ethics. The work will be based on the definition of the concept of CSR - It is a concept where a company voluntarily assume responsibility for the welfare and sustainable development of modern society, and is expected to remain competitive, and it is not two conflicting objectives. Employee as...
Historical development of the concept on the figure of the Earth
Procházková, Pavla ; Novotný, Oldřich (advisor) ; Matyska, Ctirad (referee)
Nazcv pnicc: I listoricky vyvoj mizoru na tvar /erne Autorka: Pavla Procha/kova Katedra (iista\): Katedra goofy/iky Vcdnuci diplomove pnicc: doc. RNDr. Oldfich Novotny. CSe. e-mail vctluuciho: otvi/ karel.lroja.mfV.cuni.c/ Abstrakt: Tato pracc jc zamefena mi vyvoj na/oru na ivar Xeme od prvnich starovekyeh pfedslav a/ po moderni nicfici melody. Soucasti jsou i odvo/cni tihoveho potencialu pro /cmi jako homogcnni rotujici kouli ti /cmi Ivaru slcroidu. Clenaf sc do/\ /akladni inlbrmace o mcncich metodach tvaru Xeme. kterc lidstvo postupnc pou/ivalo. Pracc /arovcn slcdujc, jak vyslcdky icchlo mclod ovlivnily nazor na tvar Xemc. Prvni vcdccka mcreni /apocala ji/ \'c 2. slolcli pf.n.L, kdv l^ratoslhcnes provedI prvni stupnova mOf'eni. Dalsfni diilc/ilyni krokem byI ohjev triangulacc a naslcdne dalckohlcdu, klcry umo/nil merit do velke v/dalenosti. I\isledm'm velkym /loinovym okam/ikcni v Icchlo mcrcnich by] ro/voj Iclii do vesmi'ru a satcMlnich inei'cni. V poslcdm'ch desclilcti'cli docha/i k sirokemu v\u7.iti tcchlo mclod ve vede a v praxi diky novym presnym melodam mcfx-ni velkych v/dalenosti pomoci laseru. V /averu prace jsou uvedeny niznc druln dues pouzivanych nadmofskych vysck a xpiisoby jejich mcreni. Klicovii slova: ivar Xeme. hisloricky pi'ehled. gcoid. sleroid. dru/icove melody Title: 1lislorical...
Surface Wave Analysis and Inversion-Application to the Bohemian Massif
Kolínský, Petr ; Prokop Brokešová, Johana (advisor) ; Novotný, Oldřich (referee) ; Růžek, Bohuslav (referee)
title: Surface Wave Analysis and Inversion Application to the Bohemian Massif author: Mgr. Petr Kolínský, DiS. author's e-mail address: departments: Department of Geophysics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8 - 180 00, Czech Republic and Department of Seismology Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, v.v.i. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic V Holešovičkách 41, Praha 8 - 182 09, Czech Republic supervisor: RNDr. Johana Brokešová, CSc. supervisor's e-mail address: consultant: RNDr. Jiří Málek, PhD. consultant's e-mail address: keywords: surface waves, group velocity, phase velocity, frequency-time analysis, multiple filtering, tomography, inversion problems, Earth crust structure, Bohemian Massif An overview of surface wave analysis methods as well as of inversion techniques is given. Special attention is paid to the multiple filtering method for dispersion curve estimation, which is described by two different ways in detail. The isometric method is used for dispersion curve inversion and its description and tests are presented. Described methods are further used in applications. The applications show examples of surface wave analysis and inversion for 1D and 2D...
Tidal phenomena in groundwater hydraulics
Ondovčin, Tomáš ; Mls, Jiří (advisor) ; Šembera, Jan (referee) ; Novotný, Oldřich (referee)
Manifestations of the tidal force have been known to humanity since an- tiquity. The oldest extant remarks on the origin of the tidal force are in the Natural History of Pliny the Elder. He also left us remarks on periodic changes of water-level in wells. This phenomenon does not necessarily have to be connected to the proximity of seas. As such, it is a subject of research since the end of 19th century. Exploring the mechanisms with which the tidal force affects the groundwater level requires combining the findings of geology and hydrogeology but also the knowledge of hydraulics and geomechanics of porous media and certain understanding of astronomy. This thesis contribu- tes to the knowledge of the mechanism of tidal oscillations in groundwater measured in a borehole near Teplice nad Metují in Police Basin. It utilizes models based on the knowledge of geological and hydrogeological structure of the surroundings of the borehole. It investigates the relation between the physical properties of porous media and the amplitude and phase of the tidal oscillations and presents solutions of the models.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 27 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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62 NOVOTNÝ, Ondřej
62 Novotný, Ondřej
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