National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Does EU Membership Influence the Approach to the United Nations Security Council Reform? Comparison of Germany and Japan
Franěk, Robert ; Weiss, Tomáš (advisor) ; Váška, Jan (referee)
Reform of the United Nations Security Council has already become an evergreen of international politics. There are many reform proposals, but it's impossible to find satisfactory solution. One of the main candidates for new permanent membership is Germany, which published its bid in 1992. During 90's also emerged first proposals mentioning the possibility of future permanent membership of the European Union. This thesis contributes to debate on Europeanisation of foreign policies of EU member states. The aim is to find out, whether has German bid for permanent membership in the UN Security Council been influenced by membership of Germany in the European Union. For a better recognition of possible Europeanisation effects is German case compared with Japan, which published its bid only one year later and shares similar characteristics to Germany. Content analysis method is used to compare German and Japanese argumentation with regard to four topics: equitable representation, economic power, multilateral cooperation and responsibility.
Promoting Czech Priorities in Eastern Partnership: Three Czech Presidencies
Franěk, Robert ; Váška, Jan (advisor) ; Najšlová, Lucia (referee)
The thesis "Promoting Czech Priorities in Eastern Partnership" deals with Czech policy towards six states of Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus during three presidencies: in Visegrad Group in years 2007/2008 and 2011/2012 and in the Council of EU in 2009. These periods were chosen, because Czech Republic had the biggest opportunity to influence the project in them. Based on the analysis of presidency programms and evaluation of agenda, the thesis tries to assess, if was Czech Republic successful in promoting its foreign policy priorities in the project during the presidencies. First chapters of the thesis are dedicated to history of Czech relations with the region of Eastern Europe and to description of Eastern Partnership project. The other three chapters are case studies of particular presidencies. After all, the thesis concludes, that despite the fact, that Czech Republic successfully included its priorities in presidency programms and agenda, it was not able to promote them on the EU level because of lack of political interest and experience.

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3 FRANĚK, Roman
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