National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Perception of Hormonal Birth Control (Contraception) by a Sample of Czech Men
Klečková, Romana ; Sokolová, Věra (advisor) ; Jiroutová Kynčlová, Tereza (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou užívání ženské hormonální antikoncepce z perspektivy mužů jakožto jejich partnerů. V teoretické části podává ucelený obraz o expertním i veřejném diskurzu a základních argumentech souvisejících s problematikou v odborné literatuře. Analytická část je konstruovaná prostřednictvím polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s vybranými respondenty, kteří svými odpověďmi vykreslují podobu této problematiky z mužské perspektivy. Jejich výpovědi jsou průběžně analyzované genderovou optikou. Diplomová práce volně navazuje na předchozí práce, zabývající se sociálními aspekty užívání hormonální antikoncepce z pohledu žen. ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with the problematics concerning the female usage of hormonal contraception from the perspective of their male partners. In the theoretical part, the thesis describes the basic assertions, expert as well as public discourse linked with the problematics represented in professional literature. The analytical part is built on semi-constructed interviews with selected respondents. The interviews are drafted to illustrate the male conception of the problematics. Their answers from the interviews are analysed one by one through the views on gender. The thesis loosely follows previous theses describing social aspects of the usage of...
Monitoring a regulace parazitického roztoče Varroa destructor v chovech včely medonosné (Apis mellifera
The aim of this thesis was to monitor the Varroa destructor parasitic mite in correlation with the microclimatic conditions of the Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica). The rate of infestation of selected bee colonies at different locations was assessed in three-day intervals. At the same time, the microclimate in the hives was observed. The monitoring took place from April to mid-October. Also, the effect of the microclimate on the mite fall count was evaluated. During the whole evaluation, the highest average daily fall count was 2.08 mites per day at honeybee colonies at location 1 and 2; 1.97 at location 3. There was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05) between those locations. The comparison of fall count between the moths of observation revealed, that highest fall count was during September (3.03 mites per day) and the lowest fall count was in April (0.41 mites per day; P 0.001). The rates of dependence (assessed by correlation analysis) between the fall count and microclimatic conditions in individual colonies varied. The strongest correlation between hive temperature and fall count (r = -0.45, P 0.05) was found at location 2. A low correlation was found at location 1 (r = -0.17, P 0.05). On the other hand, location 3 showed an insignificant and inconclusive correlation between hive temperature and fall count (r = 0.003, P > 0.05). The aggregate data (without distinction of location or month) showed significant (P 0.05) correlation between fall count and hive temperature (r = -0.14). The correlation between relative air humidity in hive and the fall count was statistically insignificant and low (r = -0.02, P > 0.05). The results revealed that the degree of correlation between the hive microclimate and the development (fall count respectively) of the Varroa destructor population is different for each colony. The monitoring of the dead Varroa destructor females is an appropriate complementary tool to diagnose a colony's infestation. The statistical analysis confirmed that with the decreasing summer and end-of-summer temperatures the Varroa destructor population grows and it is necessary to take measures to suppress its growth due to the development of the honey bee long-term winter generation.
Produkce a kvalita medu a biomedu
The aim of bachelor thesis was to compare production and quality of honey and organic honey from South Bohemia region. Sensory and chemical analysis of selected organic honeydew honey and conventional blossom honey was done. Chemical analysis assessed these traits water content, sucrose content, hydroxymethylfurfural content and electric conductivity. Obtained analyse's results were compared with legislative requirements for honey quality by Czech Ministry of Agriculture Notice no. 73/2003 Sb. and Czech beekeepers association's standard no. 1/1999 Czech honey. Only organic honey (sample no. 2) did not received Czech honey quality certificate. Measured water content was 19.5 %. Czech honey standard allows water content only up to 18 %. Higher water content was caused by beekeeper by premature honey removal. Honey was not properly matured. Other analysed traits met both quality standards. Lower honey production was found in case of organic beekeeping. Using blossom honey as a winter season reserve is a common practise in organic beekeeping, which reduces the total amount of produced (obtained) honey. Furthermore honey bee pasture and veterinary treatments are only naturally based. Organic honey production was at level of 10 to 11.5 kilogram (without 7 7.5 kg of honey due to food for overwintering) per hive whereas conventional honey production was at level of 23 to 26 kilogram per hive. Organic honey production is not based on quantity but the effort is put on bee contentment welfare.
Social situation of children suffering from enuresis
Social situation of children suffering from enuresis In the process of socialization, people often achieve a certain social status (grading on social ladder). The social development and position of the person are principally influenced by their health state. This is the basic determinant of the whole socialisation process and of maintaining the achieved social status of the man/woman, as the social position of a completely healthy and efficient man is completely different than the position of a chronically ill person, with a defect or limitation of movement. Enuresis is one of the most frequent long-term problems in paediatrics. A number of epidemiologic studies has shown that 15-20% of five-year-old and 10% of seven-year-old children have problems with urine leakage. Incontinency brings psychological and social problems to children. These problems may cause considerable handicaps to children. Enuresis may be stressing for children, may initiate the feeling of shame, failure, inferiority. Moreover this means a limitation in the usual activity for a number of them (travelling, participation in camps, school trips etc.) The target of the thesis was to find out if the illness worsens the social status of the child in the society of contemporaries and how. The research was performed at the summer camp for children suffering from enuresis and encopresis, organised by the Faculty of Health and Social Studies of the South Bohemian University in České Budějovice. In the thesis, the following methods and techniques of data collection were applied: method of observation (hidden participant), method of document analysis (contents analysis), method of questioning (non-controlled interview). It was found out by the research that the social status of children suffering from enuresis is endangered. Within social interaction these children avoid the other children on one hand as they are ashamed because of their illness, on the other hand they need social contact with contemporaries. However, all the children with enuresis do not have necessarily such experiences. The thesis has shown that the orientation on the personal identity of the child is necessary in the social work (i.e. the children have to learn to respect their own personality and to strengthen their good and healthy self-confidence).

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5 Klečková, Romana
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