National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Family as factor influencing socially - patological behaviour of the child
Brzobohatý, Ladislav ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor) ; Vítečková, Michaela (referee)
Diploma work "Family as factor influencing socially-patological behaviour of the child" is compiled teoretical ly and scienti fically. Teoretical part deal in fami ly and its relations concerned. Prel iminarily it describes some patological phenomenons which signi ficantly influnce the development of the family.Basic functions of family as well as its fail rures are desribed.Also some of undesi rable mani festations of behaviour of particular members of family are desribed.Teoretical part of diploma work shows the relation between disfunction of the family and inception of patological behaviour of individuals.Suicide,missuse of drugs,problems connected with deliquent behaviour and penitenciar t reatment are evaluated as the most dangerous for human and for the society as a whole. A.m. conclusions are followed by empi rical part.Empi rical part examines number of some fami ly factors in anamnesis of young imprisoned persons.Particularily informations about completness and functionality of families of these individuals are examined. Furthermore this part concentrates on monitoring of emotional relation of parents to thei r deliquent chlidren and at the same time the way of upbringing is monitored. The summary comprises both theoretical conlusions as well as conlusions based on informations coming from the...
Family as factor influencing socially - patological behaviour of the child
Brzobohatý, Ladislav ; Vítečková, Michaela (referee) ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor)
Diploma work "Family as factor influencing socially-patological behaviour of the child" is compiled teoretical ly and scienti fically. Teoretical part deal in fami ly and its relations concerned. Prel iminarily it describes some patological phenomenons which signi ficantly influnce the development of the family.Basic functions of family as well as its fail rures are desribed.Also some of undesi rable mani festations of behaviour of particular members of family are desribed.Teoretical part of diploma work shows the relation between disfunction of the family and inception of patological behaviour of individuals.Suicide,missuse of drugs,problems connected with deliquent behaviour and penitenciar t reatment are evaluated as the most dangerous for human and for the society as a whole. A.m. conclusions are followed by empi rical part.Empi rical part examines number of some fami ly factors in anamnesis of young imprisoned persons.Particularily informations about completness and functionality of families of these individuals are examined. Furthermore this part concentrates on monitoring of emotional relation of parents to thei r deliquent chlidren and at the same time the way of upbringing is monitored. The summary comprises both theoretical conlusions as well as conlusions based on informations coming from the...

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6 Brzobohatý, Lukáš
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