National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Air Mass Back Trajectories and Dry Atmospheric Aerosol Mass Size Distributions in Prague
Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Štefancová, Lucia ; Maenhaut, W. ; Smolík, Jiří ; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ambient aerosol size distribution is an important factor influencing aerosol behavior and properties including particle deposition in lungs and aerosol influence on clouds. Both influences are also driven by aerosol hygroscopicity. Cascade impactors used for size resolved determination of chemical composition suffer from changes of ambient RH during sampling. Due to this factor the same particle might be deposited at different impactor stage when it is sampled at noon at 40% RH or in the early morning at 99% RH. Therefore, we used a diffusional aerosol dryer and a 7-stage modified Berner low pressure impactor with a back-up filter during the heating campaigns in 2008. The samples were analyzed for water-soluble ions (Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and water-soluble organic carbon as a main species that influence aerosol hygroscopicity. Due to the drying, the aerosol size distributions were not influenced by the daily variability of ambient relative humidity.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22013091814570 - Download fulltextPDF
Vlastnosti a zdroje předměstského pozaďového atmosférického aerosolu v Praze
Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Havránek, Vladimír ; Maenhaut, W. ; Chi, X. ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Hovorka, J. ; Smolík, Jiří
A comprehensive aerosol characterization was perfprmed for a 15-month period at Suchdol, a suburb in the NW of Prague. PM, mass concentrations, mass and number size distributions, PM10 chemical composition and the main factors influencing the PM10 concentrations were determined. The regional air pollution during low mixing periods was found to be the most important factor influencing the local levels of air pollution.
Chemická velikostní distribuce předměstského aerosolu vzorkovaného v Praze 2008 s použitím vlhkostně kontrolovaných inletů
Štefancová, Lucia ; Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Maenhaut, W. ; Chi, X. ; Smolík, Jiří
Ambient aerosol sampling was provided using two humidity controlled inlets. Dry particles were retained upon 15%RH, whereas wet particles were collected at 85-90%RH. 11 intakes was done during winter campaign and 10 during summer one. Mean mass concentration obtained for winter than for summer. In both cases the value did not exceed EU annual limit for PM10. Chemical composition was determined by ion chromatography. The most abundant were hygroscopic ions as NH4+, SO42-, NO3-. Their particle growth due to high RH was observed on their mass-size distribution. NH4+ cation has good correlation with SO42-and NO3- anions. Mean mass concentrations of WSOC, EC and OC were determined for both campaigns. WSOC value in winter was 0.80 µg/m3and 0.78µg/m3 in summer.
Výpočet teoretické hmotnostně velikostní distribuce vlhkých částic, s použitím dat vnějšího aerosolu vzorkovaného při suchých podmínkách v průběhu letní a zimní kampaně 2008
Štefancová, Lucia ; Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Maenhaut, W. ; Smolík, Jiří
The hazard caused by inhaled aerosol particles depends on their deposition inside respiratory system; their retention is influenced by hydroscopic growth. That is the main motivation of this work. The hygroscopic behavior is mostly studied by HTDMA technique. However this technique does not provide any information about chemical composition, which most of the times determines hygroscopic behavior of particles. Therefore, we decided to study both hygroscopic behavior and size resolved chemical composition at the same time using cascade impactors.
Application of difusion denuder for sampling of carbonaceous aerosols and analysis of OC/EC
Mikuška, Pavel ; Večeřa, Zbyněk ; Bartošíková, Anna ; Maenhaut, W. ; Chi, X.
Annular diffusion denuder for sampling of carbonaceous aerosols on quartz filter without interferences of gaseous organic pollutants and atmospheric oxidants is described. Exposed filters are analysed off-line for content of orgnic and elementar carbon in collected aerosols.
Application of diffusion denuder for elimination of sampling artefacts of carbonaceous aerosols
Mikuška, Pavel ; Večeřa, Zbyněk ; Broškovičová, Anna ; Maenhaut, W. ; Chi, X.
An annular diffusion denuder was developed, enabling elimination of positive sampling artefacts and inteference of oxidants during sampling of organic aerosols on a quartz filter, placed in series behind the denuder at sampling flow-rate 16,6 l/min.

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