National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Fungal symbioses in roots of the seagrass genus Posidonia: distribution, phenotypic and genetic variability and potential ecophysiological significance
Borovec, Ondřej ; Vohník, Martin (advisor) ; Gryndler, Milan (referee) ; Adamec, Lubomír (referee)
Plant roots host a wide spectrum of endophytic fungi ranging from parasites through neutralistic fungi to mutualistic mycorrhizal fungi. In most of terrestrial ecosystems, these groups of symbiotic fungi are well documented. However, much less is known about fungal endophytes of aquatic plants, especially the only group of submerged marine plants, seagrasses. We focused on roots of the seagrass species Posidonia oceanica which is a Mediterranean endemite. Its roots hosted an abundant presence of endophytic fungi. We examined the roots using optical and electron microscopy in order to study its morphology. We isolated the mycobionts and determined their taxonomic classification. A specific symbiosis of P. oceanica roots and dark coloured septate fungus has been recorded all over a vast area of the Mediterranean spreading from southern Spain to south Turkey. The fungus forms distinctive and typical structures: superficial hyphae occasionally forming hyphal sheaths or dense hyphal nets, intraradical hyphae colonizing extracellular space and, occasionally, primary cortex cells, and finally intracellular microsclerotia. The colonization pattern of the fungi resembles dark septate endophytes (DSE), group of fungi commonly found in roots of both terrestrial and freshwater plants. In our following studies, we...
Fungal symbioses in roots of the seagrass genus Posidonia: distribution, phenotypic and genetic variability and potential ecophysiological significance
Borovec, Ondřej ; Vohník, Martin (advisor) ; Gryndler, Milan (referee) ; Adamec, Lubomír (referee)
Plant roots host a wide spectrum of endophytic fungi ranging from parasites through neutralistic fungi to mutualistic mycorrhizal fungi. In most of terrestrial ecosystems, these groups of symbiotic fungi are well documented. However, much less is known about fungal endophytes of aquatic plants, especially the only group of submerged marine plants, seagrasses. We focused on roots of the seagrass species Posidonia oceanica which is a Mediterranean endemite. Its roots hosted an abundant presence of endophytic fungi. We examined the roots using optical and electron microscopy in order to study its morphology. We isolated the mycobionts and determined their taxonomic classification. A specific symbiosis of P. oceanica roots and dark coloured septate fungus has been recorded all over a vast area of the Mediterranean spreading from southern Spain to south Turkey. The fungus forms distinctive and typical structures: superficial hyphae occasionally forming hyphal sheaths or dense hyphal nets, intraradical hyphae colonizing extracellular space and, occasionally, primary cortex cells, and finally intracellular microsclerotia. The colonization pattern of the fungi resembles dark septate endophytes (DSE), group of fungi commonly found in roots of both terrestrial and freshwater plants. In our following studies, we...
Collection of aquatic and wetland plants, Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Třeboň
Navrátilová, Jana ; Husák, Štěpán ; Adamec, Lubomír ; Dvořáková, Kateřina
The Collection of Aquatic and Wetland Plants of the Institute of Botany AS CR in Třeboň was founded in 1976 with the aim to enable ex situ studies of threatened plant species. Since that time the Collection has provided plant material for experiments, repatriation of threatened species, taxonomical studies, and botanical illustrations for the compendium Flora of the Czech Republic. It is also used as an educational collection for university students and public. Since 1998, the seeds from the Collection (about 150–200 species each year) have been collected and offered for exchange to other institutions and botanical gardens within the Index Seminum. The Collection of Aquatic and Wetland Plants is located in the Section of Ecology of the Institute of Botany in Třeboň on an area of about 0.04 ha and its current design come from 1997. The Collection includes more than 400 species grown in outdoor containers and in a greenhouse. The overwhelming majority of these species are native to the Czech Republic; the others are mainly from other parts of the northern temperate zone. The Collection of Aquatic and Wetland Plants is the largest collection of living higher aquatic and wetland plants in Europe and one of the largest collections in the world.

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