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Studies on gas microturbine operation
Horník, Jan ; Bobák, Petr (referee) ; Vondra, Marek (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the study of the gas microturbine. Theoretical part makes the reader familiar with gas microturbine. Practical part is focused on its use in the field of industrial laundry. Analytical part includes the design and execution of measurement, which is followed by necessary calculations. On the basis of it is proposed several uses of combustion from microturbine. The final output of this work is financial balance for each of those uses, where can be seen return of the investment.
Design of heat exchanger chamber
Horník, Jan ; Naď, Martin (referee) ; Klučka, Ivan (advisor)
The master thesis is focused on the field of heat exchangers. Theoretical part makes the reader familiar with heat exchangers. Practical part is focused on design of chamber, which is part of heat exchanger. Practical part consists of strength calculation by standard ČSN EN 13445. Dimensions of tube sheet are gained in program Visual vessel design. Those parameters are used for creating of 3D model with accurate dimensions which is analyzed in ANSYS Workbench. Output of this analysis is evaluation by stress classification. Practical part is supplemented by drawing of heat exchanger.
Criminal law application of corruption and bribery
Horník, Jan ; Novotný, Oto (advisor) ; Gřivna, Tomáš (referee) ; Karabec, Zdeněk (referee)
- 1 - Abstract of Jan Horník's dissertation "Criminal law application of corruption and bribery" This dissertation, as it follows from its title, deals with the issues of corruption and bribery, mainly from the perspective of criminal substantive law. The author emphasises the fact that corruption has been discussed as an adverse social phenomenon which has for a long time constituted an issue of not only national dimension, but has been the object of activities of numerous international or multinational organisations due to its diversity and wide spread. Since the media cover corruption-related cases on an almost-daily basis (and we will leave it to the reader whether or not to believe the saying that everyone is corruptible, what only matters is the amount of the bribe offered and the circumstances under which it is offered), the author of this dissertation decided to highlight and explain the aspects related to corruption, and in that context to analyse the applicable laws of the Czech Republic. The aim of this dissertation is to introduce the reader to the general principles of the law applicable to penalisation of corruption, particularly from the perspective of criminal substantive law, and also from the perspectives of criminology and international law. The dissertation offers a general introduction...
Protection against bribery and corruption and their prevention
Horník, Jan ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor) ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee)
Úplatky jsou bohužel v dnešní společnosti jevem zcela běžným, ba pro mnohé dokonce přirozenou součástí každodenního života. Úplatkářství či korupce mají velmi silnou tendenci být všude přítomny a jsou jedním z nejzávažnějších problémů soudobé společnosti. Důkazem může být následující rčení: "Každý je úplatný, záleží jen na výši nabízené částky a okolnosti, za které je nabízena," 1 neboli "každý má svou cenu". V každé, byť sebedokonalejší společnosti, se najdou jedinci, kteří jsou úplatní a kteří chtějí mít ze všeho i něco pro sebe. Dá se říci, že neexistuje stát či státní útvar, který by tento soudobý fenomén zcela zlikvidoval. Nicméně pomyslnou metou každé společnosti je snížit výskyt korupce na co nejnižší míru, neboť její eliminace je v podstatě nereálná! V Preambuli Trestněprávní úmluvy o korupci 2 se uvádí, že členské státy Rady Evropy (k nimž patří i ČR) a ostatní signatářské státy této úmluvy mimo jiné zdůrazňují, že korupce ohrožuje zákonnost, demokracii a lidská práva, podrývá dobrý způsob vlády, zásady solidnosti a sociální spravedlnosti, zkresluje konkurenceschopnost, brzdí ekonomický rozvoj a ohrožuje stabilitu demokratických institucí a morální základy společnosti. To je dokladem toho, že korupce není jen problémem jednotlivých států, ale že má i dosti značný mezinárodní rozměr. Je to fenomén,...
Vyhodnocení erozní ohroženosti pozemků a návrh řešení na vybraném projektu komplexní pozemkové úpravy
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of erosion risks and design solutions to selected comprehensive landscaping project. As a region of interest for the job is selected cadastral areas Rychnov u Nových Hradů and Dlouhá Stropnice, which lies in Region of South Budweis. For calculations of values is washed off using a universal soil loss equation by Wischmeier and Smith. The plots of erosion rate greater than the permissible quantity of proposed erosion control measures such as erosion control crop rotation, contour cultivation and erosion limits.
Design of heat exchanger chamber
Horník, Jan ; Naď, Martin (referee) ; Klučka, Ivan (advisor)
The master thesis is focused on the field of heat exchangers. Theoretical part makes the reader familiar with heat exchangers. Practical part is focused on design of chamber, which is part of heat exchanger. Practical part consists of strength calculation by standard ČSN EN 13445. Dimensions of tube sheet are gained in program Visual vessel design. Those parameters are used for creating of 3D model with accurate dimensions which is analyzed in ANSYS Workbench. Output of this analysis is evaluation by stress classification. Practical part is supplemented by drawing of heat exchanger.
Studies on gas microturbine operation
Horník, Jan ; Bobák, Petr (referee) ; Vondra, Marek (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the study of the gas microturbine. Theoretical part makes the reader familiar with gas microturbine. Practical part is focused on its use in the field of industrial laundry. Analytical part includes the design and execution of measurement, which is followed by necessary calculations. On the basis of it is proposed several uses of combustion from microturbine. The final output of this work is financial balance for each of those uses, where can be seen return of the investment.
Integration of programs into WCF web service
Chladík, Jan ; Gála, Libor (advisor) ; Horník, Jan (referee)
This thesis deals with integration of separate .NET programs of photovoltaic power plant monitoring system. The main goal is integration of functions provided by programs into a single communication interface in the form of SOAP and REST compatible web service while minimizing cost. The integration is performed using a newly developed integration application that dynamically generates a web service using WCF technology. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part describes the current state of the photovoltaic power plant monitoring system, its problems and solution conditions. According to these problems and conditions is designed the target state of the system. The second part is divided into phases of the project according to the OpenUP methodology. Inception phase contains a selection of technologies and approaches that are used to achieve the target state of the system in compliance with solution conditions. Elaboration phase describes how to design and define the necessary tasks of development and implementation. In construction phase is described development and implementation of tasks of designed solution within integration application including object type serialization. Transition phase describes the individual tasks of editing existing programs to achieve integration. The last part of this thesis describes some possible directions for further development of the solution. The contribution of this thesis consists in the comprehensive elaboration of all main tasks of integration of programs.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 13 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
4 Horník, Jakub
11 Horník, Jan
3 Horník, Jiří
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