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Vliv ročního období na složení a bod mrznutí mléka holštýnských dojnic ve vybraném chovu
Hájková, Kamila
The aim of the bachelor work was to evaluate the effect of season on major milk components of Holstein cows in the selected dairy farm. We monitored milk fat, pro-tein and freezing point. All avaible data and informations about milk composition, free-zing point of milk as well as history of the Holstein breed and animal recording were summarized in the literature review. Milk for subsequent analysis was collected every three months from spring to winter 2014 during animal recording in the Lesoňovice farm, which deals with raising Holstein cows. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory of applied lactology at the Institute of Animal Breeding of the Mendel University in Brno. Milk yield was determined through animal recording. We calculated average values of observed parameters for each season, and then compared with other periods. The results show that the influence of the season was most apparent in milk fat content and the freezing point of milk but less obvious in protein content.
Vlivy působící na množství somatických buněk v mléce holštýnských krav ve vybraném chovu
Hájková, Kamila
The aim of this thesis was to assess and evaluate various influences on somatic cell count of Holstein cows milk in a selected dairy farm. Five years (2012-2016) of monitoring animal recordings was used as a basis for studying and finding indicators that affect of somatic cells count. Milk yield, fat and protein content were also analyzed from data taken from animal recordings. We studied effects of the month, the year, the number of lactation and the milk yield. Mean values and other statistical indicators of milk compounds (minimum, maximum, coefficiet of variation, standard deviation) were determined and then compared with the other months and years. The results show that milk yield, number of lactation, month of the year effects somatic cell count. Weak correlation was found for influence the fat and protein content on somatic cell count.
Vliv ročního období na složení a bod mrznutí mléka holštýnských dojnic ve vybraném chovu
Hájková, Kamila
The aim of the bachelor work was to evaluate the effect of season on major milk components of Holstein cows in the selected dairy farm. We monitored milk fat, pro-tein and freezing point. All avaible data and informations about milk composition, free-zing point of milk as well as history of the Holstein breed and animal recording were summarized in the literature review. Milk for subsequent analysis was collected every three months from spring to winter 2014 during animal recording in the Lesoňovice farm, which deals with raising Holstein cows. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory of applied lactology at the Institute of Animal Breeding of the Mendel University in Brno. Milk yield was determined through animal recording. We calculated average values of observed parameters for each season, and then compared with other periods. The results show that the influence of the season was most apparent in milk fat content and the freezing point of milk but less obvious in protein content.

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11 HÁJKOVÁ, Klára
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12 Hájková, Karolína
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26 Hájková, Kateřina
11 Hájková, Klára
4 Hájková, Kristina
4 Hájková, Kristína
6 Hájková, Kristýna
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