National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Plant interactions in environments with fluctuating nutrient levels
Gawliková, Karolina ; Weiser, Martin (advisor) ; Hanzelková, Věra (referee)
Plants are affected by heterogeneity of nutrients in their environment but also by the plant competition for nutrients. In this study I review limits of contemporary studies and suggest possible alternatives. Currently, there is no experimental way to separate the effect of neighbour and the effect of fluctuating nutrients. For better understanding of plant interactions in environments with fluctuating nutrient levels, it is crucial to have thorough understanding of the heterogeneity itself, of the reactions of plants on said heterogeneity and also of the plant competition for nutrients. Then it is important to incorporate all this information into planning of the experimental design and simultaneously have them in mind when interpreting the acquired results.
The effect of invasive and native plants on abiotic and biotic soil properties
Hanzelková, Věra ; Aldorfová, Anna (advisor) ; Sudová, Radka (referee)
Invasive plants represent an important topic of study in current ecology because of their effects on whole ecosystems. The plants interact with the soil including soil biota, with the other plants in the community and with other organisms, eg. herbivores. Invasive plants often differ from non- invasive plants in nutrient utilization and can thus affect soil pH as well. They may also differ in the way they interact with mycorrhizal fungi that help the plants with nutrient uptake. In this study, the effect of invasive and native plants on soil properties is compared. Congeneric pairs of species, where one species is native and the other invasive, are compared. The native species are chosen so that they are dominant and therefore comparable to the invasive plants in the new environment. The evaluated soil properties are pH value and content of elemental nutrients from abiotic properties, and the amount of mycorrhizal fungi propagules and their spreading rate in soil from the biotic properties. In this study, the invasive and native plants differ only in the content of exchangeable phosphorus and potassium. Content of these two nutrients and one of the indicators of mycorrhizal fungi differ within the pairs of species as well. For most soil properties, the genus of the plant plays the main role, not...
The effect of invasive and native plants on abiotic and biotic soil properties
Hanzelková, Věra ; Aldorfová, Anna (advisor) ; Sudová, Radka (referee)
Invasive plants represent an important topic of study in current ecology because of their effects on whole ecosystems. The plants interact with the soil including soil biota, with the other plants in the community and with other organisms, eg. herbivores. Invasive plants often differ from non- invasive plants in nutrient utilization and can thus affect soil pH as well. They may also differ in the way they interact with mycorrhizal fungi that help the plants with nutrient uptake. In this study, the effect of invasive and native plants on soil properties is compared. Congeneric pairs of species, where one species is native and the other invasive, are compared. The native species are chosen so that they are dominant and therefore comparable to the invasive plants in the new environment. The evaluated soil properties are pH value and content of elemental nutrients from abiotic properties, and the amount of mycorrhizal fungi propagules and their spreading rate in soil from the biotic properties. In this study, the invasive and native plants differ only in the content of exchangeable phosphorus and potassium. Content of these two nutrients and one of the indicators of mycorrhizal fungi differ within the pairs of species as well. For most soil properties, the genus of the plant plays the main role, not...
Importance of biotic and abiotic components in feedback between plants and soil
Hanzelková, Věra ; Pánková, Hana (advisor) ; Knappová, Jana (referee)
The plant-soil feedback affects the forming of a plant community. Plants affect their own species as well as other species. The plant-soil feedback can be both positive and negative. Plants affect soil, change its properties, and the soil affects the plants reciprocally. Soil components can be divided into biotic and abiotic ones. The abiotic component is represented by physical and chemical properties of the soil. The main properties are the soil structure, the soil moisture, the soil temperature, the soil pH and the amount and availability of nutrients. The biotic component is composed of soil biota. The individual organisms can function as decomposers, symbionts and pathogens. The majority of soil organisms is composed of microorganisms, the most important of which are fungi and bacteria. The effect of the abiotic component in plant-soil feedback is mostly nonspecific, while the effect of the biotic component is more specific. These components interact with each other and determine the resulting effect on the plants and the type and intensity of interaction between various plant species. The aim of this thesis is to show the importance of these components in the plant-soil feedback. Key words: plant-soil feedback, abiotic factors, biotic factors, soil structure, soil water, soil temperature, pH,...

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4 Hanzelková, Veronika
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