National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Far-right as the problem of Czech police since 1989
Horová, Nikola ; Maslowski, Nicolas (advisor) ; Vávra, Martin (referee)
Thesis closely deals with two heavily discussed aspects of contemporary society, that are very strongly inter-connected. The first aspect of society is the problem of right-wing radicalism and extremism in Czech republic, which manifests itself by xenophobic and hateful behavior, which then disrupts public order and therefore is related to Police of Czech republic, whose job is to prevent the ruptures in order. Thesis deals with development of extremism and Police of Czech republic since 1989 and how the police reacts to this development by adequately improving its equipment, tactics, etc. The year 1989 has been set because it is the year when political regime changed and new rules in society were established. Organizational structure of the police itself is discussed in detail, considering their interventions at events organized by right-wing radicals and extremists, which nowadays most often take form of demonstrations and meetings. Keywords The Police of the Czech Republic, radikalism, extremism, gathering, order police units, anti-conflict team, security measures.
Optimalozace generace superkontinua v UV až blízké IR oblasti
HOROVÁ, Nikola
Supercontinuum generation occurs when a laser pulse with high intensity passes through an optical medium. The white light is a combination of several nonlinear effects and thus depends on the various parametres. The main task of this bachelor thesis is to find parametres (a focal length, energy of pulse, a diameter of an aperture) for the white light generation in the UV through near IR region in 2-3mm thin crystal plates of sapphire, quartz and YAP.

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3 HOROVÁ, Nikola
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